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it's time for the girls to leave cause it's getting late, we had fun today i really misses bonding with them. i wish we could do this everyday.

we really talk a lot. laughing, crying, drinking and so on. mina, jihyo, dahyun, nayeon and bona is getting ready to leave, we make sure that they'll eat before leaving.

"momo can you give us a ride? i can't book a uber" jihyo said

"i would love to but me and the three of us is having a sleep over so i really can't, but we can ask the guard to drive you guys-" nayeon cut me off

"hold on hold on. hold your ass on, you guys are having a sleep over without us?? excuse me?!?" nayeon said crossing her arms

"i-" i was too stunned to speak

"no one's going home, we'll having a sleep over" nayeon said and sat back down on the couch "okaaay, so all of us is sleeping here. great"

we didn't fit in the room so we ended up sleeping in the leaving room, i'm not complaining it's really damn cold out here actually. and of course chaeng and tzuyu are besides me.

i still couldn't sleep, it's now 2:19 in the midnight, so i get up and headed to the balcony. i get some fresh air, i try my best not to make any noise and i think i did it.

i sat down on the bench and appreciate the beautiful sight infront of me. not long enough when i here the sliding door open, it startled me and it turns out the it's the one in only yoo jeongyeon.

"god you scared the shit out of me" i said as she laughed, she sat the in one of the soft chairs and did what exactly what i'm doing. minutes later she finally break the ice "so how are you?" i turn my head to her, she's stil looking at the cities infront of her

"i'm good, great actually now that i finally back home. it's really nice to be back"

"did you find some sexy japanese woman's back there?" she ask as i chuckled

"i don't have time for relationships back there, so nah. i didn't"

"and sana?" she ask making my heart aches a bit

"what about her?"

"how you doing with sana?"

i sigh and answer her "i lost contact with her seven years ago, like i told you before"

"she didn't text or emailed you?" i just nod a bit and turn my attention to the view

'moment of silence'

"you need to know something, about sana. before you came earlier we're discussing how to tell you this. but i think sana should be the one telling you this" now that caught my attention

"w-what do you mean? what happen? is she okay?" i asked worriedly

"calm down she's fine, but starting tomorrow i want you to go and find for sana. talk to her"

"is it really important?"

"yes momo, no more questions" she answers kinda raising her voice

"okay jeez calm down, i'll find her tomorrow"

"i'm sorry i just care about you, you really need to know" that make me confused as hell now, i can't wait to know what the fuck it is.

"yeah i know and i love you for that, but when are you gonna propose to jihyo huh?" that caught her attention as she smiled.

"just wait for a bit we'll get there soon"

me and hyung had a good talk but we need to sleep now and i'm kinda feeling exhausted so...

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