•20• Freaks and Teddy Bears.

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My name is Jeff Harilson. I am nineteen, I have tons of great friends and a beautiful girlfriend that I plan on marrying someday. So yeah, I'm fairly content with my life! :)

Well actually right now I'm at an ice cream store with my girlfriend Stacy and a few friends: Jarold, Gwen, Matthew and Tiffany. Before you say anything, you can NEVER be to old for ice cream! Suddenly, a couple walks in, well I assume they're a couple anyways. They must both be new at dating though, because they look a little awkward. Cute though.

They buy strawberry ice cream and are eating happily, I'm about to turn back to my friends when the girl, who has red hair, might I add, starts coughing and wheezing. Her boyfriend who is very blond, rushes to help her and gently sits her down, worry and confusion written on his face.

(Anyone know what might be happening?")

"It's about Nico" I can hear her whisper. "I think he's missing." Then she starts crying silently. I watch as he awkwardly pats her back. Then he shyly reaches into his bag and pulls something out, placing it in her arms. She laughs a little and wipes away her tears, then the guy takes her hand and leads her out of the little shop. Only later do I realize what he gave her.

A little, brown teddy bear.

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