•37• Angelika

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Okay before I start this chapter. I just wanted to say three things. One is that I was looking through some comments and on the one with Megan (the hide and seek one) I saw dreameh, Guaridan1103 and Percy_Jackson18's comments and I started laughing so hard. I don't know how in Olympus that started but the comments go from Clarisse to being nice and suddenly you guys are stabbing yourselves with butter knives and eliminating Divergents. I don't know how that happened but it made my day. So thank you for that! Two is that I now have over 42k reads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Three is that I LOVE it when you guys comment but please do not say things like "oh that character is dead, you can't use them" because trust me I know that Fred dies but this is a FANFICTION so I can do whatever the Hades I want! *snaps fingers in z formation*
So ya! I don't mind the "Athena has black hair not blond" comments but please refrain from being a smart-alec if you can! Thanks, now on with the chappy!

"Yeah, you are definitely a better artists than I am." States Percy as I hold up my version of an eagle. Percy is my babysitter and the nicest person in the whole world! We were in the middle of a drawing contest and so far I was winning.

My name is Angelika Felicity Pearl and I am eleven years old. I live with my mom in a small house in New York and I've never met my dad. I have ADHD and a very small case of dyslexia, so I can still read. But some of the words look jumbled every now and then. One of the reasons I like Percy do much is because until he was twelve, he had never met his dad either so it gives me hopes that I'll meet my father soon. I'm turning twelve in three months.

"Percy? Do you think that I'll ever meet my dad?" I ask innocently and he smiles sympathetically. But then he suddenly frowns and then a look of realization dawns on his face.

"Angel, I know you to be completely honest with me, ok?" He asks and I nod. I can trust Percy, he won't hurt me.

"Do you have ADHD or dyslexia?" He asks and my mouth drops open.
"Both! How did you know? Did mom tell you?" I exclaim and he shakes his head, a wide smile on his face.

Percy's POV
I realize that it is dangerous to be a demigod and I shouldn't be smiling, but this way Angel will always be able to see me and I'll protect her with my life. There is no way I will let any monster harm her. Plus she has a better chance of meeting her dad now that we know he's a god. Chances are I've already met him...

Angelika's POV
"Why are you smiling?" I ask Percy but he ignores my question and asks a third.

"Angelika, have you ever seen things that... That no one else seems to notice? Weird things?" He asks and I nod, closing my eyes.
"Once this really big dog was chasing me. And then someone came and they... They shot it with a bow. I ran away before they could approach me." I say quietly. Percy stands up abruptly and offers me his hand. He pulls me up to and he take me into the kitchen and up to the phone. He dials my mom's number and I can hear it ring. My mother's voice can be heard from the other end.

"Percy?" Mom asks.

"Yes, hello Ms.Pearl. Uh... Would you happen to know what I mean if I said that I go to camp?" He asks nervously.

"Camp half-blood?" My mother asks and Percy sighs with relief.

"Yes, welli don't know who her father is, but Angelika needs to go to camp like, right now. I'm a big three kid and I can sense that she is powerful." Percy says while looking at me and it takes my mother a few minutes to respond.

"You promise me she'll be safe."

"She will be." Says Percy and after saying goodbye, he hangs up.

"Come on, I'll help you get your stuff. We have to be out of here in three." He says, he sounds like a leader and for some reason I don't question him. I can trust Percy.

I take a minute to throw five shirts, a dress, a pair of jeans and two pairs of shorts in my backpack. I then add my brush, underwear, socks, toothpaste, my toothbrush and a few books. I come out of my room to see Percy putting a note on the counter. It says:

We got out of the house safely, I'll get your daughter to camp. I promise.
-Percy Jackson, Son of Poseidon

I'd heard the name Poseidon before but I could put my finger on it. Percy hurries me out of the house and we almost run into someone, or something. A beautiful black Pegasus stands on my front porch.

"Angel, this is my Pegasus, Blackjack. We are going to fly on him, ok?" He asks and I nod excitedly. The thought of going up high in the air doesn't scare me, not one bit. Percy helps me on and climbs on in front of me. I wrap my as around his waist to steady myself. Then, we take off into the air...

We've been flying for a while, I don't know how long exactly. The wind is whipping my hair around but I don't care. This is the best thing in the world! Percy points to a big camp in the trees on Long Island and I know that that place is Camp Half-Blood. Percy explained to me that my dad is a god and that camp is the only safe place for demigods. He also told me that his dad is Poseidon, the god of the seas.

I've been thinking about all of this for the whole trip. And all of this new information is overwhelming me! Without noticing, I sort of slip into a trance because I'm so exhausted. And suddenly I feel my self falling, falling, falling. And Percy is screaming my name and I am hurtling like a rocket towards the forest and kids are screaming and pointing at me. I'm nearing the ground now, two hundred yards, one hundred...

Then I suddenly snap out of my trance and my eyes widen at the camp I'm about to smash into. But I can't scream. I just close my eyes and pray to whatever god I can think of.

Please. I think. Just help me. Let me go up.

The rushing feeling stops and I crack an eye open, gaping at what I see. I'm about thirty feet of the ground, hovering in mix air. Campers are staring up at me with amazement. A boy flies up next to me, he has blond hair and electric blue eyes like me. My half-brother maybe?

"Hey! My name's Jason, what about you?" He asks me politely and I blush.

"Angelika. Are you my brother?" I ask curiously. He smiles at me which causes me to blush more. I'm not used to strangers being so nice to me.

"I sure hope so! You seem pretty cool. And you can fly so I'd assume you are! Is your dad the god?" He asks warmly and I nod.

"Okay, we'll I'm going to tell you how to use your flight powers. Just think the direction you want to go. How about on three we both go down. Think you can do that?" He asks and I nod shakily.

"Okay ready? One. Two. Three!" On three we both go down to my utter surprise and he claps as he hit the ground. He then waves up to Percy to signal that I'm safe and Jason leads me to our cabin.

That night at the dining pavilion, I am indeed claimed as a daughter of Zeus. I am now thirteen and I spend most of my time training with Thalia, Percy, Annabeth, Will, Jason or Chris. I also enjoy canoeing, Poseidon seems to like me so I go with Percy and Anbabeth a lot. My best friend is someone more my age. His name is Hunter and he's a son of Hermes. My other good friend is Lucy, a daughter of Nyx. I haven't been on a quest yet but I have gotten to go on a trip to Olympus with Annabeth to help her design and plan new buildings. And just as I had hoped. I finally met my dad, Zeus, the long of the gods and lord of the skies.

I hope some of you recognize the actress I chose to play Angelika. In fact, whoever either says her real name or the character she plays in one of my favourite series first will get a bunch of spams on one of their stories. If the winner doesn't write, than they can comment or PM me and say wether they'd like a dedication, a follow, shoutout or something else!
Love you guys! Also my last dance competition for the year is tomorrow at nine in the morning, at twelve and on Sunday at twelve. So I should be starting to update more often soon. I'm actually driving to Regina right now, so wish me luck!

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