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*Sana's POV*

momo hugged me and apologized for what happened last night, we stayed in this position for a few minutes and broke the hug as I calmed down from crying.

but when I hugged momo I felt something deffirent, the feeling that I can't feel when I hug or when I'm with jungkook, but when I hugged momo I felt like the hug of a real person who loves me, like when my family hug me i feel home when momo hugs me.

that's the feeling I want to feel when I hug jungkook. but why can't I feel with jungkook the feeling I feel when I hug or when i'm with momo, I asked myself out of curiousity.

we broke the hug to be able to talk properly. we sat in one of the chairs outside a classroom. "It's about what I said last's all true that I really liked you since the first time i see's you, I just can't tell you because I'm afraid that if I told you will avoid me, because you didn't like me then right, didn't you? you don't like me because I was a player then, but I'm not saying that love me back I just want you to know how I really feel because it's hard to hide how I really feel when I'm with you" momo said and looked down.

"I-is that so, it's okay momo I understand you, yeah i know it's hard" I stammered. I don't know if I'm going to tell her now about jungkook and me, I don't want to hurt her and I don't want her to expect me to love him back..... because I don't see myself loving momo in the future.

maybe it's time for me to tell momo the truth, I'll about to speak when teacher suddenly say. "mr. hirai come with me to the principal's office, you have broken the law" and walked away from us, momo looked at me and said. "I'll see you later, I'm sorry again" and followed the teacher.

*Momo's POV*

I followed the teacher to the principal's office and entered next to the teacher, the principal sat us down and said. "What can I do for you?" and looked at me.

I smirked because I knew our principal liked me, yes ms. joy is our principal, she's still young to be the principal but she was seen as talented and intelligent so my parents chose her to be the principal of our school.

"uhm, ms principal mr. hirai is breaking the rules here at school, he needs to be punished for breaking the law" mr. lee said. "but it's important where I'm going earlier mr. lee" I protested to him.

"Wait a minute, guys just calm down, we can have a good conversation" joy said. Then i remember something "Who owns this school?" I ask. "you mr. hirai" mr. Lee replied.

"So, who should be obeyed?" and crossed my arm's. "Y-you too mr. hirai" mr. lee said and looked down. "That's it, so we don't have a problem anymore?" mr. lee just nodded, say sorry and bow
I stand up and looked at ms. Joy and winked i know she's blushing then leave the room.

Just as I came out of the principal's office, the bell rang, meaning it was lunch time when I looked at my watch on my wrist and saw that it was exactly 1:00 pm.

I went straight to the canteen to see if my friends were there, but I didn't see them there. maybe they still have classes.

I'll go to the rooftop first to freshen up, the rooftop is really the favorite place here at school and of course my office as well.

when I came to the rooftop I opened the door, I was shocked and at the same time hurt by what I saw.

I saw jungkook and sana kissing again, I wanted to cry but I couldn't, I clenched my fist out of anger.

when they saw me, they immediately stopped kissing and they blushed and broke the fu*king kiss, I just stood there and was still stunned by what I saw.

when I got back to reality I immediately turned around and said. "S-sorry, I didn't mean to bother you" and scratched the back of the neck.

"m-momo, I want to tell you something" sana said and ordered jungkook to leave first so that sana and I could talk privately.

jungkook left immediately but he looked at me first and smirked. I still turned my back on sana and she said I could face her.

"Why are you here on the rooftop?" Sana asked and tapped the side of the chair she was sitting on and I sit beside her.

"I'd like to get some fresh air, b-but you're also here sorry I didn't mean to see you..... you know you're kissing" and looked down.

"It's okay, I'm sorry I didn't say that" she didn't continue what she was going to say and sighed. "That what?" I ask.

"T-that me and jungkook are in a relationship, but I went to some of our friends and I told them the truth, but I haven't seen you earlier so I told them first" sana said and just looked at me.

I couldn't look into her eyes because I know I will just cry. "I know, you and jungkook are in a relationship, he told me before, but I didn't believe it cause I'm waiting for you to tell me the truth, because I don't immediately believe what he says" I said and still avoided her looks.

"I-I'm happy for you, i really am I hope you two are happy and stay together for a long time" I feel that my tears are already dripping, so I stood up and turned around to wipe the tears that were dripping from my eyes.

"uhm, sana I need to leave because I still have something to go" and I was surprised because she hugged me from the back and said.

"momo, I'm sorry I didn't tell you right away, I'm just looking for a good timing so I can say it, and I-I don't want you to expect that w-we'll be together in the f-future, I hope Y-you can understand me" she stammered.

tears dripping even more because of what she said. "I-I told you that you don't n-need to love me back right" I said holding back my tears.

"I really need to leave sana, because where I am going is still far away" and removed her hands from my waist and leave her on the rooftop.

I opened the door and wiped away the tears that were dripping from my eyes.

Sorry for the wrong grammar's✌
Hope u enjoy this chap.❤

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