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Sana's POV

I don't know why I ran, I felt angry when I saw that momo was kissing another girl. "I shouldn't have done that as if I also showed that I was jealous, I'm really stupid!" I said to myself once slapping my head lightly.

"Sana why did you run did something happen?" I turned to my back as I heard the voices of my friends.

"I just want to walk faster so I can go to my classroom right away" I reasoned to them. "Why did you guys follow me, do you already have a class right?" I asked them.

"Because momo unnie said we should follow you, so we followed you. Mina said "Is that so, what time is it, you guys might be late for your first class "I said to them. "All right we'll get going, see you later "they said and went to their classroom.

class is over, it's time to go home. as I waited for my friends to come home with me, I saw the person I just didn't want to see right now. I started walking fast so she could not see me, but it's too late when she shouted my name. "Sana wait! momo shouted"

I didn't turn around and still walked fast, and when I thought she was no longer following me, I stopped walking fast and asked i peecked if she was still following me or not but I didn't saw her, so I rested for a while, but then someone suddenly grabbed my wrist and faced me.

"S-sana let me explain" momo said I was not surprised if she was the one holding my wrist because I already know how her hands feels like.

"You don't need an explanation, so let me go because they might be looking for me" I said and tried to remove her hand from my wrist, but I failed to do it because she was more stronger than me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't like what happened earlier, forgive me" she said begging. "Momo, stop. I'm not your girlfriend or something, so you don't need to explain to me" I said to her.

"Even though, I still want to apologize to you, because of what happened earlier I think you lost more trust in me" she said and looked down.

"momo, stop the saying sorry that's okay for me, I should be the one to apologize because I overreacted earlier for no reason" I said to her and held her hand.

"You were really jealous earlier?" She suddenly asked me and smirked. "N-no! I'm just not used to seeing someone kissing in front of me so I ran" I told her.

"umm ... but we're okay right?, sorry again for what happened this morning" she said and smiled at me. "Yes, do not apologize to me, we are okay now" I told her.

Jeongyeon's POV

I was walking in our building to find my friends, when I saw jihyo, who had fought with the group of bullies. I immediately went in their direction to help her.

"Yahh! What are you doing to jihyo!" I shouted at them. "hey mother fucker, you have no business here, so don't bother us." they said to me as I walked in their direction.

"Oh really? Don't you know me, and why are you harassing my girlfriend?" When I said the word girlfriend I see jihyo's eyes widen while looking at me.

"We don't care who you are here at this school, and we also don't care if she is your girlfriend, all we want is her money" one of the boy said and apear with his companion while laughing. and when I got to where they were, I just stood in front of them and did nothing.

"Oh why do you seem to be afraid to fight?" The boy said. "tsk, go ahead and show me if you can do anything?" I said to them and smirked. and because of i what said there was a boy who came up to me and try punched me, but before his hand touched my face, I immediately took his hand and broke it a little.

he writhed in pain and as he squirmed in pain I punched him in the face to get revenge for what he done to jihyo.

"You chose the wrong opponent, I used to be a taekwondo player but it seems that my use of my skills from then until now does not change" I told them and looked at jihyo as if scared because of what happened.

They came to me one after another and tried to hurt me but I avoided all of that, and I retaliated for jihyo. I punch them in the face and trampled on their bellies.

when I finished knocking them out, they left in fear. and I went to jihyo who was still crying because of what happened.

"jihyo" but she did not look or look up to faced me. and the next thing she did made me shocked, she stood up and slapped me in the face.

"W-what's that for, did I do something wrong?" I asked her in fear that I might have done something wrong to her, but after she slapped me she hugged me and said something I did not expect.

"Why did you do that, do you know that you can be hurt because of what you did!? You can just leave me alone earlier, I used to be hurt" she said while sobbing.

"What I am for, if I just let them hurt you without me fighting back for you, they won't stop you if I don't give them a lesson" I said while stroking her hair.
"Promise me that you will not be oppressed again, okay?" I asked her, she nodded at me. we broke the hug and I touched her face. "Don't cry, you look more uglier when you're crying" I said to her and she playful punch me on my shoulder.

"I'll take you to your house, it's that okay?" She just nodded at me, as we walked to my motorbike while holding hands. we were here in front of my motor and I rode, and put my helmet on jihyo.

"How are you? You don't have any helmet when you put it on me" she said and pout.

"Don't pout I might get an heart attacked because of your cuteness, it's okay as long as you're safe I'm okay" she immediately blushed at what I said.

when you become my girlfriend I will never let you go I said to myself while looking at jihyo. "Your friend, might be looking for you, so lets go" I said and patted the back of my motor. She was already riding in the back of my motor but not holding me.

"Hold on tight" I said "where, here?" She touched my head, "no, down there." She hit me in the head and couldn't hold me. "You're really rude" she said. "In the abs you hold, what did you think to touch?" I asked her in a teasing way.

"Please lets go home, before I hit you again" she said and hug my stomach. I hope you always hug me like this, I said to myself.

we reached their house, jihyo came down and took off the helmet she was wearing. "thank you again for earlier" she said and handed me the helmet.

"That's nothing, just remember what you promised me earlier" I said and took the helmet she was holding.
"um.... I'm going home, maybe my friends are looking for me, bye"

I was about to get on my motorbike when jihyo called me. "Jeong!" I turned to her and she want me to go back to where she was standing.

"why is there a problem?" I asked her. "I'm going to whisper to you something, so bend down a little cause I can't reach you. I bend down a little more so she can reach my ear, but instead of whispering i can hear from her, she suddenly kiss me on the cheeck." bye thank you again for earlier" she said and entered their house.

I was not able to move from where I was standing, I was still stunned by what happened. Did park jihyo kissed me? I returned to the reality when the car suddenly horn in front of me.

"Leave the road, we will pass!" the man who's driving said. "sorry" I said and bowed.

I looked at jihyo's house and shouted. "Park jihyo thanks for the kiss!! Goodnight!!" I shout with the happiness in my voice. "Yahooo!! I got a kiss from park jihyo!" I got on my motorbike and drove home.

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