.•6• Jennifer

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I was in line at Starbucks, I was in a long line! I had been waiting for five minutes and I was still way back by the door! Then, things got interesting.
I heard whispering from one of the tables so I looked over, hey! I'm a naturally curious person!

"-in line! There- too many people- Jennifer Tilan!"

I frowned I mean it wasn't abnormal for people to recognize me as I am a famous Viner but, this got me suspicious. There were four teenagers and an older man. Maybe there uncle? Dad?

I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice they had got up until they were right next to me.

"Hey, Jennifer?" A very pretty girl snapped in front of me and I focused on her.

"We can't tell you why yet but we need you to come with us. It's really important." She said to me.

I somehow knew they were telling the truth so I went with them. We got in a car, the older man was Gleeson, the two boys were Leo and Jason and the girls were Piper and Calypso. Piper was driving.

Jason turned around to look at me.

"Do you know much about the Greek gods?" He asked me and I nodded.

"Well they are real. They are still around today and they do have demigod children. You are one."

I raised my eyebrows "How can you tell, that I'm a demigod like I assume you are?"

"Gleeson is a satyr so he can sense it." Leo said before Jason could.

I nodded again and the rest of the drive was spent in silence.

• • • •

That was six months ago. My name is Jennifer Tilan and I am one of the four children of Agave, the goddess of desire. I stay in cabin 47 and my home is camp half-blood. I have two half-sisters, Taylor and Colby and a half-brother, Garret.

My boyfriend is Malcolm, son of Athena and in a day I turned from Viner to demigod.

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