•41• The new Olympians P2

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At first, Frank and I had an awkward and inexperienced relationship, which is expected of course as none of us had ever dated before (not including Sammy). But through time and experiences, we got used to it. We had our first child seven years after Jason and Piper had theirs, nine after Nico and Will, ten after Leo and Calypso and twelve after Percy and Annabeth. Our son has a mostly Asian complexion but his skin is slightly darker. He has neatly cropped hair and bright golden eyes. Our son's name is Vorto which comes from transvorto which means change, transform or metamorphose in Latin. Vorto was the god of change, survival, the wilderness, the unknown and ruler of all the animals. If your haven't figured it out yet, our son is four years old and he is already much more Ares-like than his father. Frank and I live in a palace in new Rome where we and Reyna (who is immortal but not a goddess) protect the camp.

Frank, Vorto and I are actually walking into camp Jupiter as we speak. As usual , the new campers look amazing and bow to us, but most campers just wave as they are used to our visits (I actually prefer they do the latter).

I walk up to the fifth cohort barracks holding Vorto's tiny hand in mine, and enter.

"Welcome, Frank and Lady Hazel!" Lynn says kindly when she sees us enter "How long will you need me to look after Vorto, again?" She asks sheepishly and I smile.

"Around three hours. I appreciate the help. Thank you Lynn." I say and her ears turn pink. Lynn is a daughter of Iris and my most trusted camper. I kiss Vorto's head and turn to leave with Frank who says "See you later, buddy." Before stepping out the door. I've been waiting to see the others for a few weeks now as we have all been incredibly busy and haven't gotten together. And now we can finally have a night to ourselves!

"You sure you're going to be okay?" I ask my daughter Rose. She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms.

"Dad, I'm eleven! Plus I'm a goddess, I'm pretty sure I know how to handle myself." She says stubbornly and I sigh but I can't fight back a smile at how much she sounds like her mother.
Rose has my bleach blonde hair and Piper's ever-changing eyes, except for Roses' if possible, are ever more spectacular. While Piper's change between blues, greens, greys and browns... Roses' have gone frompp-t grey to green to blue to purple to gold to brown to almost black and back to the turquoise and green shades!
Rose is the goddess of light, senses, misconception and love (as Aphrodite stepped down and Piper did not want to be in charge of it).
"Okay. But call us if you need anything, hon." I say and she nods.

"Have fun, bye mom and dad!" She says contently and Piper and I go to meet with our best friends.

"Travis Stoll!!!!" My wife screams from the other room. She comes into view, dripping wet and Fleur, Bandit and I burst out laughing. But then when she starts to come forward, I grab both of my children's hands and bolt out into the backyard.


Eventually though, Katie does catch us, literally. I pays us back by pulling the three of us into a big, wet hug! I'm trying to wriggle free but the twins are just squealing and giggling like normal five year olds should.

"Well Travis, it looks like I'll be wearing the other dress after all!" Katie says with a laugh and I grin at her. She goes inside leaving me with the twins.

Fleur and Bandit are twins and both have the same adorable strawberry blond hair and light blue eyes. I'm sure you can guess who named which twin! But anyway, Fleur is the goddess of growth, blooming/blossoming and you've guessed it... Flowers! (Katie is more in charge of fruits/vegetable and harvesting). Bandit is the god of disguises, masks, spies, rumours and lies.

But they both love helping me prank their mother, and for that reason only, I love them equally.

Relax, I'm kidding! Son of Hermes, remember?

Oh well, looks like Katie is ready to go, again. We'll walk the twins over to their babysitter's house and then we can leave! Friends, here we come!!!!!!!!

Okay first of all...
One other IMPORTANT thing:
This summer I'm writing a (maybe like 20-35 part) EricXoc fan fiction. I love these and I'm really excited for this but I need help with other characters. So if you are planning on reading this fanfic, please write a character form in the comments!
Name: (original + new dauntless name)
Brief description : (Personality + looks)
Old faction : (family + important info)
Role in fanfic : (bestie, enemy, random, nurse, bartender, dauntless born, transfer, etc)
Extra : (possible tattoos, events, anything else really (even another initiate who you want them to maybe date)


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