•36• The Chase Family

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Okay well PatStrassberg suggested this one! You also said to do when Paul meets Percy and don't worry I do plan on doing that one maybe in the early forties? I have some good ideas for that but it'll be a long chapter so I will do some more OCs first! Anyways guys, I posted another story board update and this is one that I NEED you guys to read and COMMENT on because it has to do with a fanfic I'm doing this summer and I need your ideas. So please check that out ASAP!

Have fun reading this one!

Percy's POV

I'm really nervous!

I know what you're thinking- "You've fought monsters and gods before! How does having dinner with your girlfriend's family scare you?"

Well I'll tell you how. First of all, Annabeth's step-mom Helen doesn't seem to like her and I don't want to make Annabeth look bad. Secondly, thinks have gotten better with her dad but she doesn't really talk to them much. And thirdly, she says that her two, twin step-brothers are evil. I finally knock on their door and a boy maybe about eleven or twelve opens the door. He must be one of the twins. I think. He looks at me for a few moments while I just stand there until he finally asks.

"You're Percy Jackson?"

I can only nod as he looks at me incredulously. "I thought you'd be a wimp!" He says and I laugh a little.

"I'm Matthew, come on in I guess." He says hesitantly and I step inside and follow Matthew into the kitchen. Inside the kitchen, the first thing I see is my beautiful perfect girlfriends, Annabeth Chase. She has on a navy dress that hangs around her mid-calves, the colour matches my tie. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this but it is a formal dinner. Annabeth's step mom, Helen, leans on a counter with a glass of wine in her hand. She is laughing and talking to Fredrick. The twins are visible through the entryway to the living room. I can tell they are playing a video game but I'm not sure which one... Call of Duty no doubt.

When I walk in, Annabeth walks up to me and quickly kisses me (which I have to admit still makes my cheeks go red, even after dating her for two years) and takes my hand in hers. "Dad, you've met Percy a few years ago." At this Fredrick nods. "But Helen you haven't, so this is my boyfriend Percy and Percy, this is Helen." She introduces and I smile at her step-mom and we shake hands. Then Helen yells at the boys to come, not in a mean way, in a... mom way.

"Bobby, Matthew, this is Percy. And they have to go back to camp tomorrow and we won't see them again until thanksgiving when they come to visit, so be nice." She tells them and they nod, but I can tell that they will forget easily. This is going to be a long night!

We sit at the table with our food which was a mix of different appetizers and salads. The spanakopita was probably my favorite. The dinner goes fine and we talk about many different things. (Annabeth and I try not to bring up camp much. We can tell that it makes Helen uncomfortable although she tries to be nice about it.) Everything is going great, well at least until Bobby decides that he has been polite for too long.
"Have you and Annabeth had sex ?"
Bobby asks this out of the blue, and I almost choke on my food. Annabeth's face flushes bright red but luckily Helen steps in and sends Bobby up to his room for a little while. Matthew decides to go up for a bit too and I can see why, it would be really awkward for him. Thankfully, Helen changes the subject quickly. "Who wants another glass of wine?"


Matthew, Bobby, Annabeth and I (Yes I used proper grammar, my girlfriend is a genius and a grammar Nazi so deal with it) are playing an intense game of Call of Duty, team deathmatch. It's Annabeth and I (and some robots) verses Bobby and Matthew (again with robots). The score right now is tied, 216-216. Suddenly Matthew asks me a question, but his eyes are still glued to the screen.

"Can you tell us about camp?" He asks and I look at Annabeth for permission first before saying "Sure." Which causes Matthew to pause the game and they both turn towards me.

"Do you two know who Annabeth's mom is?" I ask them but they shake their heads no. "Well, her mom is Athena, the goddess of wisdom and strategy. Annabeth is actually the head of her cabin and the smartest demigod throughout the whole camp." After I say this, the two boys look at her with amazed expressions which causes her to smile. She continues on for me...

"Yes. And Percy is the only known demigod son of Poseidon. He is the head of his cabin and the greatest swordsman to have walked the earth. Even better than Herucles." My girlfriend smirks at this and I grin, even though I know she is over-exaggerating. After she says this, they look to me and I grin at them.

"Can you surf really well then?" Bobby asks and I stifle a laugh, remembering the first time I was asked this question. "I only tried once, my dad took me earlier this summer after I helped with construction in his palace. But yeah, I would say I'm pretty good." This time I actually laugh.

"Annabeth and I are pretty well known at camp but our main friends are a witty repair-boy, a shy but courageous leader, a powerful illusionist..." I continue, naming many of our friends at camp. "And two master pranksters, much like you two." They look at each other and grin at this. "We spend our time fighting, climbing lava-walls, chilling at the beach, going to camp fires and nearly killing each other." I say and they look amazed although I've barely told them anything. Finally, after about three minutes of silence. They say in unison.

"I want to be a demigod!" Annabeth and I laugh at this and this time it's us who talk in unison. We look at each other and shake our heads, grimacing, then we both say "No you don't."

Hope you liked it! Please check out the story board cause I'm not updating this story until a few people give me their ideas on that update!

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