Get used to it

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i woke up because of the noise of my alarm clock i turn it off and get out of my bed, i did my morning routine and changed my clothes. today I'm going to tell my friends that I'm leaving the country for years i guess

i wish i could stay here and be with sana for the rest of my life, but i know i couldn't, my parents wanted me to handle our business in Japan

and i couldn't say no to them, so i agree to take care of our business there and i think if for good that i'm leaving the country, i will able to visit my grandparents and start a new life there

but for sure i will miss my friends, we will not be able to see each once i go back to japan. well we can call or video call each other but i know the bond will never be the same

so I'm spending this day with my friends, i want to be with them today cause it only have 2weeks from now then I'm going to leave the country. it's sad but i miss my home town and my grandparents a lot

i walk down stairs and see my parents talking with each other, i think they're talking about business again

"good morning mom, dad" i greet them, they look at my direction and smiled at me "good morning honey" they both said "are you guys busy?"

"yeah, kinda baby why do you need something? oh and did you tell your friends that you're leaving korea? i know you will miss them I'm sorry baby if we need to send you there and besides your grandparents misses you a lot" mom said as i walk to the couch and sit with them

"i'm going to tell them today after we ate breakfast, mom i told you that it's fine and i want to see grandma and grandpa too i really miss them" i said and kiss her forehead

"no need to worry darling, your daughter is a grown up now she can handle this, right baby?" dad said and i nodded "just take care of yourself there momo okay? I'm not there with you, call me when you're sad or need something, mom loves you"

"mom why are you so dramatic i have 2weeks left to be with you guys, don't worry about me mom like dad said i can handle this my own okay? yup i will call you everyday if you want" i said and dad laughed softly because of my mom's reaction

"ma'am the food is ready" one of our maids said, mom just smile and we headed to the dinning table "let's eat, your daughter need to go somewhere hon, right momo?" dad said and i nod

we start eating and talk about business, love life, etc. i will miss this kind of breakfast with them. once we're done eating i brush my teeth and headed to my car, i call jeongyeon and tell her that i want to meet them and i said that invite jihyo's friends too, we'll just meet at her house and ends up the call

i was nervous while driving cause I'm scared of what will they react, I'm infront of her house now the gate opened and i drive inside and park my car, i got out of my car and knocked on the door

the door opens revealing the one and only son chaeyoung, "hi hyung" she said and hugged me "is jihyo and her friends are inside already?" i said and hugged her back

"yeah they're already here, i was surprised too that they come here earlier" she said and i walk inside. i saw them and walk closer "hey guys" i said that caught their attentions

i kissed their cheek one by one except from jeongyeon's girl which is jihyo, i see how she glare at me and if glares can kill i would be dead by now, so i just hug jihyo

i see sana sitting on the couch, i didn't see her earlier so i approach her and sit beside her, "hey" i said and hugged her "it's unfair that you kissed everyone but you just hugged me" she said that make me chuckled

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