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it's been a months since the incident happened and jeongyeon did take her revenge, she beat daniel up and threatened him. jihyo and jeongyeon is now back to normal they dated again and forget about the past, well that's not the case of sana and momo

they still didn't speak to each other well they still see each other cause they're still in the same class and same circle of friends, jungkook and sana broke up cause sana caught him cheating with a boy named jimin

he try to fixed everything but sana don't want to get back to him, momo can't do anything but to watch the girl she love suffer from the pain that jungkook cause.

yup you read that right momo still love her, she didn't know why she can't move on from loving her, but she's scared to take the risk

she don't want to get hurt again by the same person. but she want to hug, kiss and give anything to the girl cause she knows she deserved it

it's hard for her to watch the girl crying in her other friends shoulder, she should be the one who's comforting her but she just can't do it, she try her best to distracted herself but it didn't work

she try to talk to other girls but sana just hits different for her, the time flies and san finally moved on from the pain jungkook caused. she's doing great, better actually

she's happy with her friends and continuing her studies. and to mention nayeon and bona is now finally dating, momo alaws nayeon to court her best friend but in one condition

momo told nayeon that if she hurt bona even once, she'll take bona back and nayeon will not available to see her again, well nayeon is doing great she's loving the girl and taking care of her, momo is always in her best friend side to protect and guide her

her parents and bona's finally home from the business trip, bona is now living with her parents and enjoying her life with her girlfriend, friends and family.


i was walking down the stairs when i suddenly bumped into someone, i immediately say sorry and look at her, in my surprise it was sana she looks shocked too

i shrugged off my thoughts and said "h-hey" i fucking stuttered and i don't know why, I'm not even nervous at all. "hey" she say it back "uhm where are you going?" i dumpedly ask

'where are you going, seriously momo'

"i'm going to the rooftop, the class is boring so i decide to skip classes" she said and scratched the back of her head, "d-do you want me to join you? if you want to" i said and she smile

"sure it not a big deal" and we headed to the roof, we're walking towards the roof it's kinda awkward tho, we're not talking to each for a month i think then we suddenly agreed to skip classes together, oh what the fuck

we reached the roof and i open the door for me, she muttered 'thanks' and i just smile and follow her "how are you? it's been a while since we last talked" she suddenly asked when we sit on the bench in the side of the roof

"i'm doing great actually, well I'm kinda bored with my life cause i don't have a girlfriend or flings like our other friends" as i chuckled "how about you? how you doin"

"i'm good, i finally moved on from jungkook you that" she said and i smile "i can see that, well I'm glad you guys broke up,,, he doesn't deserve you" i said and she faced me "you think so?" she asked her bit her bottom lip "i do so" i said and we laughed

"i missed this" she suddenly speak after the not so long silence "miss what?" i curiously asked "us, the bond we had is really hits different" i just smile and face the view infront of us

"how i wish we could bring back the old us" i can heard the sadness in her voice "we can,,,, we can start over again and be friends like we used to"

"momo i know you didn't just consider me as your friend" i just chuckled at her sentence "yeah,,, its from the past sana lets forget about that" i said and looked at her again but was shocked when i saw that she's already looking at me

"what if,,, what if i don't wanna forget about what we have on the past, i know you miss me momo you can't deny that" she said and hold my hands

"i'm already accepting the fact that you will never be mine, i don't miss you, that's the lies i keep telling my self sana" i looked her in the eye "with words i don't even mean even if they're lies i have to fucking say it, cause I know my heart won't listen like i want" and hold her hands back

"i want you to comeback sana, cause how can i live as one when my other have if gone and that other half is you sana" i sincerely say on her and looked her in the eyes

i can see tears forming in her eyes, i kissed the back of her hand "momo i'm sorry if i realized that your more worthy than him, late. i didn't even give you a chance before to express how you really feel, i just worried that you'll play with my heart just like you do with the other girls. i don't wanna get hurt" she started crying as i hugged her

"stop crying sana, i know that you're just being careful but when you came you changed my life sana, and that time i just wanna make you mine and keep you by myself. i will never hurt you sana i just can't" i said and break the hug

i looked her in the eyes and wipe the tears from her eyes, i smile at her and kissed her in the forehead "c-can we try again, momo?" she asked

"i would love to,,, but let me give some time to think, sana i need to go back to japan" with that she widened her eyes and looked at me

"w-what? why?"

"I'll stay there for the meantime, if we really destined to each other, i know love will find its way to get back us together" i said and smile at her while she's about to cry again

"when will you gone back to japan? h-how long you'll stay there?" i start carries her back and hugged her "maybe 2weeks from now and the the school year is about to end so, and about that i still don't know how long it will take for me to come back here. don't worry I'll tell the others soon" i said and break the hug

"can you just stay here with us momo" she plead i smile at her and intertwined our hands "i wish i could, but mom wants me to visit my grandparents and fixed out our business there, i don't have a choice" she just nodded and wipe her tears

"I'll wait for you, momo" i smile at her and sign "okay, but if you're tired you can stop okay? i won't forced you to wait for me. i want you to be happy that's all i could wish for" i said and patted her head gently

but i wish she could really wait, i want her to be mine so badly but the worlds seems to be against us, how funny

we stayed there and watched the sunset from the roof while we cuddle "how i wish we could do this all day, together" she said breaking the silence and i just give a simple 'hm' as a response

it's getting dark so we need to go back to our house, i texted jeongyeon that sana is with me so the girls don't need to worry. i heard that jihyo and the others is getting worried about sana so i have no choice to say that she's with me

while we're sana suddenly intertwined our hands i just looked at her and she gives me a genuine smile, "I'll miss you once you go back to Japan" she said and pout "so do i" i said and we headed to where my car parked

i drive her home so i know she get home safely, i bid my goodbye to her once we reach her house and i also told her to text jihyo cause she's worried. her mom invited me to eat with them but i refused and get home

i was about to text jeongyeon so that she could know that i will be going back to Japan, but i decided that I'll just tell them once we have a time to bond together, i reach my house and open the door and go inside

i kissed my parents cheeks and headed to my room. i throw myself in the bed and stared at the ceiling i didn't even realize that i was smiling "how i wish i could just bring you with me, minatozaki" i said and drove off to sleep while i still wear that smile

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