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Momo's POV

When I finished talking to Sana, I looked for my other friends. after a few minutes of searching i find them in the canteen, I don't know they are always hungry.

"Guys" I shouted at them to get their attention. "sup" what's the problem? jeong asked. "Nothing i just want to talk to someone.

I totally don't have a class yet" we have a vacant subject, So i was looking for someone to talk to.

"Sooo.what do you want to talk about?" tzu asked.
"I met a woman, she's really pretty as in. but she doesn't seem to like me" i chuckled.

"wow first time someone reject you hyung" said chaeng. "yeah I really can't believe a nerd reject me" I chuckled

"What!?" the three of them shouted, i can see everyone in the canteen was looking at us because of the noise made by the three.

"So.... are you telling us, that nerd is the girl you like" jeong asked. "yes but she's not really a nerd nerd, she looks like a nerd in a sexy way" I told them.

"I can't believe this, the one and only hirai momo fall inlove with a nerdy girl" tzu said "you known as the school player and a womanizer hyung, what's what happen?" chaeng asked.

"Don't say that the girl you bumped into yesterday, that's what you like?" jeong asked.

"yes what's the problem" I said. "Bro, don't expect her to like you she's a nerd and a study first girl." said tzu with chuckled

"then I will make her fall in love with me" I said and smirked. "It's up to you, many girls are chasing you, but you fell inlove with a nerd" said chaeng. I just smile at them and didn't say anything.

we are here now waiting outside of sana's classroom, and it looks like her friends are also waiting for her too.

jeong is not here yet, she seems to go to the restroom. "hi" I greeted sana. "You again, when will you stop me?" She asked irritably.

"Didn't I tell you that I will not stop you until we become friends" I said to her. "Have you guys eaten yet" I asked her friends. "Why will you treat us?"one of sana's friends asked.

Sana shook her friend's elbow, I just laughed at them. "All right, I'll treat you guys" I said to them, "lets go?" i text jeong, that we're going in the canteen so she can just follow us.

we were already in the canteen and sitting in our chairs. "What you guys want so we can order our foods" I said to them.

"hyung I'll buy the foods" chaeng said. "hyung? why does your friend call you hyung? "She asked." you will find out at the right time"

I saw jeong approaching the canteen so I waved and shouted her name. "jeong here!"
"sup" she said as she reached our seat. "This jeong is the girl I'm talking about" I said to her and pointed at sana.

"Hi i'm jeongyeon, momo's friend nice to meet you." She said and shook sana's hand. "jeong this is sana's friends" i said. "YOU!" jeong and one of sana's friends said. "Do you know each other?" I ask.


Jihyo' POV

I was walking in the bulding of our school with coffee to give to the principal because he ordered me to buy coffee for him, who am I to refuse the order of the prince, right?

while i'm walking a woman bumped into me because of that the coffee was thrown on her clothes,

"what the hell!" She shouted at me. "Hey, don't swear at me" I answered her "you don't know me?!" She asked me.

"who wouldn't know a womanizer of the school" i said "why you don't want to apologize" she said angrily. "You should be the one to say sorry because of you I will get another coffee for the principal!" I said to her.

"I will not apologize to someone like you, now tell me how I can get a another clothes?!"

"It's up to you, I still need to get coffee for the principle" I was about to turn around but she pulled my hand and i faced her again, but now we are closer to each other.

I couldn't do anything but to look into her eyes. I can say that her eyes are beau- what! My thoughts cut off when i realize what i said to myself.

"you look much more beautiful closer than i thought" she said and smirked. "w-what, let me go!" I said stuttering.

"I won't let you go until you apologize to me or you want me to kiss you" she said and smirked.

"S-stop it or I'll shout here" I tried not to stutter but I fail "Go on, shout as loud as you can, no one can hear you" she holds me by my waist and her other hand hold my wrist.

I couldn't do anything but to apologize to her,
"fine, sorry because I accidentally throw the coffee to you" I said and looked down.

She let go of me and smiled, she smiled!! She's cute when she smiles, I said to myself.

While she's smiling I thought of something to get revenge on her.

"sorry but I have to do this" I said and stepped on her foot.

"Ahhh!!" She cried out in pain as I ran away. "you son of a bit*h!" She shouted at me. "When I see you again you are dead to me!"

*end of the flashback*

Jeongyeon's POV

"you son of a bitch I can only see you here" I said to the woman who stepped on my foot earlier. I would have approached her but momo stopped me.

"Bro,the dispute between the two will be later, let's eat first" she said. "get ready for me later" I said and pointed to her.

"Okay... the food is here, guys let's eat" momo said. "thanks for the food!" we said.

"hey you have no food here"the woman who stepped on my foot said. "Then I'm going to eat your food" I said and took her food. "Yahh! That's mine" she said and pouted. I just smiled at her cuteness.

"you guys look cute together" said tzu. "shut up!" we said at the same time. but I saw her blushing. she is cute when she blushes. I just smiled and looked down.

"now we're together can we still introduce ourselves formally?" momo asked.

"Okay I'll go first" tzu said. "my name is chou tzuyu, nice to meet you guys"

wait we already know you all we'll just introduce oursleves to you guys, it's that okay, so we won't last long.sana said

"Okay" the four of us said.

"I'll go first, the tofu girl said she's really white so i'll just call her tofu.

My name is kim dahyun, you can call me dubu because of my skin she said and bowed.

Myoui mina nice to meet you, the penguin looking girl said.

Lim nayeon, the bunny looking girl said.

Hi! I'm Minatozaki sana nice to meet you all, the needy girl say. I can see that momo is looking at her. I think she's really inlove with this nerd girl, but she's right. She's beautiful and sexy.

And the last but not the list, the girl who stepped my foot.

Park jihyo, nice to meet you all except you she point at me. The other's just laugh at her, I just chuckled at her cuteness. I'm planing to annoyed her.

"Just say you like me, I can love you back." I said to her and winked.
"Hah, you wish" she said and stick her tongue out. And i find it cute, she's really cute. I just winked at her and smiled.
"Urghh! Your so annoying" she said and pout.

this is what I promised 2 updates.😁💚

jeonghyo shipper's are you ready for more romantic excitement?💜😚

just wait for the next update. Byeiii❤

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