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*Jeongyeon's POV*

it's been a few months since I asked jihyo to be my girlfriend, but until now she still doesn't answer me. maybe she doesn't really like me or she doesn't like the type of person like me.

I haven't seen her at school now, maybe she's busy with her projects, she said to me last week that she does a lot of projects and assignments. so we don’t see each other much these days.

I was on my way to the canteen, when I saw jihyo walking alone. "jihyo!" I shouted at her and waved. She immediately looked at me and waved back. I went to her, so that she could walk with me.

"Hyo, why are you alone?" I asked and walked with her. "The girls have their own cases of girlfriends so your friends picked them up and took them to school" she said and looked at me.

"hmn......why didn't you go here with them?" "Because I did something else earlier and I didn't want to be the third wheel of those" we laughed because of what she said.

we continued to walk our walk was full of silence but it wasn't awkward silence, when jihyo suddenly spoke.

"Jeong, what if I say I finally answer you to be your girlfriend? How will you feel?" I was a bit surprised by her question and happy at the same time.

"Of course i will be happy, because my girlfriend will be the woman I love the most" I replied with excitement in my voice. "Why are you answering me already?" I asked and smirked.

"h-huh?! I'm just asking" she stammered. "but hyo, take your time to think I'm not in a hurry, I'm ready to wait even if I wait a few more decades" and held her hands.

"jeong you proved that you've already changed, you're not the old jeongyeon I met, you're not the jeong who is womanizer, I'm proud of you because you made me feel the love I never felt before, you made me feel what it feels like to be love by someone who's special to you "and held my hands even tighter.

"so yoo jeongyeon, starting today, I'm already your girlfriend" I don't know how I'll feel, but I only know one thing so far. "PARK JIHYO FINALLY AGREE TO BE MY GIRLFRIEND!" I shouted and jihyo immediately covered my mouth because many people could hear us.

"thank you so much for trusting me I love you so much, you're finally my girlfriend, i promise to be honest and to be a good boyfriend to you" and kissed her hand, she just smiled looking at me.

"yes love, I'm finally your girlfriend" she replied and hugged me. "ugh..thank you lord" I whispered while looking up.

we just hugged for a few minutes and  parted the hug. "Baby, you're now my girlfriend, right? can I...... you know get a kiss" and scratched the back of my neck.

he just giggled and nodded. I kissed her in less than a minute, I've been wanting to kiss those lips again for a long time. the kiss is passionate now than before in our first kiss.

I have already removed my lips from her and connected our foreheads. "I think I'm the luckiest person in the world" I said while closing my eyes, I heard her giggle and just smiled at what I heard.

school is over today, I also took jihyo to their house but since earlier I haven't seen momo, I don't know if she's absent or what. I went home with smiles on my face when I opened the door I saw momo, tzu and chaeng drinking.

when they noticed me momo immediately stood up and went to where I was standing and hugged me at the same time.

"hyung, you look happy today...... what happened?" She asked in a drunken tone. I know that when momo calls me hyung, she has a problem I removed her hand from my shoulder and said.

"what's the problem spill it? and look straight at her. "what problem, we don't have a problem, right boys? "She asked the youngest. "yeah! "the dorks replied.

they were obviously drunk, but I knew momo wouldn't lie when she was drunk, so I sat her on the couch and sat next to her to be couch to talk properly.

"momo, tell me what's the problem I know you have a problem, you don't have to hide that" when I said that, she started to cry,

"h-hyung, maybe I-i'm not gonna be happy anymore"

"how could you say that, you're happy we're happy, how could you say you won't be happy"

"you know I really like sana" I suddenly remembered what sana said this morning she already have a relationship with jungkook.

"Y-yes, why?"

"I confessed to her this morning and s-she told me that s-she can't see herself with me in the future" momo said and sniffed.

"why is that?"

"hyung don't fool me anymore!, I know you already know about jungkook's relationship with sana"

"momo sorry if you're hurt like this, maybe you need to forget about your feeling's for sana, I don't want to hurt you but..... s-sana won't love you" and looked down.

She cried even more, I just hugged her until she calmed down from crying, I gave her water to make her feel a little better.

"Y-you're right maybe, I need to f-forget about sana"

"I know it's not easy for you because your going to see sana every day, but i know you can do it" I said and caressed her back.

"but hyung, why do you seem to be happy today"and looked at me.

"bro, jihyo finally answered me" I said and jumped on the couch like a little kid. "really? congrats hyung, I hope I'm get lucky as you" and looked down.
"momo, we've already talked about this"

"I know hyung, but it'll be hard for me" "and i know you can do it because you're hirai momo "and patted her shoulder

Sorry for the wrong GRAMMAR'S i'm not PERFECT so don't judge me✌

I hope you guys enjoy this story so far.😊

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