•54• NaLu and GaLe

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Hey guys! *dodges spears and flaming arrows* Yes I know I haven't updated I'm sorry I don't really have an excuse besides I'm busy.
It's really important to me that you read my ANs so please do! There are only four chapters left for my PJO/HOO crossover. I will be starting book two in November. In the meantime October will be filled with updates for this story!

If you have not watched Fairytail then you will not understand this chappie. This is a Percabeth meets NaLu and GaLe one-shot. Enjoy!

I'm currently in hell- I mean the local bookstore with Gajeel and Levy, or as Fairytail likes to call them "GaLe". That has been their couple name since they got together about two years ago. But the main reason I am hear is because of my amazing girlfriend as of one year, Lucy. The two of them have been best friends pretty much ever since Lucy joined our guild and they're both huge nerds or bookworms, whatever. I personally hate books and sciency stuff. I wouldn't even be here right now if I hadn't made that stupid deal. You see, Gajeel and I both forgot about Valentine's Day this year, wrong move. To make up for it we promised Levy and Lucy that we'd take them to the bookstore and buy them whatever they wanted, thinking they'd only pick out a few books. Boy were we wrong.
"How many books is that Lucy?!" I exclaim. I can't even see her head because the pile is so high. Her face peeks around the side and stares up at me, a cute grin spread out across her face.

"No idea!" She giggles. "But you promised!" She teases and I sweatdrop.  Then Happy swoops in and sits on top of the pile. "Wow Lu-shee! How much do these cost?" His high voice squeaks out.

"Ummm....... Only like 50,000..." She says sheepishly and my mouth drops open. She laughs nervously at my reaction, a blush rising to her cheeks. Suddenly I hear the jingling of the door's bell and I turn to see another couple walk in. The boy has spiky black hair and sea green eyes while the girl has curly blond hair and grey eyes. The girl's expression immediately lights up once she sees the books and even I can tell she is a lot like Lucy and Levy. She runs off somewhere else in the store and he is left awkwardly standing there, looking around at nothing in particular. I decide to put the poor guy out of his boredom and motion for him to join Gajeel and I. 

"Your girlfriend is book-crazy too, huh?" Gajeel asks amusedly and the guy nods.

"My name's Percy. How about you?" He asks with a lopsided grin.
"I'm Natsu, this is Gajeel." I introduce ourselves, grinning back. After a few minutes of talking the girls come back with full bags in hand. But this time the blond girl is with them.

"This is my girlfriend Annabeth." Percy says. They girls look at Percy.

"I see you've already met our boyfriends." Lucy says with a warm smile. "Why don't you two come back to my apartment for dinner since it seems we all have a lot in common?" Lucy suggest and Percy nods eagerly.

"Okay then let's go!" I shout and begin to run down the street with Gajeel, Lucy, Levy, Percy and Annabeth close behind me. "I'm all fired up now!"

For future chapters, I want to see who you guys all ship. Comment something like "I ship it" for each couple that you ship below. It will be a big help so please please please comment! BE HONEST!

Percy + Annabeth
Leo + Calypso
Leo + Nico
Leo + Hazel
Leo + Echo
Leo + Reyna
Connor + Reyna
Travis + Katie
Connor + Miranda
Frank + Hazel
Jason + Reyna
Jason + Piper
Thalia + Luke
Thalia + Nico
Nico + Reyna
Nico + Will
Rachel + Octavian

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