Dinner date

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Chaeyoung's POV

I was walking in the park to get some fresh air, there's really no school today because it was Saturday.

I sat on one of the benches in the park. while focusing on my cellphone, when something stopped both of her feet in front of me i can say she's a girl because of her shoes, and when I lifted my head up I immediately smiled because of the girl in front of me.

"d-dahyun what are you doing here" I stammered. "walking to get some fresh air" she said with a smile.

"Do you want to walk with me?" I asked her "Of course i would love to, lets go?" She asked and reached out her hand to me to help me stand up in my seat, I just smiled at her and didn't say anything.

while we were walking I saw an ice cream shop so I asked dahyun if she wanted to. "Do you want ice cream? She just nodded.

We went to the ice cream shop, and bought two ice creams. Strawberries are mine and vanilla is her's." Thank you for the free ice cream "she said and smiled, she's really cute when she smiles. I just nodded for the answer.

we sat on one bench in the park and ate our ice creams. "You know you're not that bad as I thought" she suddenly said.

"Why do I look bad in your eyes?" I asked her. "yes before, because you are known as a bully at school, right, so I thought you were bad. but you are not that bad, you're actually kind and sweet, I want to know you better" she said and smiled at me.

Honestly if smile could kill, I would be dead earlier. "D-do you really want to know me more?" I stammered.

"of course why not" I smiled at her as I thought of an idea. "um dahyun I want to ask you something" she just nodded to let me know that i can continue what I am saying. "C-can we go out tonight, like a dinner date, didn't you say you want to know me more, I-i also want to know you" I said nervously.

"You're asking me to go on a date?, s-sure how am I to refuse" she said.
"Really?! Okay I'll pick you up at 8:00 is that okay? I said excitedly. "Yeah, see you later baby tiger" she winked at me.

"wait did she call me baby tiger? Hey- when i turned around she was no where to found, I just blushed at what she said.


Dahyun's POV
"I can't believe son chaeyoung invited me to a dinner date!" I can't stop smiling because of the excitement.

but the question is why did she invite me to dinner date does she like me too? I asked myself.

Yes you heard that right I like chaeng, she's very kind and sweet, I hope she will likes me too.

By the way this is what I was wearing for our dinner date later.

"I'm just wearing a pink dress and a little make-up" I was about to go to the kitchen to get water when my friends suddenly came down, we're all together in a same house because our parents  want us to be in the same house who we are to refuse right

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"I'm just wearing a pink dress and a little make-up" I was about to go to the kitchen to get water when my friends suddenly came down, we're all together in a same house because our parents  want us to be in the same house who we are to refuse right.

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