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*Momo's POV*

a week passed, and the day my friends were waiting for came, I stopped looking for a date because I had no idea who I was going to date.

I really shouldn't go to the party but jeong said that If i don't come the part will be boring and they weren't happy without me.

So I just agreed to be therd wheel again. I'm getting ready to go to school now. The party will start at 8:00 and its 7:45 already, I don't care if I'm late because I don't have a date. and btw this is what I'm wearing tonight.

Yeah its just simple long sleeve shirt and a pants, I went to the garage to get my lamborghini, it was the first time since I last drove this because I usually drive my motorbike

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Yeah its just simple long sleeve shirt and a pants, I went to the garage to get my lamborghini, it was the first time since I last drove this because I usually drive my motorbike.

but it wasn't the first time I used my lamborghini. I only use this when I have a long way to go or there are parties to attend. I got on and started driving.

a few hours later I arrived at the school I saw a lot of people here, waiting for their dates I looked for my friends and I saw them at one of the tables we will just be together at one table because it is big.

a few hours later I arrived at the school I saw a lot of people here, waiting for their dates I looked for my friends and I saw them at one of the tables we will just be together at one table because it is big

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"Hey bro, you guys look amazing in you outfit's" i said and sit with them.

the party will start in a few minutes, but I still can't see the person I want to see. I'm restless I'm looking everywhere because my eyes are looking for someone.

"Bro are you looking for someone? you were anxious earlier" jeong asked me. "I'm okay, just looking for someone" and drank wine. "okay if you said so" jeong said and continued talking to jihyo.

The party started and the students stood up and danced in front and my friends are dancing too with partner, but I was just sitting here drinking still waiting for the person I love the most.

"Hyung, are you just sitting there? Come with us and dance, why did you become the best dancer in the school if you can't dance in the party like this" tzu said and invited me to dance.

"Later tzu I'm just waiting for someone" i said to tzu and she continued dancing with mina. I looked around again and saw the woman I was most looking forward to.

She's so beautiful many people are looking at her she is probably the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I was just amazed by her beauty.

but I remember that she had a date with someone else, I saw jungkook greet sana with a kiss on the cheek and sana immediately blushed

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but I remember that she had a date with someone else, I saw jungkook greet sana with a kiss on the cheek and sana immediately blushed.

I want the one who made you smile is me, I want me to be the person with you now......for life.

but how can that happen if you already have a loved one. I sat down in my chair again and just watched them dance, the heartache of seeing the person you love dancing with the person she loves.

I just drank, my friends were still dancing but now sweet dance, they were holding their partner's waists and swaying their hips.

I was just smiling looking at my friends, and when I looked again at where sana and jungkook were, it was as if I was broken into a million pieces I didn't know what to do as if I wanted to kill someone.

I saw sana and jungkook kissing on the lips, I was unaware that there were tears dripping from my eyes. I immediately wiped it off and got up from my seat and ran to the rooftop holding the bottle of wine.

when I got to the rooftop I closed the door loudly out of anger, "why is this happening to me!" I shouted while punching the door.

my hand was swollen from the punch on the door, I stopped and sat down and leaned against the door, I was still crying while drinking wine. "I don't want to feel this pain pls, I can't take the pain I'm feeling anymore" and cried out loud.

"I deserve to be happy right?! Why can't the person I love loves me back, it's always like this!" I asked myself.

I calmed down and drank wine again, a few seconds later my phone rang, I took it out of my pocket and saw that mom was calling me, I wiped my tears and answered the call.

*On the phone*

"Why did you call me mom?"

"Baby dad and I are leaving, something needs to be fixed at work"

"Maybe we'll be able to go home next month, is it okay for you to be alone at home or I'll call your aunt so you can have someone at home?"

"It's okay if I'm alone at home mom"

"Are you sure, son?"

"Yes mom, be careful when leaving the house"

"Yes, be careful too"

"Son, are you crying why is your voice is different? And why is it quiet around you, isn't there a party at school"

"Uhm..... i'm outside mom"

"Okay baby, we need to leave your bye love you, take care"

"Yes mom, you also take care i love you too please tell dad"

*End of the call*

*Sana's POV*

I haven't seen momo earlier, didn't she go to the party? I went to where they were sitting jeong to ask if they saw momo.

"hey jeong, did you see momo? I haven't seen her earlier" and sat down next to them.

"She was here before but she left suddenly I don't ask where she went" I just nodded.

"why do you need anything from momo?" jihyo suddenly asked me.
"No, I didn't notice her come earlier, I'm just wondering" I said and looked around if I could see momo.

That's all for this chap guys, pls wait for next chap. Thank you for reading i hope you guys are enjoying this story.😊 Sorry for the wrong grammar's✌

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