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(7 years later)

it's been 7 years since i last talk to sana, i lost contact with her and i couldn't find her on any social media's

i don't know what happen but our last conversation was, like nothing really happen between us for her to ghost me like that

and it's been 7 years since i become the CEO of our company and its really successful now that i'm handling it. my grandparents still helping me to manage the company and i wanna thank them for that

i still talk to my friends and but i didn't bother to asked them about sana, i don't want to be distracted cause i'm really busy, handling and talking to my clients

but my grandparents finally decide that i should visit korea for a while then just come back here to manage the company again, well i can still manage the company even if i'm in other countries

but my grandma insist that i deserves a break from anything, so now i'm packing some of my clothes, i don't need to bring anything cause i still have clothes in the house

and if mom throws it away then i just gonna buys some new ones and besides i'm still gonna come back here sooo, no one knows that i'm going back to korea. even mom and dad, i wanna surprise them.

i bid my goodbye to my grandparents and headed to the airport, i almost gonna late from my flight cause it's super traffic, but we manage to be there on time. i sat down to my sit and watch some movie so that i won't get bored

but after 1 movie i fell kinda tired so i sleep. later on i finally arrives in korea "it good to be back" i said to myself

i start booking a car online cause i can't see any taxi passing around, a minute later my driver was here as i get in the car and go home.

not long enough i finally infront of my house, i pay the driver the get my thing from the trunk, the guards greet me with a big smile on there faces, i smile back, i'm happy that they'll miss me

i always treated my helper right so i think thats why they smiling when i arrived.

i pick on the window and saw my mom reading a book and my dad wat tv, i enter the house and take a walk besides my mother. not so long she noticed me and hug me as she sees me

"why didn't you tell us you're coming back home? oh my god!" mom said and hug me tight while crying

"well i wanted to surprise you guys so, stop crying mom i'm here, see?" i said and give her a forehead kiss.

i lookat my dad trying to be tough but once i hugged him he started crying like a baby "i miss you too dad" i said and give him a kiss in the cheeks

"you're home, my baby's home!" he said and kisses my cheeks

"okay dad that's enough, i miss you so much"

we break the hug and mom start wipping the years from my dad's eyes, they never changed that fluttered me. i hope i find someone whose like my mom

for your information in those 7 years i didn't entertain anyone, even once. i too focused on the business that i forgot love do exist.

"the flight must be tiring? do you to eat something honey?" mom ask me but i declined "no thanks mom, i'm mo hungry rn but can you make jokbal later? i really miss that" i said with a puppy eyes

"of course sweetheart, anything for you"

"thanks mom, i'm just going to sleep now i'm tired"

"aren't gonna meet your friends?" dad asks

"no dad, maybe tomorrow"

my things are already in my room so i just need to lay down and take a long sleep. "finally, i'm home" i sadi as i drift away


"baby? baby wake up the food is ready, you sleep long that i thought" mom wakes me up to eat some dinner, i got up and sit on the bed. i faced mom and hugged her "i miss this mom, i miss doing this, and i miss when you're cooking for me" i said tightening the hug

"awh baby i miss it too, let's eat now so you can taste if mom's cooking skills still the same" as we walk downstairs

i saw dad already in the table waiting for us, "hey dad" i said as i kiss him on the forehead. i sat down and waits to the maid to served the food mom cooked.

"momo since you managed our business it come one of the biggest and most successful companies in the country, i'm so proud of you" dad said that make me smile

"you wanna know a secret? cause my parents is one of the successful businesses partners to have with" and we have to laugh

the food finally serves and mom give me the biggest part of the jokbal, "thanks mom" i said and smile at her. i said eating and my fucking mouth is watering, it's so delicious

my eyes start tearing up, mom look at me in concen "what is it baby?! something wrong?!"

"it's so delicious momo" i said and make may parents laugh "you're still the best cook i know mom" i add. she kissed my forehead and start eating

the a great dinning laughing, talking about business and shits. i had a great time with my parents, and tomorrow it's time to surprise my friends

don't forget to vote!

(i made it 7 years, cause why not?!)

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