Sick moguri

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*No one's POV*

it's been three days since momo admitted how she really feels for sana. but in those days sana and the group noticed that momo hadn't been to school yet, they were worried for momo because she didn't answer their calls.

they couldn't go to momo's house because they were busy and they will go straight to their houses for some reason. while at school the friends went to the canteen to talk about momo, when they got to the canteen they sat in their own chairs.

*Sana's POV*

we sat on one of the chairs in the canteen and talked. "Jeong, did momo answer your calls?" I asked jeong worriedly. "She still doesn't answer my calls, I'm worried for momo I want to go to their house but there are guests coming to the house tonight, I can't do anything but to come" Jeong answered me.

Our conversation in the canteen lasted for a few minutes when the bell suddenly rang, we had to say goodbyes to each other and enter our own rooms, I said goodbye to them and went straight to my room.

I saw my boyfriend waving at me yes we are together on a subject, but I am no longer excited to see him as before, I wave back and sit next to him.

when I arrived in the room our teacher was not there yet so I talked to jungkook first. "love how's the day?" he asked me, "it's okay it's normal, happy and sad" I whispered saying the last word that came out of my mouth.

"I'm sorry but what's that again, it's a bit loud here so I didn't hear" jungkook said and scratched his nape. "It's nothing, maybe you're just imagining things" and looked to the front because ms. yeon is already here.

I don't know but I can't feel the old spark in my relationship with jungkook, I still love him but I know something is missing, it's like I can't feel the old joy I felt with him before.

but somehow I will feel that joy when I'm with momo, so maybe I'm sad now because I don't have my annoying moguri beside's me I don't know but it's only been three days since I last spoke to momo but I already miss her.

the boring class ended because moguri is not here and the class was really boring, I was on my way home when I thought of going to momo's house to reduce my worries a bit, when I got to momo's house I knocked three times but no one answered.

so I tried to remember what momo told me about the password, yes momo's door has a password so you can't enter right away, and I open it, went inside and saw the dark living room I opened some of the light's for It got a little brighter.

I called momo's name but no one answered, I looked at the rooms in their house but she's not in there but I remembered that I hadn't entered momo's room yet, so I went to it and opened the door and was exposed by the messy and dark room.

I saw momo lying on her bed I immediately went to her and said. "momo~" I was shook to touch her neck, it was hot and sweaty. "momo you have a fever!" I said and immediately lowered my bag to the floor and took a wet towel to put on momo's forehead.

I took a clean towel and warm water to clean momo. I try to wake her up but she says something. "S-sana don't leave me please" and momo was shaking because she was getting cold, I immediately climbed on her bed and said.

"I won't leave you I promise" and kissed in the head and hugged her tightly. a few minutes later momo stop talking and with trembling I didn't hug her anymore and went down to her bed to clean her up, when I finished cleaning momo I thought of cleaning her room because that's all messy in their house.

when I finished cleaning her room I went down to cook for momo I was looking for something to cook and I saw three packs of jjamppong, I looked in the refrigerator and I saw that momo couldn't get groceries so I took the jjamppong and started cooking.

*Momo's POV*

I woke up because of the heat I was feeling, when I opened my eyes I saw that my room was being cleaned and I thought, "Did I do sleep cleaning?" I asked myself I got up and turned on the aircon so i can feel a little bit cold and I went back to my bed.

I would have closed my eyes again when someone opened the door of my room, I immediately sat on my bed because I felt a little scared, when I saw who entered I was surprised because I did not expect her to come to my house.

"Sana-shi?" I was just stunned as she approached with food, "W-what are you doing here?" I still didn't take my eyes off her, she put the food on my bed and didn't answer my question. She took the jjamppong and took a little broth and blew it, fed it to me I couldn't do anything because she was feeding me the food.

I just ate it still looking at sana, I also ate a few mouthfuls of broth before she stopped feeding me she put down the food, "why did you stop, I'm still hungry" I said and pout. "why didn't you say you were sick, why didn't you answer our calls to you? do you know that I'm worried about you?!" Sana said angrily.

I don't know what to do when sana is angry, "I-I haven't had a cell phone for a few days, cluse I feel dizzy when I use it" I said and she calmed down at what I said, "but even tho, I hope you reply to one of my messages because I'm worried for you, if you're sick tell us right away"she said and took the meal again and would have eaten but I stopped her and said.

"You don't have to worry, it's my life and I don't care if i die-" I didn't finish what I was going to say when interpret me, "momo pls don't say that I-I can't afford to lose you" she said and I was just stunned as if I was guilty of what I said.

I took the food from her and made her sit on my bed and said. "sorry, I won't say that again" and hugged her from the back. I stopped hugging her and she returned to her seat, she fed me again until I finished eating.

"Sana, how did you get in? I haven't told you my password on the door of my house?" I asked her when she came back from the kitchen "I remember you told me your password before, I tried it and it opened" she said and sat down in front of me again.

"you don't have any groceries, do you want me to buy groceries for you?" She asked me. "No let's just go to the grocery store tomorrow, I'll go with you, and it's night time it's dangerous to go out tonight by yourself" I said to her as I wiped my back because it was sweaty.

"momo do you want to change your clothes, it's so wet you're wearing" sana stood up and wiped my back, I just nodded and let her choose what to wear. when she chose something, she handed it to me and turned around so I could get dressed, I stood up and started to take off my shorts first, and I saw that my pet was standing, "No not now pls.

I immediately put on my underwear and shorts I took off my t-shirt and I was about to put on the shirt when sana suddenly turned around and said. "momo why are you taki-" she didn't finish what she was going to say when she saw me naked, she just looked at my stomach like she just saw it.

I put on the shirt and that's when she came back to reality, she turned around and said. "why didn't you say your not yet dressed" and crossed her arms, I smirked and said.

"why do you seem to like what you saw?"
"W-what? huh, you don't have any Abs"
"I didn't say I have abs, so.... you did look at my abs maybe you want to touch them too" I said and walked towards her."your so full of yourself" she said and left in front of me."where are you going? "I asked her"

"To the place I can't see you "she replied and I just chuckled at what she said.

That's all for this chap hope you guys like it. ❤ sorry for the wrong grammar's✌

We got a SAMO moments here finally✊❤

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