Nothing changed

353 17 4

Sana's POV

I woke up in the morning with a smile on my lips, Now its monday again jungkook and I will meet again, I got up from my bed and looked in the mirror, I am still not used to not wearing eye glasses but momo said I look beautiful without it, I smile at the thought.

I went into the bathroom and started taking a bath. After a few minutes I went to the bathroom and got dressed, btw this is what I am wearing now.

 After a few minutes I went to the bathroom and got dressed, btw this is what I am wearing now

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When I go out of my room, I saw my friends preparing breakfast. "morning" I said to them as I got down the stairs. "morning" they greeted me back.

I approached the table and saw the food, "guys aren't we going to eat yet?" I asked them. "We'll eat later, I'm just cooking something." nayeon unnie said. "okay" I said and sighed.

one minute had passed nayeon unnie finished cooking. "Guys, let's eat!" nayeon unnie shouted at our friends. And they approached the table. "thanks for the food!" we all said and started eating.

we finished eating and needed a leave to go to school. "Guys, hurry up, we might be late for class!" jihyo shouted at the others. "Yeah coming!" Mina shout back. Then we leave the house.

we got to school, there weren't too many people because it was a bit early. Our friends are not here yet,  sometimes they come in early and go to momo's office.

Jungkook is still not here too, but I'm used to him always coming late to school, but he's smart and hardworking. we went to the garden and then waited for our other friends.

An hour later, we saw some of our friends enter the gate, but I did not see momo. they approached us while smiling, "hey 'guys how are you" chaeng greeted us, "we're okay" dubu replied and immediately approached her girlfriend and kissed her cheek.

"um.... jeong why momo aren't with you?" I asked her. "Oh..Momo will be late a little bit, she said she has go somewhere." jeong answered me. And  I just gave her a "okay" look.

about a few minutes later we had to enter our own classroom, but I still can't see momo until now. "jeong, why is momo not there yet, you said she'll just be a little late why until now she's still gone, it's time to go to class" I said to jeong.

"momo texted me, she said she would come in later, she said she had no practice with jihyo" jeong replied to me. "What about his classes?" I asked her and pout. "She'll come later, i promise" she said and chuckled.

*At class*

I don't pay much attention to our teacher, it's just now and it because of momo she can't get out of my mind, I want to talk to her about her actions with me these days, but she's not at school yet.

"ms. mitozaki" I cameback to reality when our teacher call me. "yes?" I answered her. "Why don't you listen too much to the lesson are you thinking of something?" She asked me and there the bell rang, signaling that the class was over. "okay, class dismissed"  the teacher said and left the class.

I was walking towards the canteen, when I saw momo going to her office I followed her and called. "momo! Wait a minute" when she heard me she immediately stopped where she was standing.

"moguri, why are you late?" I asked her breathlessly. "Why do you need something from me?" She answered me coldly. "C-can we talk?" I asked stuttering.

"about what?" She asked and sighed. "About you, I noticed that Your avoiding you these days, I'm just not used to you being like that." I said and looked down.

"Nothing has changed for us, it's still me momo and it's still you sana" she said in a cold way. I started to cry because of the behavior she showed me.

"W-why did you become like that?! You weren't like that to me before, what did you do, why did you changed?!" I asked her out loud while crying.

"Sana, nothing changed! I'm still your friend momo and just a friend..... I'm sick of just being friend!" She said to me and left me in tears.

I was crying on the floor, because of what momo did to me, I hope she just didn't change. but the question is why did she changed? as I was crying someone suddenly hugged me and wiped away my tears.

"J-jungkook why are you here" I said and sniffed. "Who made you cry?" he did not answer my question and he asked me. "N-no one, that I was just blown away by the dust." I said to him, but I knew he wouldn't believe.

"Who made you cry?" he repeated the question to me. "momo" I said and cried again. "that son of a bitch, just wait for me here" he said and left me, I followed him cause they might fight.

*Momo's POV*

I left sana in tears, it hurts for me but I have to do something to make me  forget about this stupid feelings, but every time I see her crying I get hurt, especially when I am the reason why she was crying.

I went to the rooftop to get some air. when I got there, I cried so much because of the heartache that was hurt by the girl I love the most. "ahhhhhh! why is this happening to me!" I shouted and cried again.

"Please love me" I said and knelt down because I was tired. "Please, love me back, I'm so tired of being hurt!"
I shouted.

"Please at least, just one day" I said and suddenly laughed. "hahaha, his the one who makes you happy" i said while crying and laughing.

"You're happy with him! I-I just want to be the cause of your smiles but it's impossible because you're happier with jungkook!" I shouted and wiped away my tears.

"momo don't cry, you will find the perfect woman for you, just like yoda said you have to wait because someone is coming for you" I said to myself and patted my shoulder, I stood up shakey.

I was already down on the rooftop, when someone punch me to my face. "what the fuck?! your problem."
"What is your problem, why did I make sana cry?!" Jungkook asked me. I just chuckled and answered him

"it's non of your business asshole, I said and punched him in the face." That's for punching me earlier bitch "I said and left him on the floor.

Sana and I met on the way, she looked at me but I just passed by her cause i know she's going to help jungkook. "momo" she whispered but it was enough for me to hear her. I ignored her and just walked to my office.

Thank you for reading, hope you like this chap.🤎

See you guys in the next chapter, byeii👋❤

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