Stay with me

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*Momo's POV*

we are here on the couch now waiting for the food we ordered to arrive, I can't cook because I forgot to buy food's, maybe tomorrow I'll go to the grocery store i can't tonight because it's already night. After waiting for a few hours, I heard a bell ring outside, I stood up and looked at the door to see who was at the door.

When I opened the door, I saw the delivery guy carrying the food we ordered. I took the food in his hand and i pay for the food, closed the door and put the food on the table. Sana immediately went to the table to look at the food, the only ones we ordered were. Kimchi, samgyeopsal, jjajangmyeon, chimaek, and instant noddle.

we opened the food and put it on the plates, we started eating and talking while eating. a few minutes later we finished eating, we're just here now on the couch while watching tv. we were quietly watching when I suddenly thought to ask sana this.

"How are you and your boyfriend?" I asked while my eyes were still on the TV. I saw out of the corner of my eyes that she looked at me and sighed. "we're okay, uhm actually I'm still happy to be with jungkook" and turned her gaze to the tv.

"hmn ... it's good to hear that you're happy" and still doesn't take my eyes off the tv. "How about you, how's your lovelife?" She asked me. "i'm still single, waiting for the one" we laughed at what I said and silence filled the living room again.

I was about to stood up when sana suddenly asked, which surprised me. "if I didn't answer jungkook to be my boyfriend, are you going to court me?" and looked at me, as if she were looking at me my soul.

"Y-yeah why not, you're beautiful, smart, girlfriend material, sexy and cute who the fuck can't fall for you" I said and now I'm looking into her eyes.

"so..... you're saying I'm sexy?" She asked as if she was seducing me. "Why are you seducing me?" I said and stared into her eyes down to her pointy nose, down to her red lips and back to her eyes and smirked.

"I didn't seduce you, I'm just asking if I'm really sexy in your eyes" and crossed her arms and pout. "cute" I whispered and poke her nose.

a few hours later, sana looked at her watch and said. "momo I need to leave, maybe the girls are looking for me" and took her things. "do you want me to take you to your house?" and I would have taken the key when Sana suddenly said that.

"Don't worry momo, and you still have a fever so you can't drive, I can take myself home alone" and took the key and put it back in where it belong. I would have agreed to send her home alone, if I had thought of something.

"if you don't want to take you to your house, then sleep here at my house" and smirked. "momo I can't I didn't tell jihyo that I'm going here, maybe they're worried" and she's about to open the door when. "ouch sana my head hurt's help me" and held my head to make the acting look real.

She immediately came over and made me sit on the couch. "Where's the pain momo, do you want me to take you to the hospital?" She asked worriedly. I shook my head and said. "I don't want to go to the hospital, just sleep here, just stay here with me" and hugged her.

She hit me and broke the hug, she said. "You're really momo, don't joke like that, I'm worried about you" and she was about to stand up but I grabbed her wrist and said. "I'm not kidding
pls.... stay with me" and stood up to hug her. She just nodded and put down her things to hug me back.

I was about to go up to my room when Sana suddenly said that. "momo where is your guest room? and I don't have any clothes let me borrow your clothes hehe" and looked everywhere to find the guest room.

"what guest room? in my room you will sleep with me" and smirked. "W-what?! that's not possible"

"come here and sleep next to me if you like it or not" and walked again to my room, I saw her following so I smirked. I looked for a dress for her. this is all I saw and gave to her to get dressed.

I lay down on my bed and just waited for her to come out of the bathroom, when she came out of the bathroom, I saw that she was wearing my clothes

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I lay down on my bed and just waited for her to come out of the bathroom, when she came out of the bathroom, I saw that she was wearing my clothes.

I smiled and said. "my cloth looks good in you" and just look at her, I didn't notice that she was calling me.
"yes, do you need something else?" and fix myself because I look like a stupid

"I said did you text jihyo that I will sleep here?" and sat down next to me. "Yes, she texted me back, she said it was okay" and lay to bed.

"uhm..... okay" and lay down next to me. a few minutes later I saw Sana sleeping soundly I smiled and looked at the ceiling,

"how can I forget you, if you yourself make the way, so I will never forget you" I said to myself and turned in the direction where Sana was lying down.

I hugged her and smelled her hair. "I hope it's always like this" and I closed my eyes and eventually fell asleep.

That's all for this chap. I hope this isn't boring😬

please stearm ICSM and TWICE'S SONG'S🥰

Don't forget to vote, love lots😊😙

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