The day

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*No one's POV*

a week passed, nothing changed  between momo and sana they, didn't even notice that their friends were worried for the friendship of the two. but today is the day where momo and jihyo will perform today is a special day for the both of them cause they can show their dancing talents.

everyone is preparing for the contest, the contestants stretching and practiceling their dances, but jihyo and momo are just sitting, because for three weeks of practicing, they have mastered all the moves they will make today.

"Hyo are you ready to beat their asses up?" momo asked jihyo. jihyo smirked, "of course, I've wanted to beat them all for a long time"

In the days that passed, momo didn't even think about what sana did to her because she didn't want to interfere with their contest, she didn't want to think of negative thoughts.

the contest has started and jihyo and momo will performe after the first 2 contestants, their friends are already sitting and they are just waiting for their performance.

"the next participant is the duo jihyo and momo,let us give them a round of applause. The Mc said and everyone cheered for the duo. jihyo and momo looked and smiled at each other. "We can do this hyo" momo said and they both hugged.

*Momo's  POV*

the contest went well, we finished our dance and went to the back stage, there we saw our friends smiling at each other. "congrats!" they said to our.

"It has not yet been announced who won, congrats right away" I said and laughed. "even tho, it's nice to see you two perform" chaeng said and I saw jeong's face as I hugged jihyo.

"yes, my baby is really good at dancing" I said to jihyo and kissed her on the forhead, to tease jeong and I think I was lucky because I saw her clinching her fist.

"Yah! Don't kiss her" jeong said and pulled jihyo away from me. "okay, fine I surrender" I said and raised my two hands as signaling that I was surrendering, and everyone laughed.

"all the contestants go to the stage, we will announce who won" the mc said and we immediately went to the stage and held hands.

"Now we will know who will win the trophy" the mc said. "Are you guys ready to know who won?"
"Yes!" the people waiting for who won said.

"okay, the winner is nothing but the..... mohyo duo!" The mc said and everyone shouted because of our victory.

"congratulations to you two, accept this trophy for you" said the mc and the judge gave trophy to us. "thank you" we replied and bowed to all the judge and the people who watched tonight.

we went to the back stage and got dressed because we're our way home, we saw our friend waiting. "Congratulations" jeong said and hugged jihyo. "I thought you were congratulating the both of us, why did you just hug jihyo?" I asked jeong who was holding jihyo's waist.

"I can only hug her, sorry" jeong said and everyone laughed.
"I congratulate you again hyung, I told you guys will win" chaeng said and gave me a hug. "Congratulations" sana suddenly said in the back.

I just nodded and smiled a little, and turned my gaze to the others.
"Um.... guys let's give them space first to talk" nayeon unnie said and they all left the back stage and went to the van that we will use to go home.

Sana and I were the only ones left in the back stage, it was a bit awkward because no one was talking to us.
So I thought of breaking the ice.
"Um, lets go they are waiting in the van. I said and was about to leave, but sana held my hand and stopped me from leaving." momo, let's talk for a while "she said in a whisper, but I heard it.

"Sana, if all we have to talk about  our fight, pls don't do it now." I said and faced her. "Pls momo, let's talk about this I don't want us to see each other as if nothing happened." She said and began to cry.

"Sana....don't cry, we don't need to talk about that anymore." I said coldly. "momo pls, we will not fix it if we don't talk about it" sana said and hugged me.

"I'm begging you momo, let's fix this friendship I don't want to lose you I can't lose a friend like you." She said and just chuckled and said.
"That's it, friend you just consider me as a friend, I know that and that will not change, am I right?" I asked and a tears started to from into my eyes.

"h-huh? what do you mean?" She asked and sniffed. "nothing, I know you can't understand what i'm saying"
"momo, pls I don't want you to ignore me let's fix this." She pleaded.
"We're fine everything is fine, you just don't really notice it" I said and removed her hand from hugging me.

"Come on we have to go home and I want to rest from what happened today" I said and left her alone.
because I don't want her to see me crying, I don't want to be weak when it come's to her and most of all I do not want to add to what I feeling for her. I called jeong and told them to go home first because I still have to go somewhere.

I went to the river to think and breathe some fresh air. "I hope I just don't like you, if only I could feel so much pain in loving you." I said and started crying.

"I just wish I hadn't changed for you, I wish I hadn't met you at first." "arghh .... if only I could remove you from my heart and mind I did it for a long time." I said to myself, I was surprised when someone suddenly spoke behind me.

"So.... I like you like sana?" asked the man who came out of the darkness. "W-who are you?" I said and stood up in my seat. "Chill, its just me, jungkook" he said and smirked.

"Why are you here, are you following me?" I asked and he just laughed like crazy. "Don't change what we are talking about momo, do you like my girlfriend?" he said and approached me.

"Who are you talking about?" I said and looked into his eyes. "oh come on, don't play stupid, you want sana my girlfriend" he said and suddenly my heart was broken by what he said.

how, when, where? So many questions in my head that couldn't be answered. " really like her.....tsk don't expect she will like you I'm the one she chose, she doesn't want someone like you" he said and punched me in the face. "That's for liking my girlfriend" he said and left me on the ground.

"Why didn't she tell me" I asked myself and cried hard. "why?!! I thought I'm your friend, why did you make me hoped?!" I have so many questions for myself that I can't answer. I started punching the ground and now my hand is swollen. "I-i want her to tell me the truth" I said to myself and stood up, wiping away my tears.

That's all for this chap.💙 thank you for reading, hope this chapter isn't boring for all of you🥺😊

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