Will you be my date?

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*Momo's POV*

I went to school early to look for Sana, to ask if she could be a date at the upcoming party. There are lot of students at school I don't know why they came in so early today, but others are talking maybe they are asking the same questions as me.

I saw my friends in the canteen but I still couldn't see Sana so I approached them to ask if they saw Sana.

"Morning guys, did you see Sana? I just wanted to ask her something" and sat for a while because I was tired of finding Sana.

"Um .... I think she's going to the office because the prof has something to say to her" and I just nodded and stood up on the seat to continue looking for Sana.

"Thank you, I'm just going to see you later" and left the canteen. a few hours later I saw Sana walking. I ran to her and said.

"Sana will you be my date?" I'm shook because someone said it at the same time with me.

Sana turned to her left and right, I saw jungkook who was also going to sana with me. we stopped at sana and looked at each other.

"Sana~" I muttered. Sana was just stunned by the two of us, and came back to reality when jungkook called her name. "Sana, I'm asking you" and smiled at her.

"I was the first to ask her" I protested to him. "boys, don't fight pls" sana said.

"sorry momo, but jungkook asked me first" I just nodded and said.
"O-okay um, I'll just look for another date, sorry I didn't know" and bowed to them. jungkook just smirked and put his arm around sana.

I turned sadly and sighed. "I won't be surprised if what jungkook told me is true" and went to the canteen to see my friends. I was going to the canteen I saw my friends talking and when they saw me they smiled.

I already knew what that smile's meant. "momo, what happened did she agree to be your date?" jihyo's opening question to me.

I just smiled at them and said. "no, jungkook was the first to ask her" and sat next to mina. "oh~ sorry I didn't know jungkook came first" jihyo said and patted my shoulder.

I just smiled a little and drank water because I was tired. "um..... guys I just want to say something" tzu said to get our attention.

"I just want to say that mina is my girlfriend now, she answered me yesterday" now I saw tzu very happy,

"congrats" I said and patted her shoulder. "mina just tell me if tzu is fooling you, I'm going to punched her" and they just laughed.

"how about me, when can jihyo answer me" jeong said and jihyo hit him a little. "shut up, wait until I answer you" jihyo's face showed a blushing. we all just laughed at the cuteness of the two.

Hi guys! Sorry for the short update✌
Thank you for reading😊 poor momoring what will happen to momo if she finds out the truth?😩

We will know to the future chapters😁
Btw i don't ship sana and jungkook in real life.
Don't forget to vote, love lots😊💛

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