•35• Cassiopeia

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For ChrissyEccleston • Sweet OC!

"Ow! You burnt me!" My half-brother screams as my leg (which happens to be on fire) skims his face.

"Leo, you can't be burned! Do you have amnesia or something?" I roll my eyes as he scowls at me. Now, you may be freaking out because I said that my leg is on fire... Or you could just be extremely cruel and not care at all. Whatever the case, my legs are metal so it doesn't matter! When I was just a little girl, my legs were badly injured during a fire, so my dad built me these ones. and they are so cool! They can take on a coat of fire (I was training kicks and combat earlier with Leo, thats why my legs were on fire.) and even have a built in gun with celestial bronze bullets on one of my feet! My father is Hephaestus, the god of blacksmiths and forges, by the way. Heck! My two last names literally mean "blacksmith" and "wolf" I'm Russian incase you were wondering. Suddenly I hear an angry shout from within the forest.

"Cassiopeia Kuznetsov Volkov!"

Ah, that would be me! Everyone calls me Cass, but from the sound of it, Butch does not seem to be in a very good mood right now... He probably found the stunk bomb I hid in his cabin a few days ago! I giggle at the thought but then I see him running out of the tree line and I turn pale.

I am so dead!

So naturally, I make a run for it, my ass of a brother laughing as I disappear around one of the cabins.

Where to hide? I don't have much time before Butch catches me... I think for about ten more seconds before I have a great idea. Aha!

I dash past all of the cabins and onto the canoe lake's beach. As I expected, Percy and Annabeth stand in the water, laughing and splashing around. I hate to ruin their precious couple moments, but this is a life or death situation! Without saying a word to each of them, I grab both of their wrists and drag them underwater. Percy creates an air bubble and raises his eyebrows at me. Annabeth just looks amused. So of course, I have to explain the whole situation.

• • • • •

Okay, so Butch, who is pretty much like a brother to me, forgave me. This is after Jason uses his wind powers to get the stench out and after a certain daughter of Aphrodite calms him down *coughPipercough*
Anyways, I have a new and possibly even worse problem! Percy and Annabeth are trying to pair me up with someone at camp. Ha! If only they knew...

They tried to pair me up with Cecil, Butch (that's how we got to know each other and became more like siblings than partners) and once even Apollo! Don't even get me started on that story, I have no idea what Percy was thinking! But you know why none of those relationships worked? Not because they aren't they right kind of guys for me or anything like that. Not a single person knows this (except for you) but I am definitely and completely lesbian. Shocker, I know.

And I already have a "crush" if that is what you want to call it. Her name is Victory Twiggins and she's a daughter of Demeter and legacy of Hecate. The best of friends, but I'd say we're pretty close. And she has told me that she thinks she is bi, so I know that I have a slim chance with her. I've been planning to talk to her for days now but she has been really busy lately and I don't want to distract her from anything important. Here come Percy and Annabeth now... Schist.

"Hey Cass!" Percy exclaims. "Who's your crush?" He asks and I answer without thinking... big mistake! "None of your business!" I exclaim.

"See Annabeth?" He calls out. "I told you it would work!"

"How did that work?" I ask. I am really confused! "You didn't find out who my crush was!"

"Ah, but dear Cassiopeia! I got you to admit that you indeed have a crush." And with that Percy skipped off, leaving me standing there with my mouth open. "He came up with a smart plan!" I finally exclaim to Annabeth and she laughs and shrugs, walking away after her boyfriend.

Anyways, I decide to start heading to the camp fire now, so maybe I'll be able to confront Victory after. I mean, of course I'm nervous and slightly scared but I know that even if she turns me down, we can still go back to being friends. In many situations that isn't an option but Tory is the kind of person who can forgive and forget easily, that's one of the things I love about her.

We sing the usual songs and then the Apollo kids throw in a few new ones which are fun and beautiful as always! As everyone is walking back to their cabins, I see a familiar mop of dirt blond hair. I quickly run after Victory, not thinking to much about the conversation to come. I come up behind her and link my arm through hers, causing her to jump up in surprise.

"Oh, hey Cass!" She giggles and I smile back at her. "What's up?" She asks and suddenly, my face turns serious, remembering why I'm here.

"Hey Tory?" I ask shyly and she nods as if saying "Ya?" So I continue.

"You know how I like um... girls. And how you think or, know that you're bi? Well um..." I trail off and I turn my head to see her looking at me with a goofy smile on her face. I don't know if she realizes what I'm about to ask her or not but I do it anyway.

"I was uh, wondering if maybe you would well, want to maybe try like a date sometime... Or something? I don't know if you don't its perfectly fine!" I say but Victory just giggles and entwines our hands.

"You know what Cass? I would love that." She says and I let out a breath that I didn't realize I've been holding in. When we reach her cabin, she quickly kisses me on the cheek and runs inside, laughing at my shocked face. But then a smile slowly takes its place as I start to walk back to my cabin. It isn't a long walk, I'm on the male god side and she's on the female. She is cabin 4 and I'm cabin 9 so I just have to cross the narrow field of lush grass (thanks to the Demeter kids) and walk past the Apollo and Ares cabins to my own.

Four days later...

Victory and I had our first date, which went so well that I have not once regretted telling her that I liked her in the first place! Oh crap... Here come Percy and Annabeth again. I don't know where this stupid theory comes from but Percy introduces it to me immediately.

"You like Jason, don't you?" He accuses and I nearly choke! Jason?! Where in Olympus did that come from? Suddenly, I hear the voice of the one and only Victory. My hero.

"Wow, Cass! You're dumping me for Jason? I thought we had something special!" She jokes and I giggle as Percy and Annabeth (mainly Percy) gape at us as she gives me a kiss on the lips. Percy just stares opening and closing his mouth like a fish and Annabeth just stands there, looking incredibly amused. Then, my girlfriend smiles at Percy sweetly, grabs my hand and together we skip away giggling like school girls.

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