•38• Zoë

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My name is Zoë Rose Smith, and I'm a daughter of Ares and a hunter of Artemis.

I joined the hunt maybe five months ago and I love it. I know that the whole "no boys" rule sounds really horrible, but you get used to it. That rule was actually why I was having a hard time deciding wether to join or not. But it really isn't so bad. Plus since we travel together and since all of the hunters are so close, it's like having a sleepover with your best friends every night!

I was told that the old lieutenant was named Zoë too and I'm sad that I never got to meet her.

"Thalia! Zoë!" I hear Artemis call so I grab my bow and sheath of arrows and sprint towards her voice. When the two of us approach her she starts taking in greek which confuses me. I understand it, but Artemis rarely speaks to us in greek over English. Something's up. My brain automatically starts translating her words into English.

"I can sense someone, a mortal... Its over there behind my tent. Can you ah- being them out." She says and Thalia and I grin, we are going to scare the crap out of this mortal! I wonder who it is and how they found our camp. They could have been spying on us for long because if they had Artemis would have sensed them sooner.

Thalia and I enter the tree line Alitalia was away from where the spy is, so they won't notice us. Then we sneak up behind him and at the same time, we each grab one arms and drag him out if the forest, throwing him at Artemis' feet. He gasps in shock and grunts as he slowly pulls himself to his feet.

"Who are you, male?" Artemis asks with disgust. "And why are you sneaking around my camp?"

"I came to find a girl. Zoë Rose Smith. Where is she?" He demands and I decide to step in, who the hell would be looking for me. I step in front of him and I have to suppress a gasp when I see who it is.

"What do you want from me?!" I demand and his breath hitches when he sees me. He stares at me for a few seconds which causes me to glare harder. He finally finds his voice but he sounds more desperate than demanding now.

"Zoë! Please! I need you back, I love you!" He exclaims, cheeks flushing red. This causes my heart to break a little, but I stand tall and manage to speak in a menacing tone.

"Maybe you should have though of that before sleeping with Rene Yoger. Anyways, I'm in the hunt now, no males are allowed on the campground and besides, there's no going back." I say bitterly and he tries to beg more, he says that he wants me to come back with him, give him another chance but I have already walked away, leaving a sobbing Jay Wislom behind.

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