hold your hand

433 14 5

No one's POV

while sana was sound asleep, her mom suddenly woke her up in her bed. "Sana wake up you have a visitor!" Sana's mom said as she shook her slightly over her shoulder.

"Who's that mom, I'm still sleeping, what time is it?" She have looked at her clock and saw that it was only 6:01 am.

"Mom, just come back to me later, it's still early to take a bath" she said in a sleppy tone. "Get up there, you have a guest downstairs"

"Who is the visitors? Cause I don't remember that there will be visitors here in the house" she said with her eyes still closed.

"She said she owns your school and the other was her friends" when she have heard who the people visited them, her eyes widened and she immediately stood up on his bed. "S-she's what?" She asked stammeringly.

"Why did you let them in mom, what do they need?!"

"I don't know, I just let them in because they said they were your friends, so take a bath and get dressed because your other friends are already downstairs, you are the only one they've waiting"sana's mom said and left sana's room.

"urghh what else do you want?!" She  have gotten up from her bed and gone to the batroom. a few minutes later she finally have gone out of the bathroom and put on her school uniform.

She went downstairs and she saw her friends and momo's friends on the couch talking. and when momo saw sana ahe stood up and waved at sana,  but sana just rolled her eyes at momo and went down to eat her breakfast.

"hi sana" momo greeted her, but she just ignored it. "have you eaten?" She asked her friends. "yes, you just have to eat, so we can go to school" nayeon said.

"chaeng said they will take us to school so that we can get there at the same time. dubu said. "You guys can go with them, dad will send me to school" she said while eating.

"You're really killjoy, let's go together" mina said. "Yeah" "go with us" "yes go with us"  that what she heard from her friends.

"All right, I'm coming, you have stopped your noise, I'm still eating" she said and continued to eat. "Yes!" dahyun said, and stood next to chaeng again.

when sana finished eating, they said goodbye to sana's parents to go to school. "mom, dad we're leaving" sana said and kissed her parent's cheek.

"bye mrs. and mr. minatozaki" sana's friends said before leaving the house. "All right, be careful while driving" mrs. minatizaki said and wave to them.

Sana's POV

we got out and got into a big van owned maybe by hirai,  jeong opened the door for us and let us in.

"thank you" I mouthed to jeong for opening the door for us. She just nod at me. I was sitting in the back part a bit because I don't want anyone sit next to me. but please don't put hirai next to me. I don't want her to sit next to me, she will just annoy me.

"Hi, can I sit next to you?" and guess who asked, of course the one and only hirai momo. "No, you can sit in the front seats." I said not looking at her face.

"well, I can sit next to you because I am the owner of this van, there's nothing you can do if i want to seat here. I did nothing because she was right this is her van, she will decide who is next to her." urghh, I'll just sit in the front seat"

I was about to leave my seat when, momo suddenly grabbed me by the wrist and she said something that stopped me to leave.

"Please stay, d-don't leave me "and because of what she said I did not leave her just for now. and I just sat down again where I was sitting before.

She was also soft inside at least once. "I will not leave" I just told her and played on my phone.

so...the one who drove was jeongyeong unnie and next to her was jihyo. in fact they're really cute together, but I am still worried for jihyo.

the one in the front seat is chaeng and dahyun, I don't know if they are together already or not. the next is nayeon, mina and tzuyu.

But only nayeon is noisy with them, don't I know those two are the ones who are really quiet when they are next to each other.

And of course momo and I are next to each other in the back seats. we got to school and got out of the van, its still early now there weren't too many students here.

We got out of the van and momo offered her hand to me to help me get off of the van. and of course this friend of mine made noise just because of it.

"yeiii" "I ship them!" "You look cute together" are the words of our friend outside the van because they came out earlier than us. and I saw momo smiling, she was really beautiful when she's smil- what! Sana you need to stop what you were thinking. I took momo's hand and got out of the van.

I got out of the van but I noticed that momo was still holding my hand. "momo m-my hand. I said to her but she just smiled at me and she interwide our hands.

" let me hold your hand, just for now" she said and I just let her hold my hand because there's nothing I can do even if I say I don't want to hold her hand, she will still hold my hand.

"guys it's still early, we don't have a class yet where are we going" dubu asked while holding chaeng's hand.

"let's go to my office, there is a lot of space there, we can hang out there first while there is no class yet "momo said.

"Yes hyung momo's office is big we can be there "chaeng added. "why do you call them hyung, aren't you a woman?" dubu asked. "ah, because we hav-" chaeng didn't finish what she was going to say when jeong covered her mouth.

"You guys will know at the right time" and the 4 of them looked at each other. what are the four of them hiding, I asked myself.

That's all for this chapter, hope you like this chap.💚 love yah all!😚

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