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*Momo's POV*

I woke up with a headache and a sore cheek, I can't remember what happened last night I went to the mirror to look at myself.

and saw that my cheek was swollen,
I scratched the back of my neck.
"Hay....my head hurts~" I said growling.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was 6:59, I needed to get ready for school even if its still earlier.

I exercised for a while and went to the bathroom. after I took a bath I got dressed, and went down to eat.

"good morning mo-" I forgot that I'm alone now and in the next few weeks, "good morning self" I said to myself and sighed.

I have started cooking for myself, I cook for myself when mom and dad are not here, even though we're rich mom doesn't want to hire a maid.

because she says she wants to cook for me and dad, sometimes I help mom to the kitchen.... so you I how to cook a little, just not as good as mom.

I'm done cooking, I just cooked ramen to make it easier for me, I'm just the only one to eat so....

after I ate I brushed my teeth and went to the garage. I don't know if I'm going to ride a motorbike or car, I'm still dizzy.

I just ride the car just to be safer, I got in the car and started driving to school.

I got to school at 7:49 and a lot of people were there, I looked for my friends and I saw them in my office, but I didn't see Sana maybe she was late or she will come later.

I walked into my office and greeted them, “morning guys” and sat in my chair. "morning momoring" they said together.

"where did you come from last night? do you know that we almost die just to find you two" jeong said.

"you looked for me? I don't remember last night, I was drunk" and scratched the back of the head .

"You two? so do you still have someone to look for? who?" ask them. "Sana" they said together.

"hmn.... okay, where is Sana tho?" Ask them "she's been here before, she just didn't come with us here" mina said.

It's been an hour but I still can't see Sana, we're here now we're a little hungry so we came here to buy food and hang out.

there are couples flirting in front of me that were formed because of just a conversation, I'm the only one of our friends who doesn't have a girlfriend.

I still don't know if Sana already has a boyfriend or not, i was still thinking about what jungkook says.

I thought of looking for her, won't even start the class and even if the class starts, I won't go in until I see Sana.

"Guys I'm just going somewhere for a while" and standing up in my seat, "are you leaving? the class is about to start you might get late" nayeon said to me.

"It's okay, this is important" I said and left the canteen to look for Sana. as i was walking i saw sana who was in her locker, i smiled at her and shouted.

"Sana!" and she turned around but did nothing, as if she was hurrying to put her things in the locker, and when I reached her locker I greeted her.

"morning Sana" I said while panting. She did nothing and was about to turn around and leave, but I grabbed her wrist and said.

"Won't you just greet me back?" I was wondering. "momo the class is about to start, let me go" she said, I could feel that she was angry because of the tone of her speech.

"Are you angry? You look like you have high blood?" I asked jokingly, she didn't say anything and suddenly the bell rang meaning the class was about to start and we had to go to our own rooms.

"momo I need to go into my room, let me go" she said reluctantly, I just let go of her wrist and said nothing.

I wonder why Dahyun doesn't pay attention to me. Did I do something wrong? I asked myself.

I was already in our room and I didn't pay attention to the lesson taught by the teacher, I was still wondering why sana avoiding me, I stood up in my chair and told the teacher that.

"Sir I'm just going" and leaving the room but suddenly, "you can't leave mr. Hirai"  the teacher said, my blood boiled because it was important that I was going but he didn't want to listen to me.

I didn't listen to him and went straight out the door, when I got out I immediately went to sana's room to talk to her. when I arrived I immediately went in and pulled sana out not minding the teacher infront.

"mr. hirai, our class isn't over yet so you can't pull ms. minatozaki out of that show" the teacher said but like the previous teacher I didn't listen to him and just pulled sana out of her room.

and when we got out I took her to one of the lockers here at school because it was quiet there. when we got here sana came out and said. "What's wrong with you?! I'm listening to the teacher's lesson well then, you're so rude to just pull me out!" Sana said angrily to me.

I didn't answer her, "why are avoiding  me?" I calmly asked her, but she did not answer and just averted my eyes.

"I said why are you avoiding me?!" I said angrily and slammed the locker and now I pinned her to the locker so she wouldn't look in the other direction.

The trace of fear is in her eyes, "I just want you to answe-" I could not continue what I was going to say beacause of what she said.

"because you kissed me last night" she said and started crying, I was just stunned by what she said and trying to remember what happened last night. and I remember everything.

I kissed her and i....i confess to her, I looked at her and hugged her, she was trying to break away from my hug but she failed to do so.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to kiss you, pls don't cry" and I hugged her tightly and I felt that she was hugging me back.

we stayed in this position for a few minutes, until sana calmed down from crying, we broke away from the hug and I wiped the tears that were dripping from the beautiful eyes of the woman I love the most.

I wiped it and kissed her on the forehead and said. "I'm sorry for what I did last night I didn't mean all of that, I was drunk last night forgive me" she just nodded and hugged me again.

Thank you for reading hope you enjoy this chap!😊

Sorry for the wrong grammar's✌
Pls stearm ICSM🧡

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