•16• Mrs. Morgan

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Annabeth Chase is by far the smartest student in any of my classes. She always answers correctly and her homework is always handed in early. She has a few friends but as far as I know she mostly keeps to herself. One day though, we all learned quite a bit about her. It all started when her phone rang in the middle of class.


Now in my class, it is a rule to have your phones turned off at all times unless you have my permission to use it. If someone got a call, they would have to pick it up and answer it on speaker phone. It was actually not my idea, the class wanted the challenge. The only reason I can think of why they would want that is because no phones is already rule. Maybe they wanted to embarrass their friends in some way? I don't know! Who would know that kind of thing? Oh, maybe Annabeth because she knows EVERYTHING!

Anyways! Back on topic! She looks and me and I nod, I can tell that the entire class is curious about this call. Annabeth picks up and clicks the speaker button.

"Hello?" She asks.

"Hey, Annabeth!" We can hear a make voice say. I think that most people are surprised, based on their facial expressions...

Italics = Annabeth Normal = Percy

"What do you need, Percy?" She asks excitedly, seeming to forget the world around her and completely focusing on the conversation she is having.

"I just wanted to talk to you." The boy says cheekily and Annabeth rolls her eyes.

"I'm in class right now, Seaweed brain!" She giggles and he says "oh sorry! I forgot."

They talk for about another half of a minute, both saying "I love you" before hanging up. After turning off her phone, she apologizes and goes back to her work. But I'm still thinking about that phone call. They will be a happy, lasting couple, I think.

And with that final thought, I continue with my work.

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