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everything happened so fast, i look in daniel with an angry expression "look what you did, she's probably hate me by now!" i said and slapped him, he just chuckled and said "but you enjoy it right?" and smirked

"do you think I'm joking? I'm girlfriend caught us kissing and that's what you gonna say?" i said angrily "well if you guys broke up i would be very happy, cause i can make you mine and only mine" he said and slide his finger in my jaw

"do you really think I'm going to let you to be my boyfriend? well fuck you i would never do that you basically forced me to kissed you and now jeongyeon caught us. jeongyeon is better that you in anyway" i said and get my thing and was about to leave when he hold my wrist

"jihyo please give me a chance to love you, i promise i will love you better than she already doing" he said kneeling "kang, please get up" i said and helping him to stand up but he didn't stood up "i would do anything please give me a chance" he said and start kissing my hands

i remove my hands in his grip and crossed my arms afterwards "anything huh? well i want you to out of my life forever, you just ruined everything" i said then he finally stoop up "w-what? jihyo i can't do that i can't leave you, i love you" he said and held my hands again

"well I'm sorry, i can't do anything with that" i said turning my back in him and was about to leave when he suddenly speak "l-lets make a deal!" what he said makes me stop from walking and face him again "what kind of deal?" i said and walk back to him

"I'd stay here, stop bothering you and let you be happy with her. but if she hurt you, you'll comeback to me and we'll start our love story, deal?" he said

it was stupid but that's the only thing that will make me stop bothering me i chuckled and said "yeah sure, deal" i said and shakes his hands then i walk towards the door

but then i saw what jeongyeon holding earlier so i took it and i saw that its a bouquet of tulips and a chocolates, that made me smile but then i remembered what happened earlier, so my smile disappeared from my face immediately

i finally find my way out the auditorium and then i saw my friends finding on something or someone rather, i was about to walk towards them but they did it before me

they run towards me and start hugging me except for the girl who's just standing there and staring at us, "hey babe are you okay? what happend?" nayeon unnie asked

"i'm fine, and I'll tell you all what happened but first let go to the cafeteria and have a sit, i still can't process on what happened" i said and they just nodded then i turn my gaze on the girl who's standing there

"oh, she's bona momo's friend that she was going to introduce to us with" mina said i just nodded and shake her hand "i'm park jihyo nice to meet you" i said and smile, she smiled back and said "nice to meet you too jihyo i'm kim ji-yeon but you can call me bona i hope we can be friends"

and break the hand shake, where now in the cafeteria and i said to them all that happened earlier "it was just a misunderstanding guys, but i don't know what to do what if jeongyeon will break up with me i-i don't want that to happen" i said and tears forming in my eyes

"hey jihyo i know jeong, she loves you very much i know she wouldn't break up with you easily lets just wait until she's ready to talk to you" mina and comforting me and the girls nodded including me

"i just hope, minari" i said and start drinking on my cup, we all went home already cause its getting late

it's currently 2:00 am in the midnight now and i still can't sleep, i still thinking about jeongyeon i wanted to hugged her tightly rn but i know i can't, i wanted to apologize and fix everything i fucked up

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