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*Momo's POV*

after I treated myself I went straight to my office I didn't look for sana because I knew she needed time to clear her thoughts, when I got to my office I sat in my chair and sighed.

A few hours later I heard a knock on my office door. I didn't notice that I fell asleep "come in" I said and stretched, I saw jeong and the maknae at the door "why did you come here?" I asked them.

"momo do you know you didn't get into the first subject?" They didn't answer my question insted jeong's the one who asked. I looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it was 9:34.

"shit I fell asleep" I said and arranged my things and was about to leave. "hyung where are you going?" chaeng asked "the second subject is about to start, lets go boys" I said and pulled them out but they just looked at each other and said.

"we don't have a second subject today ms. kim can't attend the class today" hyung said and stopped me from pulling them.

"huh? really why isn't she coming?" I asked and gave them a confused look. "Don't ask too many questions...we're here just to rest not to answer your damn questions hyung" tzu said.

I'm used to tzu talking to me like that so it's okay even if she swear at me and I'm swearing at her too so its a tie.

and she lay down on the couch and turned on the tv, I just looked at them and put down my stuff. I scratched the back of my neck and sat down with them.

*Sana's POV*

I didn't see momo enter their first class, I just ignored that maybe she was just busy with other things, I was going to the canteen when I caught up with jihyo. "Sana, are you going to the canteen?" She asked. "hmn" I just hummed and walked with jihyo.

when we got to the canteen I noticed that jihyo was looking straight at me I was a bit uncomfortable because of that look so I turned to her and said.

"jihyo is there dirt on my face why did you look at me earlier" I said and laugh a little. "Tell me do you have a problems?" She suddenly asked, I shook my head and said.

"I don't have a problem why?" I lied so she wouldn't worry but I knew she wouldn't believe it "sana tell me the truth please" she said and held my hand.

"Can we just talk about this on the rooftop? There are as many people here so maybe someone can hear our convo" I said and she just nodded and pulled her to the rooftop.

as we were walking to the rooftop i saw jungkook who was also walking towards the direction where we were walking, he came over and said. "babe can we talk" and held my hand "jungkook didn't I tell you I want to be alone first" I answered him and removed his hand from mine.

"babe please let's talk about this" he said and insisted to hold my hand but I also always remove it.

"jungkook please respect sana's decision leave her alone first" jihyo said and jungkook miraculously listened, "but after that we'll talk babe okay?" he said and left. We arrived in rooftop and jihyo suddenly speak.

"Are you sad because you and jungkook fought?" jihyo said but I didn't answer her I sat down for a while and took a breath of fresh air, "now speak sana so i can help you" jihyo said who was standing behind me.

"I don't know where to start but jungkook and momo had a fight this morning" I said and jihyo sat down next to me to listen carefully. "what do you mean.... why did they fight? What happen this morning?" jihyo asked confused.

"I also don't know what happened but when I arrived at the auditorium I saw that jungkook had already punched momo so I immediately shout to stop him but i was to late" I said and sighed.

"Then what happened?" jihyo asked and looked at the sky. "then momo left the auditorium and left the two of us, jungkook said he didn't want to see me with momo anymore, but I said no because she's my friend" I said and rubbed my forehead.

"then what did he say"

"He said that I should just follow what he wants, but I said that I will just follow whatever he wants when he apologizes to momo" I replied to her she just nodded which means that she wants me to continue what I was saying

"then I left him alone in the auditorium and looked for momo, I saw her in the locker with blood in her mouth so I went to her to treat her wounds"

and I said that everything happened earlier. "Then I said I need to be alone first because I need to think" I said and jihyo just nodded.

"but if jungkook didn't court you, can momo have a chance to be your boyfriend?" She asked "jihyo" I said and gave her a serious look.

"I'm just asking" she said and laughed. "but I don't really know what to do hyo, I'm confused I can't think straight because of those two" I said and sighed.

"this is all I can advise to you sana-shi, you don't know if you can fall in love with someone you don't expect to fall in love with, like me I didn't expect to fall in love with a player like jeongyeon, but now look at us. We're happy to be with each others side" she said and smiled.

"so if I'm you... think about it first, because you don't know if you'll will fall in love for momo or not " she said and tapped me on the shoulder.

I smiled at what she said, I knew in myself that I still needed time to be able to think, it wasn't easy for me to enter this situation.

I have a boyfriend but I also have a friend who likes me we don't know maybe one day..... one day when i woke up I will feel or know that "I already fall for momo" I said to myself and followed jihyo who left the rooftop.

That's it for this chap sorry for the wrong grammars.🧡

Don't fotget to vote love lots😙


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