Pure Chaos

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i wake up early today cause i'm going to surprise my friends, i need to buy some stuffs and shits. well i already bought some on my way here but i think it's not enough.

it's currently 7:30 in the morning, i just took a shower and dang it's cold, like cold cold. i wear a casual clothes and walk downstairs to eat some breakfast. i bring the stuffs downstairs so i don't need to go back to my room to get it.

in my surprise mom is already awake, i gave her a back hug but then i she smack me in the arms, "you scared me, momo. i almost hit you with the pan" she said as i laughed

"you and grandma are really the same, that's the same reaction i receive when i surprise her 7 years ago"

"anyway, good morning mom. why you wake up so early?" i ask

"you mentioned that you're going to surprise your friends right? well i cook some for them, say hi for me okay?" mom said as she put the tupperware's into the big bag, when i say big i meant big big

"o-oh, that's a lot mom" as i scratched my nape

"no no, it's just enough. give this to them okay?" i just nod and took the bag, it's heavy as hell

"okay, but where's my food?" i ask pouting

"awh look at my baby, sit down i'm going to serve you your favorite" as i obey what she said

i wait and mom finally serves the food, "here you go baby, i know you miss that. eat well okay?" i look at what she cooked. it's tteokbokki my mouth is watering oh gosh.

"you really are the best mom, thank you for this" i said and she gives me a warm smile, she kissed me on my head then headed to their room again cause she still sleepy. she just wake up to prepare the foods.

not so long i finally finished the food, i take the food and stuffs in my car and headed to the nearest mall to start buying.

i'm done shopping and i bought a lot of stuff, it's now 8:01. i checked my phone and i saw one of jeongyeon's post on insta. they are now together at jeongyeon's house, precisely because I am also on my way there. it is gonna be epic just by imagining it.

i drive to my way to jeong's place, it didn't take me too long to finally reached her house. the guards open the door for me, he was about to tell jeongyeon that i'm here but i said not to.

i enter her their house and parked my car, i didn't bring the stuffs cause it kinda heavy and there's so many of them, and i needed a hand. so i just gonna get that later.

i enter the house but i didn't see them in ther couch, probably they're in the pool. i walk slowy trying not to make a noise and guess what, i'm right.

they'll distracted so i take my move, i make my way to the pool and stand there waiting for them to notice me.

*cough* "starting the party without me?" once i said that they all turn their heads towards my direction

"holy fuck am i dreaming?!"


"are you real?!"

"what the fckkkkk?!!"

"oh my god!"

"she's fcking backkk!!"

that's all i'm hearing once they turn to me, they all stand up and run to me "oh god" i said cause i know what will happen next.

chaeyoung run first to me following by jeongyeon and the others, we fell over the plastic grass "fck, you'll so heavy! help!" they get off of me but chaeyoung didn't

"why didn't you tell us you're coming back?" she said while crying "uhm surprise? stop crying baby cub, i'm here. see?" i said and we stand up as well

they gave me a hug each one of them, if hugs can kill i probably dead by now, i miss this but it's too tight. all of them now are crying.

"come on guys, i came back, stop crying"

"we really missed you" they said at the same time while wipping their tears, i just laughed at their reaction.

"and so do i, but please stop crying"

"don't you ever fucking leave hirai" hyung said while walking towards me and give me another hug "i can't promise you that" i said almost losing out of breath 'cause her tight hug

"i swear to god if you leave again, i'm gonna lock you in our basement" we all laughed at what bona said. they'll finallu calm now.

"jeong, tzuyu and chae can you guys help me to bring the stuffs i brought? that's a lot so i need a hand" i said and they follow me immediately

"hyung i really miss you a lot, can you sleep with me tonight?" chaeyoung ask clinging into my arms

"what?! no, hyung is going to sleep with me tonight" tzuyu added

"shh, i'm not going to sleep with you two"

"come on hyung.." they said whining

"ugh, fine we need a bigger bed cause for sure this asshole right here is going to join us" as we all look at jeongyeon.

"no i'm not, and i'm not an asshole okay? jeongyeon said

"okay, if you say so"

we reached my car and get the stuffs and go back to pool again, while we're walking jeongyeon suddenly speak


we turn our heads towards her confused, "huh?" we said at the same time.

"i'm going to sleep with momo too"

"awh, i know you missed me" i said with a teasing tone of voice, we laughed and headed straight to the pool.

i gave them all the stuffs i bought and of course my moms prepared food, they'll say thank you and gave me a hug.

i'm happy today, but not 'happy happy' cause the person i want to see the most wasn't here.

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