58 Connor

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Travis and I burst out of the Demeter cabin and stop a few cabins away to catch our breaths. Travis laughs. "Dude, that was priceless! Told you my plan would work!" I roll my eyes but smile anyway, I can't deny that it was a pretty good prank. A few of the newer demigods stop and stare weirdly at us, but mostly everyone is used to our behavior and simply rolls their eyes before resuming whatever they are doing. For a moment, everything seems perfect. The sun is shining, everyone is having fun, Travis and I just had yet another successful pra-


Annnnd that perfect moment is now over. I wince and look at Travis, then at Katie who is running towards us. Well, she sure doesn't look happy. We both start running at the same time, we've always been good at running. It's one of the reasons we are never caught. After a solid five minutes, we manage to lose her somewhere in the forest. But the two of us climb high into a tree before finally letting our guards down. I chuckle a little as I replay everything that just happened in my head. But then I force a serious expression onto my face and look at Travis, who is still laughing.

"You know, you really should apologize eventually. You did kind of ruin most of her garden and then trash her room. It was a little bit over the top this time." I say and he looks at me incredulously.

"I can't do that! She seriously pissed right now, and besides, what am I even supposed to say without sounding like an idiot?" He says and I roll my eyes at how much of a drama queen he is being. I know the real reason why he is so nervous, I mean it's obvious enough that he likes her. The reason he mainly pranks the Demeter cabin is because he wants her attention, and that's the only way he knows how. He isn't exactly a love expert. But then I get a great idea, one that could possibly solve more problems than one.

"Then right her a note." I say and as he considers my suggestion. "That way you won't sound dumb. Plus it will show that you took the time to do something for her and that you aren't just messing around." I explain and he grins. "Good idea! I guess I should go start now, see you later!" He says excitedly before jumping down from the tree and sneaking back to our cabin. I sit there for a few more minutes before the conch horn blows for dinner, and I decide that I should probably go eat.

After supper, as I am about to leave the cabin to go to the campfire, Travis runs in and shoved a paper into my hands. "Make sure it doesn't sound stupid." He says hurriedly and I nod. Well, here goes nothing. "Do you mind if I fix a few grammar mistakes?" I ask and he nods as if to say, 'whatever'.

My dyslexia is really mild, compared to my brother's. I can actually read and right pretty well. After reading through the note, which turns out to be much better than I had expected, I add a few sentenced to the end without Travis noticing. I figured that it needed to be a little more... romantic, effective, that's all. I quickly grab the bouquet of flowers, which I had specifically bought earlier for this occasion, and shove them and the note into Travis' hands. He smiles gratefully before running outside. I chuckle and follow him. This should be interesting. If all goes as planned then there will soon be a new ship on the wall in the Aphrodite cabin.

The campfire is fun as always, although I don't see Travis or Katie anywhere. When it is finally over, and I am walking back through the forest to my cabin, I see them. I watch from around a thick tree as he hands her the card and flowers, and how her eyes widen and a smile slowly stretches across her lips as she reads the note I ahem, "edited". And then next thing I know, Katie is saying "You're such an idiot." Before throwing her arms around him and pressing her lips against his, the note and flowers laying forgotten in the grass. At first Travis does nothing, his body frozen and eyes wide. But then, he eagerly kisses her back, and they don't stop even when half the camp (they had slowly started to sneak in and watch as Katie read the note) jumps out of the bushes and surrounds then, cheering and cat calling. And even though it is nowhere near as dramatic as when Percy and Annabeth (who by the way are here too and are smirked and complaining about how long it took for Tratie to get together, not that they can talk) finally got together, it is still a great night, and the start of an important relationship for my best friend and brother.

Maybe I am a child of Aphrodite after all.

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