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No one's POV

3 months later, everything went well and they became 9 friends, in fact dubu and chaeng were officially dating now. their friends know this and support them.

jihyo and jeong, on the other
hand.... they became close friends but gradually developed their feelings for each other.

Same goes for momo and sana, but unfortunately momo is the only one who has feelings for sana, sana just considers momo as a best friend.

But until now momo still hopes that sana will like her.
and mina and tzu.....well they are friends now, but when they are together no one speaks without us. I don't know, those two are quiet qhen they're together but I know that they also like each other.

If you ask what about nayeon's love life she's dating lee ji-eun also known as IU, they been dating for 2 months now and they both doing well for their friendship and for their future relationship.

there will be a contest at the school, this coming week. momo and jihyo join as a dance duo. they are the only duo to participate in this contest, because some of their friends do not want to join them because they are ashamed to dance in front of many people.

if I haven't told you, momo is one of the best dancers of the school, she is the one who will be honored when their school has a contest at another school.

jihyo and momo have been practicing every day, they haven't stopped you practicing since the principal announced that there will be a contest at school.

their friends are worried about them, but they always say they are okay. well...they rested, but only for a few minutes and they practiced again.

Momo's POV

there is an upcoming contest at school, I actually implemented the contest at school, jihyo said she wanted to join so I said I will accompany her to dance, since some of our friends do not want to join her, so I will just join her in the dance floor.

We have been practicing since the week the principal announced that there will be a upcoming contest at the school.

"okay ... that's all for today, let's practice again tomorrow after class" I said to jihyo we just finished practicing, and my friends and the other students who were watching us practiced.

"momo for you" a girl approached me and gave me water. "thanks" I said and I accepted it, but before I really didn't accept what the girls who approached me gave.

because I will change, I will try not to be rude to the girls who are appoaring me, in front and if sana is not around. For sana to like me back.....someday

I drank the water and gave it to jihyo so she could drink "thanks" jihyo said. we're heading in the direction where our friends are.

jihyo was about to drink the water I drank but jeong stole it from her.
"hey, that's mine" jihyo said and pout.

"Don't drink momo's water, it bought you water" jeong said and gave jihyo the unopened water.

"Someone is jealous" I said and smirked at jeong. "I'm not jealous, I just don't want to make jihyo drink a dirty water" she said.

"oh really, what if I kiss jihyo now you have nothing to do?" i tease jeong. my friends' eyes widened when they heard what I said.

"All right, kiss her, she's not even my girlfriend" said jeong. "okay" I said and turned to jihyo and leaned to kiss her.

but someone suddenly pulled me and touched the collar of my shirt.
"I thought you weren't jealous?" I asked and smirked.

"I-im not, there are just a lot of people here, so don't kiss here." She said stammering. "I don't care about them, I want to kiss jihyo" I said and I removed jeong's hand from the collar of my shirt and was ready to kiss jihyo.

"Yah h-hajima!! (don't do it) okay, I'll admit I'm jealous! Because when jihyo drinks your water you two will indirectly kiss" she said and looked down.

"Tell me right away, so I don't take what's" I said and smirked at jeong.

"That's enough guys because we have to go home, it's late at night." nayeon said. "yes unnie" we all said.

I looked for sana but I could not find her anywhere. "momo who are you looking for?" mina asked me. "Did you see sana, I can't see her" I replied.

"Sana? Maybe she's just outside, let's just find her outside the school will be closed in a minute" Mina said to me and I just nodded.

as we walked looking I looked around maybe sana was there, but nothing. and when we passed an open door classroom, I wondered why it was still open, the other room was closed, it was just left open.

"Guys, go downstairs first, I'll just need to go somewhere" I told them and they also obeyed me.

as I approached the open classroom, I heard a familiar giggle but I could not remember who that giggle belong to. and when I peecked in the window of the classroom I stiffened from where I was standing.

I saw sana and jungkook kissing, I felt pain and anger in my heart, like I wanted to kill someone.

but when I realized that sana wasn't mine, it seemed like I was hurt even more. why am I hurting, I don't own sana but i...i love her.

I went back to reality when I heard the footsteps of their feet, they were leaving the classroom.

I quickly hide in one of the restrooms near the building where I saw jungkook and sana kissing.

"jungkook, I need to go home, my friend maybe looking for me" sana said and kissed jungkook again on the lips.

I feel like I'm being crushed by a million pieces, I can't do anything but to get hurt.

When I saw the person
I love.... happy with someone else.
"Be careful when you go home" jungkook said.

I went out to the restroom, when I heard that they had left.
"I hope I didn't love you, I-i hope I don't get hurt like this now! I hope I don't really love you! If I get hurt this fuck*ng much!" I shouted to myself while crying.

"but how, how can I not love you, you are different from the girls I met berfore. you are different from them, you don't leave me when I feel sad, but the case is you can't love me the way i did.

Yes, you love me but only as a friend, you love me as your sister no one else,
I hope you also learned to love me even just for a day, please let me know how your love feels like, even just for one day "I begged to myself while crying.

"but I know you can't make me feel that even for a day, because it took us 3 months but you still consider me a friend, right?" I whispered to myself while crying and laughing.

And that's all for this chap:)
Hope you like it. What will happend to momo? I feel sad for her.

Lets find out in the next chap.🥺❤

I used IU to be nayeon's partner cause i can't think of anyone to be nayeon's partner, I hope it's okay with you.♡

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