Talk to me

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I was walking down the stairs and my class just ended, I couldn't focus much on the lesson because I was still thinking about her, I was thinking about how she would talk to me again.

I don't want to lose he she has become a big part of my life I don't want her to disappear from my life like a bubble just because of what happened earlier, in fact I'm ready to forget my feelings for sana, but I can't stand if even our friendship is disappear.

I respect and understand the fact that she has a boyfriend but I can't help but to fall in love even more with sana, every time I see the her wide eyes and her red lips just made me think "what if you're mine, I won't hurt you and take care of you until my last breath" I snapped out my thoughts when someone called my name.

"momo!" someone called my name out loud, I was looking where those voices would come from. I was a bit disappointed with what I saw because jeong was calling my name along with little chaeng

"tsk" I said and laughed a little. "what's up and why are you calling me" I said and went to where they were "do you want to come to the bar with us later? and there would be a lot of shawties at the bar" she said and chaeng laughed at jeong "even if I want to come with you guys, i can't"

"wow miracle a hirai momo refused to drink with her friends" chaeng replied as if shocked I just laughed at their reaction and walked to where my motor was parked.

"momo come with us later, it would fun" jeong "hyung i'm really sorry but I'll pass first this time, I still have things to do" I made an excuse not to be with them.

even if I wanted to drink now i really can't sana and i haven't talked yet, I want to think first and be alone right now. "sure you're there? okay we won't force you but if you change your mind just go to the bar okay? it's just near your house" hyung said and tapped me on the shoulder.

"hmm" I just hummed and nodded at them "we'll go first moguri, we'll have a party party later" said chaeng and danced her stupid littel dance, I laughed at her actions and got on the motor.

I run the motor slowly, I don't want to speed up because I don't want to go home yet, while looking around I can saw a woman with a familiar back and hair, i think she was walking back home.

so I approached the woman and said "miss?" she turned around and seemed to be shocked, when I saw her face I smiled and said "oh sana it's you"

"m-momo you surprised me" she said and seemed to back away, I immediately got off my motorbike and approached her.

I said to myself "this is your chance to talk to her" I approached her and said "uhm sana can we talk for a while?"

"momo didn't i tell yo-" she hadn't finished what she was going to say when I suddenly talk and hold her hands "yes I know you're still mad at me and you still need time but pls talk to me"

"Okay, I'll agree to talk to you but if you're gonna start talking about non sense, we'll stop the conversation and I'll go home" i nodded and released her grip on my hand.

I didn't waste any time and said what I wanted to tell her "First of all I want to apologize for what happened this morning, I really don't want that to happen, it's just jungkook" while looking into her puffy eyes.

she didn't say a word and I just continued what I was saying. "I would like to ask you if you look at me the same way as i looked at you even a little?" she gave me a serious look and said "momo" and sighed

"yeah I know you have a bf but I still want to ask you that, I don't want to expect so much if I know there is no chance that you and i are gonna be together soon" I smiled a little at her even deep inside what I'm saying hurts me more that she know

"I don't know what to answer to your question momo I-I love jungkook but I don't want to lose you cause I love you too" what she said gave a smile to my lips but I remembered something "do you love me? as a friend?" I gave her serious but somewhat tearful looks.

she just nodded and looked down at the same time, I sighed and rubbed my forehead at the same time saying "right decision that I did not expect that much" and just laughed

"momo i'm really sorry i'm still confused about my feelings I hope you understand" I just nodded and touched her hands "I just want you to know that if you're not the one for me, I'd better be alone. I don't like others. You are the only person I can tell I love you"

I saw her eyes watering I hugged her and stroked her back "momo sorry if I hurt you, I-I don't want to see you sad because of me" she said tearfully.

"shhh it's okay sana-shi I understand you but if you have a problem just call me okay? I'm one call away" I said and laughed. I let go of the hug and wiped the tears that dripped from her eyes "those like you are you shouldn't cry"

she smiled and fixed the collar of my shirt "your gf in the near future is so lucky to have you momo-chan, I hope she takes a good care of you" I just smiled at what she said.


"Do you want me to drive you home" I offered her so she wouldn't have to walk home she just nodded and smiled a little I took the helmet from the motorbike and put it on her.

she look cute while wearing the helmet. I just smiled at her look, she hit me but not too hard playful hit if called and at the same time say "what are you smiling at" and she pouts

"nothing, you're just cute" as i got up on the motor I helped her to get up on the motor because she's having a hard time to getting on the motor "hold on tight you might fall" i said and she immediately followed.

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