60 Marathon magic

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To those of you who don't know, book two of my Nico di Angelo and Harry Potter crossover is published, well the first chapter at least. It has been since last Sunday. So if you haven't known until now, go read it.  And if you haven't read book one yet, you're missing out! Thanks for all of your comments, votes and reads. Love you guys! -Rhea

It was a rainy night in New Rome. Percy and Annabeth were currently living there and attending college, just as they had planned. The famous couple owned a little but magnificent house near Camp Jupiter so that they could visit their friends: Frank, Hazel and Reyna anytime they wanted. Many of their other friends were either working at camp half-blood or didn't have powerful auras, and could stay hidden well enough in the mortal world. For example Lou Ellen and her (legacy of Athena) boyfriend bought a house together and are both attending collage, as they both completed high school. They were some of the lucky demigods who had only had to move schools once or twice, and never got found out. Percy and Annabeth didn't visit them often, but had shown up to several of their house parties.

And speaking of parties, there was suddenly a knock on the door and the daughter of Athena opened it to greet Jason and Piper. There were hugs and chatter as the two new arrivals made their way into the living room. Snacks and drinks were spread out on the coffee table, many of which were blue. The two couples had not visited in over two weeks, which may not seem very long to anyone else. Just minutes later, Leo, Calypso, Frank and Hazel entered together, and the commotion grew louder. Nico and Will were the last to arrive. Surprisingly, Nico and Will were the only two at the time who were engaged. And although no one had suspected it, they would also be the first of their group of friends to get married. Thalia also arrived with them as she had been at their house earlier. The loud and powerful demigod was and is still a hunter, but she was taking a small break of sorts. With all of the action and stress of teacher new hunters, she really needed some time off. Everyone would spend the night at our star couple's home, and they would take their leave the next morning. This would be a night to remember.

There was plenty of eating and drinking, and even more talk and games. And after many hours, when the sky turned a dark blue and the time was nearing ten, they all sat down on the large couches around the flat screen TV. "So, what are we watching?" Jason is the first to ask.

Percy looks sheepishly at Annabeth who rolls her eyes in return, before turning to Jason. "We haven't decided yet, we thought you guys might want to pick." She explains and the others nod gratefully.

"No offence Perce, but I'm not really in the mood for Finding Nemo right now." Will grimaces and the son of the sea god pouts like a child, poking out his bottom lip. The demigods ignore his whining and discuss what movie they could watch. But none of them come up with anything, or rather, none of them can agree on anything. Suddenly Piper speaks up,  and all eyes are on her. She starts to say her idea, but gets quieter as she goes on, a blush creeping onto her cheeks.

"Well... we could always waaisneymoie." Her words become all tangled together, and Leo looks at her weirdly. "Talk louder beauty queen! Your idea can't be that bad." He says and Calypso scolds him to being rude.

"Ouch woman! That hurt!" He complains, rubbing his head after Calypso smacked it." She smirks at her boyfriend before turning to Piper. "Sorry about him, but anyways what was your idea?" She asks politely and Piper sighs nervously.

"Okay, well I was suggesting we watch a Disney movie. I haven't seen one since I was a little girl with my dad." She says and the others either widen their eyes, smile or look at each other confusedly.

"What's Disney?" Nice asks and several of the others turn to him in shock. "You've never seen a Disney movie?!" Will asks his boyfriend, and when he shakes his head the son of Apollo gasps in horror. Percy stands up with a grin on his face and crosses his arms. "Well that settles it. We're going to have a Disney movie marathon. And you will enjoy it. That's an order!" He half jokes and the others chuckle. And without further hesitation, Percy grabs the first disk off the shelve and pops it into the DVD player. For a few minutes the system loads, and then suddenly the screen turns white.

The TV displays many people and boats. And then a man apparently named "John Smith" comes in and immediately Piper realizes what movie it is. Our heroes watch in utter silence as the story plays out, at least until a particular scene takes place. That's when all hell breaks loose. As Pocahontas and John Smith share a truly romantic kiss, Kocoum runs forth in anger, a knife in his hand. And Thomas, seeing the battle before him, also runs out with his gun. As the men are fighting, Jason jumps up from his seat.

"Oh hellllllllllllllllll no! The lady loves John not you, you bitch!" Jason screams at the TV and Piper quickly pulls him back down while the others 'shush' him. Nico and Will laugh quietly at Jason's outburst and he glares at them. "Sorry that I'm standing up for what's right." He says dramatically and Piper, Nico, Will, Thalia and Frank burst into laughter.

"Gods, you're just like dad! What- what a complete DRAMA KING!" The hunter says in between laughs, which only makes the others laugh harder. Soon they are so loud, it's impossible to hear the TV. Annabeths pauses the movie and Hazel looks at the crazy demigods, very much annoyed.

"Can you guys be quiet please?" Hazel says with narrowed eyes.

"Yeah!" Percy agrees. "I want to watch John beat up the evil Kocoum dude." He complains and Annabeth glares at Percy.

"Just because he's fighting for what he believes in doesn't make him evil, Perseus." Annabeth says sternly and Percy raises his eyebrows at her, putting his hands on his hips.

"Oh honey, he looks plenty evil to me. And look at how UGLY he is! It's no wonder Pocahontas doesn't want him!" He sasses and Annabeth rolls her eyes, completely defeated. Percy does a little victory dance once he realizes that he "won". A few minutes later, the excitement has died down and the demigods are once again sat together on the couches.

"Can we continue the movie now?" Piper giggles and the others look to Annabeth, who is holding the remote. She closes her eyes for several seconds, takes a deep breath and sighs.

"Fine." She says exasperatedly. "But try not to be as crazy during the next Disney movie we watch."

"Frozen?" Leo asks hopefully and the others stare at him weirdly.

"What the hell is frozen?" Nico asks bluntly. And once again, the demigods are reminded of how little of movies Nico has seen.

"Looks like you guys are gonna be here for a while." Percy grins. And with that, he grabs the remote from Annabeth and presses play.

Sorry that was a slow update guys. But by the way, I'm fourteen now! My birthday was a few days ago! :)

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