Be friends

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Momo's POV

We are here now in the canteen, with my friends and sana's friends. I can smell something fishy with these two, jeong and jihyo.

they had been peecking a look at each other for a while, as if they're both blushing when they looked at each other.

I can honestly say that they look cute together, but I'm not sure if jeong will take jihyo seriously, we all know that jeong is the womanizer of the group.

but I know that jeong will take care of jihyo if they become lovers. "Guys, we need to go home its already night time" sana said. "We'll take you guys home" I said.

"No need, dad will pick us up" she said, she still seemed to irritate in me even though I wasn't doing anything. "okay" I said. They were about to leave, but I realize had something to say.

"wait! can we guys hang out together again next time, we just want to be friends with you" i asked them.

"Sure, we can hang out again next time" dahyun said. And sana shook dahyun's elbow. "What?" dahyun whispered. "Good"
"We'll better get going, bye guys" sana said. "Bye"
"Bye jihyo" jeongyeon said.

"I smell something fishy" I said and jeong just chuckled. "Hyung do you like her?" Chaeng asjed. "No!, Why would i like that girl," someone is denying. Tzu teases, "s-shut up" we just laugh at jeong's reaction.

We decide to walk and leave our motor's in the school, to talk about somethings in our mind.

the walk is full silence so i try to break the ice. "Do you guys like sana's friends?" I ask. "No" "what" "how i can like someone like them"they said in the same time. "hey, chill i'm just asking, you guys seems to show that you really like them, I teas.

"Like serious question guys do you like one of them? guys we're friends here, we shouldn't hide anything from each other right. I said while pouting i know they can't resist me when im pouting.

"I-i find the tofu girl cute, but I'm not saying I like her, she's just cute, there's nothing more. chaeng said blushing, and i smirked at what she said.

" what about you tzuyu do you like one of them?" I asked. "yeah the penguin looking girl is beautiful, that's all. Tzu said without a facial expression.
" wow you're really easy to talk to.

"What about you jeong?" I'm a little interested in jihyo, she's beautiful but i don't like her attitude, jeong said while smiling.

"Okay, we all have crushes in there group, so what's the plan?" I ask while pulling them closer to me. "What do you mean plan?" They ask.

"To make our crushes fall inlove with us" i said and they rolled their eyes. "Oh come on guys, help me to make sana fall for me"

"Lets talk about that tommorow, its already night time we have to go home, our parents maybe looking for us." Jeong said.

"Urghh, fine but promise me you guys will help me to make sana fell inlove with me okay?" Yes we will." They said at the same time. "This is the first time i saw you very serious with a woman, is this true or you will just hurt her like your exes? tzu asked.

"This is true tzu, I just saw her for the first time, I was amazed by her beauty even though she's wearing eye glasses, i know if she take off her glasses she will be more beautiful than we thought, like i want her to be mine" i don't know i just feel that i love her already, I said with a smile.

"Sana is a sober woman. Don't ever fool her or make fun of her," said jeong.
"I'm not making fun jeong, it's true, I already love her. I hope she will love me too at the right time" I said.

"Bye guys see you tommorow" jeong said. we just neighbors, so we go home together sometimes at the same time.
"Night guys!" I shout.

I already enter our house, i think mom and dad are asleep, cause no one greeted me at the door. I first went to the kitchen to drink some water and went up to my room.

I put my bag on the floor and rested for a while, I washed my body and lay down on my bed.

I picked up my phone and looked to see if someone had texted me, I did not see any message. I saw sana's name and I thought i would text her.

"Is she still awake at this time?" I asked myself.

Hey, you still awake?
                           Yeah, why'd you text me?
Nothing i just feel that
i need to text you, are you guys get home safely?
                                   Yes, what about you.
I'm glad you ask😊,
yeah we get home safely.
*smiling while texting*
                              Bye i need to sleep now
Oh, okay goodnight sana-shi,
Sleep well.
                                                Night, you too

after I texted sana, I put down my phone on the table next to my bed. and stared at the ceiling. "I hope you will like me too" I said to myself and closed my eyes.

thanks for reading.💙

I hope you like my story. I hope it's not boring for my readers.

This is all for now...byeiii!😚

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