69 Halle

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Okay everyone this chapter is dedicated to Mission_Earth_Member   because earlier they told me how they were called a jerk for shipping Thalico. Now I personally, am a hardcore solangelo shipper. However that does not mean I do not respect someone who ships thalico equally. I don't mind this ship at all, or any other ship in the pjo fandom. So hearing that someone insulted this amazing person simply because they like a different couple made me quite upset in all honesty. And can anyone tell me how liking thalico has any effect on whether you are a jerk or not? I just don't see how those to things are related at all. I am greatly ashamed for all those who childishly insult others for who they ship. This is a thalico chapter, and if you don't want to read it, then don't. But I was honored to write something small to make someone's day just a little bit better. So, here's chapter 69.

I'm Halle, and I found out that I am a demigod about two years ago. My twin sister Hannah and I are daughters of Aphrodite and she didn't claim us until we were fourteen. You see we turned fourteen a few months before the titan war, so we weren't apart of it at all, but Percy Jackson made the gods promise to claim their kids and so, finally, mom made the big announcement that we belong to her. Even though lots of the other campers dislike me for it, I really do enjoy being a daughter of Aphrodite. Sure maybe we don't always participate as much as we should, and we can be a little rude, but that doesn't mean I won't fight if I have too. In fact the giant war ended around six months ago, and I made sure to take down as many monsters as I possibly could with my golden sword. Hannah however, was never really into fighting, Actually as much as it pains me to admit it, she doesn't really do anything that requires effort at all. Some people refer to us as a second version of Piper and Drew, Hannah being Drew and yours truly as Piper.

Hannah has this obsession with camp's couples, and she is constantly spreading rumors and gossip about any relationship she can. It's crazy how many glares are sent her way now, I even cut my hair shorter so that people would stop mistaking me for her, that's how bad it is. And her favourite couple to annoy happens to be the most short-tempered: Nico di Angelo and Thalia Grace. The daughter of Zeus quit the hunters to be with Nico, therefor making them one of the favourite couples here at camp. Nico and Thalia are both dangerous, easily angered and straight up cruel when someone bothers them too much. This is why I worry about Hannah, she doesn't think they are a good couple at all, and with how much she insults them, I know they are going to snap one day. I just wonder exactly what they are going to do if she continues to push them. Speaking of which, I can see my sister strutting up to the duo right now and I quickly follow to make sure nothing bad happens. I wish she'd just leave them alone already!

"What do you want, Hannah?" Thalia says, trying to look somewhat polite, it's not working in case you were wondering.

"What do you mean? I'm offended you think so badly of me." Hannah pouts, but there is an evil glint in her eyes.

"Just hurry up and say whatever you came to say." Nico rolls his eyes and immediately my sister grins and steps closer.

"Fine then. I really don't get why you two are together- everyone knows you're gay Nico. Plus you two just aren't a good couple, you're both too gloomy and not friendly to almost everyone. You get mad way too easy and you just make each other look even worse." She says carelessly. Suddenly Nico is glaring at her with such force that I'm surprised she can still meet his gaze.

"You pathetic, miserable bitch!" Thalia exclaims and tries to lunge at Hannah, but Nico holds her back.

"Thals, she isn't worth you getting in trouble... I'll handle this." He says and steps forward.

"First of all I'm bisexual, not gay. That means I can have romantic feelings towards someone of either sex. Secondly, you call us gloomy and unfriendly, but the only person who we are mean to is you, and that is only because you treat us so horribly. Thirdly, you can think whatever you want about us, we don't give a damn whether you think we look good together or not. The fact is, I love Thalia, and Thalia loves me. And if you can't accept that we are dating and happy then you should just avoid us completely. But just know that if you ever bother us again, I won't hold Thalia back, and she will kick your stupid ass all the way to tartarus."

Nico says this so calmly and casually that it sends shivers down my spine. Hannah nods weakly and walks away without saying another word, to my relief. As much as I care for my sister, it was about time that Thalico put her in her place. After all love is love, and anyone who disagrees should keep their mouths shut.

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