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*Jihyo's POV*

The party is about to end, some students are leaving the school, and others are waiting for their pick-ups.

Mitzu, dubchaeng, nayeon, iu go home first. jeong and I left here because we couldn't see sana and momo they had been missing for a while we didn't know where to find them.

A few hours of finding we gave up on searching them we thought the two had already gone home.

"Babe, I think they went home I toured the entire auditorium, I went around the whole auditorium but I didn't see them" jeong said and sat for a while because she was tired.

"W-what babe, I haven't answered you yet so don't call me babe, is that so let's go home let's just call them when we get home" and took my things from the table.

"You'll be my girlfriend soon you should get used to it when I call you babe in front of our friends " jeong said and I immediately blushed because of what she said.

"Let's go home, it's already 12:40 the school might be closes" she just nodded and took our belongings.

*Sana's POV*

I fell asleep in one of the classrooms here at school, I didn't realize that the party was over so I went to the auditorium to get my things and I didn't  saw my friends so i think they're already go home.

When I got to the auditorium I saw that there was no one and the lights were on, so I took my things and when I turned around there was someone at the door.

I don't know if it was a ghost or I was just imagining things, but of When that person approached, I immediately recognized her because of her smell.

and when I saw her face I saw that it was momo, drunk momo I immediately took the bottle of wine in her hand and said.

"momo why don't you go home, the party is over and I didn't see you go to the party either so I thought you didn't attend" and helped her because she was out of balance.

"jihyo is that you, why do you smell like sana do you guys have the same perfume" momo said with a drunk tone of voice.

"momo it's sana, I'm going to take you home" and looked for the key in her pockets. "I can go home by my self, just go back to jungkook, you're totally happy with him aren't you?" She said laughing and it made me confused for a while.

"what do you mean, I'll take you home lest you get injured while driving" and took her key in the pocket. before we could get to her car she said something that surprised me.

"I'm so sick with this, please don't hurt me I can't take it anymore, it's like I'm going to die when I see you happy with jungkook" there were tears fall in her eyes before she fell asleep.

"What do you mean?" I asked the sleeping momo. I put her in her car and got into the driver's seat.

I start driving and what momo said made me confuse? I don't know, I can't it erase from my mind what momo said to me. why is she hurt? why doesn't she want to see me with jungkook.?

many questions in my mind that can't be answered, maybe when momo gets better maybe I can ask her what she said, I said in my mind and continued driving.

we got home and I went out to knock on her door but no one opened the door, "ms. hirai" and knocked again on the door but still no one opened it. I got back in the car and woke her up.

"momo, we're here at your house, wake up I can't lift" I tapped momo in the elbow. She woke up and got out of the car helped and i helped her because she was still dizzy.

"momo, aren't your parents there because they didn't answer when I knocked on the door" I said and momo looked at me, "they leave earlier they called me, my parents are going back here next month, they said I will be  home alone for a month, I'm sad when I'm alone" she said in a drunken tone and pout.

"Why, are you staying with me?" and pierced my cheek jokingly. I removed her hand and said. "I just asking" and opened the door. I sat her on the couch and closed the door.

"momo, where is your room? I'll take you there so you can rest" "there, upstairs on the left side" she said and started to undress her self. "w-what are you doing, why are you undressing?!" I asked nervously.

"Its hot and I want to undress when I feel hot, lead to my the bedroom I want to sleep" she said cutely, now I saw her make a cute face usually he's making a badboy.

I lead her to her room and supported her to stand up, when we got to the room I laid her on the bed.

"momo get dressed, you stinks, don't sleep while you look like that" and patted momo's foot because I was just standing in front of her.

"uhmm...." she just hummed and didn't listen. I remember what momo said before, I still can't get it out of my mind I want to ask her about it but I don't know if she will seriously answer me because she's drunk now. well we won’t know if we don’t try.

but before I could go to momo I saw that she was already sitting, looking at me. "Sana, I want to say something" I knew she was still drunk because of her voice, but I just nodded and sit beside her.

"What will you say?" I said with a smile. "I love you" I was just stunned for a moment and thought maybe she was just joking because she was drunk.

"haha I know and I love you too, as a friend" but the next thing she said was unbelievable. "not as a friend, I'm inlove with you since the very first moment, I don't know but this is really how I feel for you"

I didn't say anything and just listened to what she was saying "I know you don't love me but, I just want to do this to you" she leaned towards me and the next thing I felt is there were lips touching my lips, momo kissed me on the lips.

I could do nothing but be stunned. We stayed in this position for a few seconds and she start to move her hands down to my waist, then remembered that I had a boyfriend, I immediately pushed her away, I didn't know what to do, so I slapped her and said.

"why did you kiss me?!" She just looked at me and did nothing. I was about to stand up but she pulled me back and hug me from the back and said. "stay here besides me, even just for tonight pls" momo begging said and I felt my shoulder get wet.

momo was crying. I don't know if I'm going to stay or leave, but I only have one thing on my mind.

I will leave for good, I don't want anything to happen to momo and I don't want to ruin my relationship with jungkook because of her.

I pulled her hand away from mine and said. "I need to leave, this conversation is not going well" I said and left her room and went straight out of their house to go home.

many things happened today momo just confessed to me, that I will never forget I don't know how I will deal with momo tomorrow when we are at school.

I don't want to talk to her nor to see her, all I want now is to go home and rest.

Hi guys! Did you enjoy this chap? I hope you guys enjoy it😊
Sorry for the wrong grammar's i'm not perfect so....SORRY✌

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