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*No one's POV*

today is friday, so that means the students have PE. just a minute and the first subject teacher will be finished and then the PE teacher, a few seconds later and the bell rings meaning the math class is over.

the students have their equipment ready because, in a few seconds, their PE teacher will arrive. "okay class, take your belongings to the auditorium" the teacher said and the students immediately followed her command.

they were already in the auditorium, and sat on one of the stone chairs. they waited for their teacher for today's activities.

"everyone stand up and I have something to say" and the students immediately stood up. "because basketball is our lesson this semester, we will be playing basketball" the teacher said and the all the boys shouted.

"Shut up, for the girls you will only play ball at the side because you don't know how to play basketball, but of the four names I will mention, you will be  play basketball with the boys because of the awkwardness you did when we last met" the teacher said and began to call the name. the students already know who the teacher is going to mention.

*Momo's POV*

"But of the four names I will mention, you will be play basketball with the boys because of the awkwardness you did when we last met" Ms. Lee said, and i know who she ment.

"Ms. Yoo, Chou, Son and last but not the list Ms. Hirai, the four of you will play a game with boys, punishment for what you did in the previous meeting." the teacher said and sat down on the bench she was carrying.

the four of us looked at each other and suddenly laughed because of our reactions. "The four of us will be punished together, always" Jeong said and laughed. the teacher gave us a Basketball uniform to dress up, and this is how we look.

 the teacher gave us a Basketball uniform to dress up, and this is how we look

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I can say that we are better wearing basketball uniforms than mens. when we came out of the restroom all the students looked at us as if they had seen an actor, but suddenly they looked at our shorts, we also looked at it and we saw that our pets(you will know what i mean in the future chapters😅)were scratched.

we immediately went back to the restroom to fix what we had to fix. when we came out the boys started playing and some of the girls were just sitting and the others were playing.

i saw jihyo playing with our other friends. I looked at jeong and said. "They almost find out, bro" I said and patted her shoulder.

our teacher called us and said that we had started playing games with the boys.

we nodded and headed to where the boys were. we got to where the boys were playing and there was a guy approach to us as if he was flirting.

"Hey girls, let's play" he said and touched tzu's shoulder. "you take your hands off my shoulder or you want to go home with a wound on your face" tzu said without emotion.

"woah! you're wild, I like that" the guy said and removed his hand from tzu's shoulder.

"I have a bet with you, let's play if we win we can take you out on a date but if you win we will stop bodering you and treat you" he said and we just nodded and followed him.

"Guys, let's start playing with them, I also know that they will lose" the boy said and smirked. "make sure you guys will win against us, you don't know who you're up against" I said and approached him and gave him a deadly look, well the man was small so he looked up at me.

The man left and went behind the companion but he was still wearing the arrogant face. "okay, let's start, maybe there will be another fight here" jeong said and pulled me to her side.

(I will just skip this part i don't really know how to describe this part, just imagine momo is playing basketball✌)

It was a good game, the other group lost maybe they didn't know that I was a basketball captain before.

"I thought you were going to beat us?" I asked with a smirk "I-i didn't say that"  the man said stammered. "as we discussed, you won't bother us anymore....and don't treat us either we can buy our own food" they just nodded while panting.

"The ease of that game, I didn't even sweat" jeong said proudly. "Shut up, i can see the amount of sweat on your face" I said and everyone laughed.

"Its hot" I said and took off my clothes, I'm wearing a sports bra so my breasts will be covered. "Are you guys hot too?" I asked them, no one answered because they were just looking at my stomach.

"I'm really jealous of your abs momo hyung" chaeng said and touched it. "Go to the gym too, don't just eat you guys can do it too" I said and patted her shoulder.

we are going to where the rest of our friends are, I see that many girls and boys are looking at us or just me really.

I just wonder in my mind. "haven't they seen abs before?" we have reached where our friends are, and nothing seems to have changed....they are also looking at my abs.

*jihyo's POV*

we saw momo take off her clothes and I also saw her abs, she's really hot. I looked at our friends and I saw that they were smiling too.

"guys, momo's really hot" mina said looking at momo. "Yes" we said in the same time.

they are in front of us we can see momo's abs more. we didn't do anything but were stunned because of momo's abs.

"Guys, don't stare or it will melt" tzu said looking at mina. we go back to reality when tzu said that.

"momo do you want water?" we said at the same time, I saw momo smirk meaning she has a plan.

She opened the bottle of water in my hand and drank while I was still holding the bottle and..... and she licked my hand. I immediately blushed.

"wtf, momo why did you lick my girlfriend's hand?!" jeong asked angrily

we're all shocked at what she said. "g-girlfriend?" I stammered,
"She's your girlfriend? Why don't we know" Momo said and smirked,

"She's not my girlfriend, I haven't answered her yet" I said and looked down. "You don't own her yet so I can do whatever I want with her" momo said parted my hair to the tip of my ear.

"yes I'm not her girlfriend yet, but she will answer me soon" jeong said and the next thing she did surprised everyone.

she pulled me and kissed me on the lips. the softness of his lips I couldn't do anything but to kissed her back.

She parted her lips from mine and said. "You saw that, someone owns her so don't try to take her from me" she said and looked at momo.

"you too" momo just chuckled at the jealous jeongyeon. momo raised both her hands as a hint that she was surrendering. "ok fine"

"momo unnie, can i touch your abs?" dubu asked "ye-" momo didn't finish what she was going to say, "no" chaeng said and kissed the blushing dubu.

the naked momo just smile, we just laughed at the cute couple. "momo can I touch your abs?" shy mina asked, "no" it wasn't momo who said it but tzu,

"your mine, and you can't touch momo hyung's abs" she said and held mina's hand, mina immediately blushed at what tzu said.

Thank you for reading, hope you like this chap.🙂😊

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