•10• You belong with me.

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This is important! Please read everything!

I've already asked a few people if I should continue after part ten and they encouraged me to, and I do enjoy writing this story! But I want to know from a few other readers. Is more than ten too much? Or should I keep going? If you could comment or message me your opinion I would really appreciate it! Now on with the story!

Wow. So this was camp Half-Blood! I look at the other's faces to see they are in just as much shock as I am. It's me, Sarah Marsheek! I've known that I am a demigod for about a week now but there were only six days until school ended, at the time so my dad wanted me to finish.

Apparently my (goddess) mother will claim me only once I step inside the camp's borders. I don't even really know what claiming is. A few of my friends had also been told they were demigods so we traveled here together. We practically rule Goode High School and spend our time picking on kids like Percy Jackson.

I know! It's not nice! But that kids a looser!

Anyways, three girls come running up to us and tell us to step through the border. They all look our age and have lighter hair... I doubt their godly parents are the same though.

My two best friends Christine and Shen step in first and immediately, Christine is surrounded by a golden light and one of the girls grin.

"Daughter of Apollo! Nice to meet you! I'm Katie and these are my friends Lou Ellen and Lilian!" The girl who I now know to be Katie says.

"Why wasn't I claimed?" Shen frowns.

"Don't worry your godly parent should claim you soon enough. They have to now thanks to Percy!" Lou Ellen says with a reassuring smile.

I frown. Percy? It can't be Percy Jackson! No, this is obviously a different Percy. I smile again and come out of my thoughts just as my other two friends Sean and Scott step in. And the weird thing is...

They're both claimed by the same person. I don't recognize the symbol but Scott sure seems to.

"Dude! We're both the sons of Notus! Sweet!" They high five and I roll my eyes. Then I realize... I haven't even entered yet!

I take a deep breathe and step through. Nothing happens.

"Oh well, I will get claimed eventually!" I say covering up my slight disappointment.

I get claimed later that night, during dinner. As soon as I make an offering to the gods, a rainbow light baths me. I look up to see a hologram of a rainbow. It is easy enough to tell that my mother is the rainbow goddess Iris!

Shen thankfully, is claimed the next day! By Kymopoleia, the goddess of sea disasters. We were at the beach when it happened, which makes sense.

It was my third day that blew me away. It started with archery lessons, which I was very good at. Then this girl named Piper taught me dagger lessons since I preferred it over a sword. I somehow even made it to the top of the climbing wall with the lava turned on! But at the campfire, were I am now, Chiron says that he has an important announcement to make.

He pounds his hooves against the ground and tells everyone to listen.

"Heroes! I am very pleased to say, that our co-director has come back early!"
Chiron smiles a great big smile and you can see that his eyes are twinkling with happiness. And then someone steps into the centre of the crowd, right near the fire. A person that I will regret ever making fun of.

Percy Jackson.

And then someone is leaping into his arms and kissing him. I recognize Annabeth Chase locked in his embrace and I am frozen in shock.

Percy Jackson.

"Who wants me to lead a song?!" He shouts and the entire camp cheers. He sounds so much happier and more confident than he does at school. And for once, I can see that he really is no wimp.

"You want me to lead a song?!" He asked again, grinning and the camp cheers even louder. I see Annabeth trying to sneak away but he pulls her back and makes her sit at the very front. Drew, a daughter of Aphrodite teases her and she laughs loudly.

Percy goes to whisper in an Apollo camper's ear and he nods.

The guy I now see is Will Solace starts playing his guitar and the crowd silences.

"This ones for Annabeth!" He says cheekily and she blushes, but she still smiles adoringly.

<• Bold = Percy•>

Ho! I've been trying to do it right
Hey! I've been living a lonely life
Ho! I've been sleeping here instead
Hey! I've been sleeping in my bed,
Ho! I've been sleeping in my bed



Ho! So show me family
Hey! All the blood that I will bleed
Ho! I don't know where I belong
Hey! I don't know where I went wrong
Ho! But I can write a song


I belong with you, you belong with me you're my sweetheart
I belong with you, you belong with me you're my sweet





I was wrong about Percy Jackson. He's a good guy.

He's a hero.

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