Suddenly change

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Sana's POV

I notice that momo seems to be avoiding me these days, I don't know if its just me the only one she's avoiding or even our friends. I want to kiss her on the cheeks earlier but she stopped me, she wasn't like that before she just let me kiss her cheeks, like.....she suddenly changed.

She was always cold to me to speak, or maybe he really is I noticed, what's happening to momoring. I want to know the answer, tomorrow when we are at school I will talk to her.

But for now, I need to be happy  because I already have a boyfriend. I'm so happy when jungkook and I were together, yes jungkook was my boyfriend, I was lucky with him, he was kind and hardworking. He court me for 2 months and I answered him yesterday, but only jihyo knows about our relationship, because I am not ready yet to let our friends know about us, but I will tell them soon. I'm just really happy now.


Sana, when will you answer me I've  been courting you for 2 months now. I want you to be my girlfriend, jungkook ask me. "now" I said to him and he gave a confused look. "What now, what do you mean?" he answered me confused.

"I'm answering you now" I said and smiled at him. "You're my girlfriend now?! Yahoooo I already have a girlfriend!, my girlfriend is minatozaki sana!" he shouted with full of happiness. "I can finally call you mine" he said and hugged me. "yes love, I'm yours now" I said and kissed him on the lips.

*at home*

"Where are you from?" jihyo asked me. I just got home, jungkook and i went to the park for a walk and talked for a while before he took me home. "just walked around the park with a friend" I told her.

"jihyo where are the others?" I asked her. "They left, why do you need something?" She asked me. "No, just asked" I said.

I thought of telling jihyo about jungkook and me because I know she won't spread it. "jihyo, I have something to tell you"
"what is it?" She asked me. "but promise me you won't tell it to others, even to our friends" I said to her and she nodded.

"Jungkook is my boyfriend now" I said excitedly. "What?!" She shouted,
"I didn't even know that jungkook was courting you then, now he's your boyfriend!" She said in surprise.

"He's courting me for 2 months, and I answered him now, pls jihyo don't tell anyone else" I begged her.

"what about momo" she whispered but it was enough for me to hear it. "momo, what's wrong with momo?" I asked her. "nothing, yes I'll not tell others" she said and smiled at me. "thank you so much hyo, you're the best." I said to her and went up to my room.

*End of the flashback*

"hyo, do you notice momo's actions  these days?" I asked jihyo as she wiped her sweat. "Actions, no what do you mean, and why did you ask?" She asked me.

"I just notice that momo seems to be distancing herself from me these days, she seems to be cold when she speaks to me is she like that to you too?" I ask and sat down again in my seat earlier. "No, Maybe she just have  a problem, she's really like that, you seems not used to it" she said and chuckled.

Hi! This is clio sorry for this short update, i'm just busy a little, hope you guys understand that.✌🧡

Thank you for reading😚

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