Give me your number

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Momo's POV

"Good lets go?" I asked and patted the back seat of my motorbike.

where do you live, I asked. just drop me off at xxxx st. She says "okay" after 2 minutes we reached her house, we're here. I took off my helmet and got off my motorbike, I helped her to get off because she was struggling.

"Slowly," I said and held out her hand, her hand's it so soft i want to held them forever, i want her to be mine only mine, i thought.

"Umm ms. Hirai my hand's"
I didn't realize that i still holding her hands. "Oh i'm sorry, i said and let go of  her hands.

Thank you for taking me home, she said and smile. Her smile make's my heart fluttered, she's the only girl made my heart beat move so fast.

All right, I'm gowing in, she said and was about to leave but I grabbed her wrist and faced me again.

"wait we've been talking for a while but I still don't know your name,
I said." you don't need to know "she said and was about to leave but I pulled her towards me again. "wow first time someone rejected me' I said to myself and smirked.

"miss I ask you well so I hope you answer me well too, I said. "urghh! fine my name is minatozaki sana" are you happy now, he asked irritably.
"Cute i said in a whispered but i think she hear it. I know so let me go and i'm gowing inside my house now, she said.

Okay, i said and let go of her hand's.
But i remember something i need to get her number. Sana-si, i said. And zhe turn around to face me again,
"What?" She asked.
Can i get your number? I asked with full of confidence.
"And why?" Just give it to me or else..
Or else what? Or else i will kick you out form school, i said and smirked.

Urghhh! why are you so annoying.
Fine here, she give me her phone and type her no. In my phone.

And i type my no. In her phone too, my nickname to her is so hot "daddy"🥵.
And i give her phone back," if you change my nickname in your phone your dead to me" i said and smirked.

"Bye bye baby😉" i winked at her before I got on my motorbike.

Sana's POV

"arghh why did I even meet that woman" I entered my house and got dressed to eat.

after eating I did my night routine and was ready to go to sleep, when my phone rang a signal someone texted me.

I took it and looked at who was texting me, and when I saw it my mood changed.

She's the person I do not want to see in my whole life. the one who texted me was none other than "hirai momo" why did I even meet her!

are you asleep?
                                    ready to sleep, but a
                                           demon texts me.
Did you just call me a demon?
                            I don't say a name but  if
                  you get hit it might be for you.
you are funny too,
even you're a nerd, I became even more interested in you.
                                     W-what interested?
                                    you are really crazy.            
yes crazy for you.
                          Stop it, I'll go to sleep bye.
bye bye babygirl, I hope you can dream of me.
                                hah,in yourdreams😝.

I laid my cell phone on the table next to my bed, and went to sleep.

*Next day*

I woke up, because of the sound of my alarm. I looked at what time it was, it's still early, 6:30 but I need to get ready for school.

The class starts at 8:00 but I take care of it early so I won't be late.

I did not say that I still live, in my parent's house? I got up from my bed, stretched and was about to go to the bathroom when my phone rang.

I took it and looked at who texted me, unfortunately she was the one who texted me again.

"urghhh when will she stop bodering me!" you are right momo texted me again, "what do you want from me" I said to myself  while holding my phone.

good morning sana-shi! 😁

     what do you want? I asked irritated. 

nothing, I just want to say good morning to you, Is there something wrong with that?

        urghh you can text  later I will get              ready for school.              

even if you don't take a bath, you still smell good even if I don't smell you.

             shut up, get ready for school,you will be late if you don't fix your self.

when I realized what I said my eyes widened, I put the cellphone down on the table.

"Sana why did you say that, you are really crazy!" I said to myself and took the cellphone to delete my last message but, she already read it! urghh I don't like myself anymore.

okay, I'm going to take a bath. see you later.😉

" Sana you are really stupid,"I don't want to see her pls lord help me. I put down my phone on the table and went into the bathroom. When I finished bathing, I got dressed, and this is what I was wearing.

 When I finished bathing, I got dressed, and this is what I was wearing

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I went down to eat, I saw my mom cooking and my dad was watching tv.

"Good morning dad, mom" I greeted them. "Good morning our beautiful daughter" they said together.

why are you so early baby?mom asked. mom really isn't used to me, I always come in early.

"yes dear you're not used to your daughter" dad said.
"It will be cooked soon. We will eat later." Mom said.

and after we ate, I said goodbye to my mom, to leave for school. "Mom, dad and I are leaving" I said. my dad takes me to school and goes straight to his job.

"Okay baby, Be careful while driving." mom said. yes we will take care dear, bye i love you. and dad kissed mom's cheek, I smiled looking at them. I also kissed my mom on the cheek and got in the car.

thank you for reading,💚😁

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