•25• Samantha

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By the way guys, this takes place eight years after the crew became gods. But sometimes they still go to random high schools and use the mist to convince everyone they have always gone there. So they might even show up in like March if they want to! (No idea why but yeah). And also Percy and Annabeth have already had two kids so far who are both obviously gods and immortal as Percabeth are!

I am by far the prettiest girl at my highschool! My name is Samantha Rogers and I rule SMJO high. It's kind of a stupid name and I don't even know what it stands for but whatever! Even though I'm kind of snobby and not rich but pretty wealthy, I'm into sports too! Like soccer, swimming, basketball, volleyball and softball mostly, I've never been in to skating or dance (even though I took jazz for two years). So I don't know exactly what you could call me. I'm not a slut I'm currently single, in my junior year and have only ever had two boyfriends (slept with one, last year). I'm equally a girly girl and sporty girl and a have a lot of friends. I can be annoying and snobby but not all of the time!

And right now I have a new goal.

Percy Jackson.

I don't just want him for his abs like most girls do. I actually think he's cute and funny and I think he would make a great boyfriend. I'm going to ask him to the year end dance today at lunch and I honestly don't completely know if he'll say yes but I hope with all my heart that he does! Oh, it's lunch now! Time to go ask Percy!


He pulls me aside into the hallway and says

"I'm sorry Sam but I'm in an incredibly serious relationship plus you're really not my type, sorry." He grimaces and I ask.

"Are you sure?" I say and he nods.

"I'm sure." He responds and I sigh, rubbing my forehead.

"You'll find your guy someday though." He smiles at me and I smile back, letting him leave back into the cafeteria. Oh well, I guess it's not going to work out, he's in a serious relationship and I'll have to respect that. I will just go with my friend Ty or something, that will be fun!

Time skip to the dance<><><>

"Looking lovely as always!" Ty says as he enters my house. I hope I really do! Well I mean I think I do at least. My turquoise dress complements my bright blue eyes and dark hair. I just works... I'm honestly glad I came with a friend, if Percy said yes than I would be a nervous wreck! So Ty it is! I take his arm and we leave my house, getting into his car and turning on the radio. The ride there is one of silence, I mean it's a good silence. He's smiling and I'm practically jumping around in my seat but I can't think of what to say. Not because I'm nervous but because I am way too excited!

Half an hour passes and I don't see Percy anywhere, it's sad... I kind of wanted to see his girlfr- hey! They are walking in right now! I pull Ty over to them and we introduce ourselves to Percy and his friends. There is a gorgeous blond girl, a pretty girl with changing eyes, a girl with caramel hair that's in a side braid, a boy with curly dark hair and twinkling brown eyes and a blond boy with a little scar on his lip. Not that I am paying any attention to his lips at all...

I can tell Percy is a bit nervous around me and I get frustrated easily so I snap.

"Percy! God damn it I'm not here to ask you out! I can clearly see you have a girlfriend!" I say and he looks like a huge weight is lifted of his shoulders.

"Oh ok, this is Leo and his girlfriend Calypso, Piper and her boyfriend Jason and this is Annabeth, my wife!" He says, taking hold of the blonds hand. My eyes widen in shock and Ty's mouth drops open. So then Percy has to explain the whole married at 17 (I think) situation and let me you, it is not a quick topic! I am kind of sad that Percy has a wife but I'm happy for them at them at the same time, you know? Most of the night is spent dancing with Ty and my other friends, Georga, Ellie, Christopher and Brent. We don't really hang out with Percy or his friends and they mostly keep to themselves, well that is until 11:27 anyways...

3rd person POV

Boys have been asking Calypso to dance all evening and she's getting sick of it, Leo even more so. When the seventh guy comes around to ask her, he even dares to do so while she dancing with Leo!

"Want to ditch him and dance with me?" Darren asks and Caleo finally snaps. Leo shouts something along the lines of "lay off Caly!" While Calypso storms up to him and get in his face. "I'm dating Leo!" She rages "So cut it out and leave us alone!"

By this time a good amount of the students are watching this scene Kay out. Darren talks again saying "Your boyfriend is a los-" Calypso cuts him off by slapping him hard across the face and Leo sweeps his legs out from underneath him. Then they yell at the groaning boy for a good five minutes before someone cuts them off.

"Leave him alone! Who do you think you are?!" She shrieks and all of our godly heroes turn to face her.

"Lets just say, we're higher up than you in this world." Leo spits out Nd the others nod, glaring daggers at everyone. The girl shrinks back and Percy continues where Leo left off.

"Well, I guess our night will be ruined if we stay here. Lets go hang out with Apollo!" Percy says to his friends who smirk. "Goodbye mortals!" They say and then a bright light consumes them and the mortals are forced to look away, when they finally uncover their eyes... the strange student and his friends are gone, like they disappeared into thin air.

Hope you liked it! I need new ideas!!! Also, if any of you guys want to like exchange instagram accounts just tell me. Cause then I can fangirl with you guys!!!!! :3 :D

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