•2• Lilian

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I collapse onto the ground, breathing heavily.

"Come on kid! They're only like a kilometre away, and they are definitely gaining on us!" The man says and I shakily get back on my feet. We start running again until we break out of the tree line. Two people dressed in roman armour look up and grin.

Hmm... They must know this guy.

You see, I'm Lilian Ross and I'm a daughter of Trivia or Hecate, whatever you want to call her. Until a few days ago, I had been training with the wolf Lupa. I ended up in the city at one point where I was sensed by monsters.
And that was when this guy showed up, I don't even know his name. He told me to follow him if I wanted to find the Twelfth Legion alive, so of course I really had no choice but to follow him.

We had been on the run for almost two days by now and we finally had reached our destination... camp Jupiter.

The guards let us in and I sighed with relief. I had made it!

Then two people wearing purple robe thingys walk up and I gasp. The preators!

The girl speaks. "Ah! Travis! I see you've found a new demigod! A daughter of..."

"Trivia." I say and she nods.

"I am Reyna and this is Frank. Welcome to camp Jupiter... And before you go Travis-"

The guy I now knew to be Travis turns around and Reyna continues.

"Could you ask you're brother when he is visiting next? The next war games are in four days and I'd like him to be here."

Travis smirks and I ask "Who?"

Travis turns to me. "Oh just my brother, he stupidly asked Reyna on a date a month ago and she somehow said yes." He laughs and turns to go.

"And Travis?" I stop him one last time.

"Yeah?" He questions.

"Thanks." I smile as he walks away.

• • •

"I hate dresses!" I huff as we get out of the car. It's me, Lilian Ross again! I had to leave camp Jupiter after living there for three years. But I'll be back in a week. I have to go to my third-cousin (from the mortal side) Katie's wedding.

Well actually the wedding already happened and to be honest I wasn't paying attention. What?! I couldn't see anything since I was sitting at the back anyways. We are just walking into the big banquet hall for the dinner/party.

I had only met Katie twice but she was nice. She looks really pretty today!!!

Then I notice something. Some of the gods are here too!? So that means Katie must also be a demi-god! How do I know the gods are here? I can recognize my mom anywhere, ever if she's in Greek form.

"Everybody give it up for the newly married Katie and Travis Stoll!" A familiar female voice exclaims and I recognize as none other than Reyna!
A boy is standing beside her with his arm around her waist and a mischievous smile on his face. Hmmm... He reminds me of someone.

I turn my attention to the couple as I clap along with everyone else. I look at the man, Travis and I try to think of how I know him.




My head snaps up and I stare at him in shock. And then he locks eyes with me...

And winks.

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