•17• Megan

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Guys, this chapter is based on something that actually happened to me this summer, minus the part where demigods are in the story. I hope you enjoy because this was both a terrifying and exhilarating experience for me!

Wow! I breathe Jennifer looks beautiful!

I am currently watching my best friend walk down the aisle towards me, and towards her soon to be husband! I can see Malcolm's face light up as she appears and takes his hands. They had been dating for over two years, and engaged for three months. Now it was finally their special day. They met at this camp they both help out with, or at least that is what she tells me!

I watch as they exchange vows and a little boy with blond hair brings up the rings, smiling real big! Malcolm smiles and ruffles his hair, them puts one on Jennifer's fourth finger. She puts the other on his' and the preorder says the magic words before they kiss.

Clapping breaks out through the garden, where the wedding is taking place. Flowers and fountains lined the property.

It was beautiful!

I turn my attention back to the newly married couple and Jennifer winks at me. I wink back.

An hour and a half later...

"Do you want to hang out with us?" I hear a masculine voice ask and I whirl around. He has black hair and green eyes. Very hot I think to myself...
But not Ken.

Ken is my fiancé. And just like Jennifer made me maid of honour at her wedding, I'll make her maid of honour at mine! Snapping back to reality, I nod my head slowly and her grins.

"Great! We need one more person to make the teams even!" He says and I look behind him to see four more people, three girls and another boy.

Said boy grabs my arm and pulls me away, the others chasing after. They drag me into the museum and all laugh. The wedding party is taking place in a banquet hall thing, in this museum. And since it is already ten, the museum is obviously closed, the wedding guests are still aloud in, though. Until twelve o'clock, that is!

"We're playing Hide and Seek!" The raven haired boy says. And I look around at the others to see if he's joking but they are all grinning excitedly. Why are people my age playing Hide and Seek? I wonder but push it out of my mind.

It does sound fun...

"That's Leo, Calypso, Percy and Annabeth." One of the girls say "And I'm Clarisse!" She smiles at me, as do the others.

We start to play and eventually, it is my teams turn: Leo, Calypso and I. In this game you have to actually get the person. So you don't have to tag them but you have to get close to them and actually be like "Okay, I got you."

Seems legit enough!

The three of us are looking around and have started to get annoyed as we have not so much as caught a glimpse off the other team! Suddenly, I see a flash of black and I know it's Clarisse.

"Come on!" I hiss at Leo and Calypso and we run off together, hoping to catch them. But when we turn the corner, their gone. No other ways to go, no exhibits to hide in (not that you're allowed). They just vanished!

What the hell?

We are trying to figure out what just happened when Calypso speaks.

"Do you think they went in there?" She asks shakily and I look to we're her finger is pointing. A big wooden wall is where she is pointing. I sign on it says
Do not enter.

I walk closer and tap my finger on it twice. Hollow. I realize and I immediately push it open. It takes effort, for sure but slowly it bushes enough for me to slide in. The others fallow after me and together, we slide the wall closed.

Bad mistake, I can't see five feet in front of me. It's chilly in the room, I can tell that's it is a massive room. The storage room... I try to re open the door because this place is hella creepy and we're not allowed to be in here (not that anyone is still in the museum to find out). But the wall won't budge at all, I start to panic a little.

"Relax" Leo says. "We'll find another exit!"

I nod and start walking behind the couple, looking around in amazement. I can't see details, but I can make out outlines of massive shapes, machines, all kinds of different structures! Finally, after five minutes of walking blindly, I see a crack of light, the exit! I run ahead of Leo and Calypso and sneak out of the storage area.together the three of us walk out of the vintage car display room to find Percy, Annabeth and Clarisse waiting for us. And the first thing I say to them is...

"You are insane."

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