Cook for you

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*Sana's POV*

I woke up because of the sunlight hitting my face, I was surprised because momo was no longer beside me. I went downstairs to look for momo in the living room but I couldn't find her, even in the kitchen she wasn't there.

I took my phone to call momo but she didn't answer. I was about to leave the house to look for momo but the door suddenly opened, I saw momo carrying groceries, I approached her and helped her with what she was carrying.

"momo I told you that I'm going to do the grocery, right?" I said and put my hand on my waist.

"You're still sleeping, I don't want to disturb you just because I'm going to the grocery store. and it's okay actually I don't have a fever anymore" momo said and started to put her purchases on the shelf.

"Sana what do you want to eat?" momo suddenly asked "I don't know, I'll eat whatever you offered" and help her to fix what she bought. "Do you want me to cook for you?" momo asked and now facing me.

"Do you know how to cook?" I asked incredulously. "Of course I can, I always help mom when she cooks" she said proudly. I laughed because of her cute behavior. "are you really going to cook for me?" I ask. "Of course, maybe when you taste the food i made you'll fall in love with me" she crossed her arms and smirked.

"haha very funny, maybe later you won't cook well" and I also crossed my arms and stuck out my tongue.
"huh, we'll see about that later" and started picking up the ingredients she uses in cooking.

"momo lend me your clothes again, I'll just take a bath hehe" I said and acting cute so she could lend me a dress again, she just looked at me as if I was small. (just imagine that momo is taller than sana)

"Cute~ sure take a look at my clothes there" she said and tapped my head. "Whatever I take you won't get angry?" I asked and pulled the elbow part of her long sleeves a little so that she would notice me, because she was so serious about cutting the ingredients.

she didn't notice me anymore. "Yes no matter what you take, I won't be mad" she replied still not looking at me. I pouted and crossed my arms and said,

"why aren't you paying attention to me anymore, you're just cutting that stupid onion" and I would have turned around but she pulled me by my wrist and said. "I'm sorry, I will pay attention to you  I'm just busy cutting the ingredients, don't get mad"

And leaned forward on my face and our noses touched, we can fcking kiss in just a little movement, my heart is beating so fast.

I can't do anything but to stare at her dark brown eyes. it's perfect, her pointy nose and....and her kissable lips that reddened lips is alway on my mind. I can smelled her lavender scent, her scent as if I could smell a fragrant flower. I snap out of my thoughts when momo suddenly grinned.

"uhm..... I'm going to take a bath momo, I'll just taste your cooking later hehe bye" I said and went upstairs to get clothes, when I got to the room I immediately locked it and leaned on the back of the door and signed.

"Sana what are you doing, you have a fcking boyfriend you can't cheat on him, and didn't you say that you don't see yourself with her in the future, stop this non-sense" I said to myself and hit my head. "arghh..... lord help me, I don't know what to do anymore" and rubbed my temples.

*Momo's POV*

I heard the door slam in my room, I didn't worry anymore because I knew it was just Sana. I continued slicing the ingredients and heated the pan and added oil. what I will cook now is bulgogi and tteokbokki.

a few hours of cooking I also finished sana hasn't come out of the bathroom yet, but this is the outcome of my cooking.

a few hours of cooking I also finished sana hasn't come out of the bathroom yet, but this is the outcome of my cooking

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only two plates because sana and I are the only ones to eat

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only two plates because sana and I are the only ones to eat. a few minutes later, Sana came down from the room with her hair wet and wearing my clothes.

I wish i could see her every day wearing my clothes cause she looks like my cute little wife cute, but i know I'm really just up to my imagination.

"wow..... you really cooked that?" Sana asked approaching the table.
"Yup, you believe I can really  cook now?" and crossed my arms.

"not yet, I haven't tasted it yet so I still didn't believe it, hirai cooking is based on what the food taste like" I just chuckled and nodded because of her cuteness.

we sat down on the chair and started eating, sana took some rice and dish and ate it, "who is it? Is it delicious the food i cooked?" I asked while waiting for her reaction. "uhm.... it's okay" she replied and ate.

"what do you mean..... it's okay?" and still not eating because the answer was not enough fo me I frowned at her and just looked at her. She noticed that I was looking at her, she laughed because of my reaction I suddenly smiled because I saw her sweet smile again.

"You cooked delicious and you look like raccon to me you frowned, in fact you're a wife or husband material" and giggled. "Really?" I asked now smiling. "Of course, I can't eat it if it's not delicious"

"Can I be your wife?" I asked and she suddenly choked, I immediately gave her water and patted her back so that her hiccups would disappear a bit. "Are you okay? Slow down when you eat, I won't run out of you" I said jokingly.

"I-I'm fine, just a little choked hehe" and drank water again. a few minutes passed and we finished eating, I put away the plates we had eaten and sana put away the leftovers. "I'll be the one to wash the dishes" Sana said while arranging the leftovers.

"I'll take care of the dishes, you just watched TV while I was washing" I answered and put the plates in the sink. "I'll do the washing momo, give it to me pls you cooked for me let me to this for you" and gave me puppy eyes, who will refuse with this girl's eyes right?

"Okay, just call me when you need something okay?" I said and she just nodded and start washing the plates, I went to the living room and turned on the tv.

Thank you for reading, did you guys enjoy this chap? If say please vote💙
Sorry for the wrong grammar's



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