•50• Trying my hardest.

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Hey guys! My friend Cai314 told me I should change the pairings up a bit, so here is chapter 50. Now what is special about this chapter is that it is a couple I do NOT ship.
Anyways the other thing is that as some of you may remember, since this is chapter fifty and I need to work on my wattys story, I will be putting Meeting the Demigods on hold until I finish. The latest this pause could last is until the 31 of August, which isn't very long so for delete this from your libraries or whatever. Until then, enjoy chapter 50! Love you guys! -Rhea

Hi my name is Tim Halwe and I just officially had the worst date ever. I watch as the girl, Mia, storms out of the restaurant. I waste no time in tipping and paying the waiter before exiting the restaurant as well. As I am walking home (yes I walked to the restaurant my house is only two blocks away) I hear laughing behind me and I quickly look over my shoulder to see a young couple. I recognize them as they were also in the restaurant. They both look around twenty, the boy has black windswept hair and bright sea eyes and the girl has beautiful silver eyes and auburn hair that is braided over her shoulder. My apartment is near the Empire State Building, which is a very busy area so they just live near me or something. Suddenly I can hear the girl ask "what are you thinking about, you seem sad" and the boy responds with.
"Oh I'm just thinking about her, I mean she died years ago but I still miss her. Ever since I received my reward I can't stop thinking about the first time it was offered to me and how I turned it down for her." He explains with what I think is a sniffle. This is really confusing be, who is "she" and what is this about a reward?

"I'm sorry Percy, sometimes I feel like I'm not enough for you. I know that I will never be as close to you as she was but I'm trying my hardest." The girl says and I sneak a glance quickly to see her kiss and then hug him. "Thank you." He says and she smiles at him adoringly. "Let's go home, my prince." She whispers soothingly and with that they take a different street and disappear from my sight. I never saw them again but I hope they are finding joy in their lives even thought do not know them.

See ya in a month-ish guys!

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