•8• Jacob

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This is a Caleo chapter everybody! Yes I ship them because that's how Rick wanted it! And they're really cute, I love them so if you don't like them don't read this chapter.

I just met my new room mate, Leo Valdez. He's short, annoying and pathetic... everything a girl doesn't want in a guy. I almost felt bad for him as I'm Jacob Cole, the captain of the basketball team and I'm with a new girl every week!

Of course, he has no idea how much he annoys me. And I'd like to keep it that way, I won't do anything for him, but if he wants to pretend were friends than I can order him around as much as I want.

Am I using him? Yes!

"Hey Jacob!" He grins at me. "Want to come meet my friend?" I shrug and nod, I have nothing better to do anyways.

He knocks on a door down the hall and a girl opens it. A hot girl. I'd dump Jessie for her any day! I step in front of the shrimp before he can talk.

"Hey babe! I hear you're Lee's friend?" I say and smirk at her.

"Its Leo." They both say at the same time and the girl continues talking. "And my name is Calypso, I'm Leo's gir-" she stops talking when Leo shoots her a pointed look.

"Yah, I'm his friend." She smiles at me.

"Wanna catch a movie with me later?" I ask her, knowing she'll say yes right away. But stupid Leo speaks up before she can.

"Can I come?" He asks me with an annoyed looking smirk and I clench my teeth and I'm about to tell him to get lost but Calypso speaks before I can.

"Sure! It can be a big friend movie night thing!" She says and I frown. I'll get Leo back for this later.

I wave to her and Leo and I walk back to our room. As soon as the door closes, I push him up against the wall.

"Look, Calypso is simply way to good for you. She deserves someone like me so back off!" I say angrily and he nods with a scary glare though.

I let him go and he plunks down on his bed, popping a DVD into his computer and putting on his beats.

When the time finally comes to leave I face Leo.

"If you want to come, then good luck walking, looser!" I tell him and I step out of the door, locking him in.

He bangs on the door and shouts things like "let me out!" And "I will burn you in your sleep!" I chuckle and go pick up Calypso.

"Where's Leo?" She asks me.

"Oh, he didn't want to come, sorry I tried to convince him to but I think he's mad at you for some reason..."
I lie and she frowns but follows me anyway.

We hop into my car and I drive to the theatre.

Leo's POV

I stop banging on my door and a thought crosses my mind. I'm a child of Hephaestus. Fixing locks is easy!

I unlock the door in under a minute and run outside to my car. Yes I have a car. A freaking awesome one at that! It's only so cool because I made it, it has a built in TV and PS4!

It also has a slushy maker and the back seats can transform into a single bed. Yah now that I think about it, I kind of outdid myself. Just a bit.

Jacob's POV

Yes! We got here without Leo!

Actually, maybe not. Not even give minutes after we sit down, Leo walks in and sits on the other side of Calypso. I'm glaring at him for the entire movie. This Peter Johnson and the Olympians is so stupid anyways... I don't know why the other two were laughing the whole time, no one else was!

About a week goes by and Leo ruins every chance I get with Calypso! I hate him! I'm going to get him, don't worry! I just need to wait for the right moment.

After school on a Friday, I get that moment. Everyone is outside, heading home for the weekend if they wish, or some, staying here. Most people don't leave on the weekends. But Leo and Calypso do.

I find Leo outside probably waiting for his crush, and my future girlfriend!

I walk up to him and knock him to the ground, every one gasps and starts chanting Fight! Fight! Fight!

He gets up and I try to punch him again but he grabs my fist. "What the hell!?" He shouts at me and I yell back.

"You know exactly what this is about! Calypso is way too good for you so back off!" I laugh mockingly at him.

But then, he starts punch and kicking me so hard and fast, its impossible to dodge! He sends one more kick to my stomach and I fall to the ground. Everyone's mouths open in shock and they stare at Leo, who hasn't broken a sweat.

Calypso walks up to me.

"I would never date you!" She screams. "And guess what! Leo's my BOYFRIEND, we've been dating for over a year jackass!"

The crowd laughs and Leo says to her, but loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Come on Caly, lets go."

"What? Where?" She asks and I can see him grin.

"I've already put our things in the car. Screw this place! We're going to Goode, the rest of the seven's school!"

They both laugh and wave good bye to the rest of the school and drive away in Leo's car, Fall Out Boy blaring from the speakers.

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