•19• Tara

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Hey guys! Quick update, eh?
This chapter goes to fantasyfan38 because they read my other story and this is their idea so thanks a lot! :) I'd still be super happy if other readers could give ideas too! By the way the next chapter will be a bonus chappy, some of you may remember me saying that every ten will be special! What is special about the next chapter is that it has an IMPOSSIBLE couple as the main people! I have mentioned it before but I hopefully want to post it by tonight! If someone guesses it right in the comments I'll dedicate the chapter to you! Thanks -Rhea

Tumblr High (Definitely NOT a real high school XD) is probably the best school in North America!

I'm Tara, one of the juniors at Tumblr High. But that's not my most impressive quality, not even close.

Because I'm a demigod. I know what you are thinking, they don't exist! But trust me, they do. I am one of the six daughters of Apollo at camp half-blood. That is the only place where kids like me are safe, I stay there in the summer but the rest of the year I live with my mum and go to mortal school.


But today is special, demigods are in the school, I can sense them. No I'm not a satyr, my buddy Grover is lord of the wild and he gave me a blessing so I can sense demigods and monsters around me. Not nearly as well as satyrs can but a get a tingly sensation in the back of my head when a demigod is close by. I'll find them later, I walk into the gym for P.E. and sit down in the bleachers. I can hear Brit and her friends snickering behind me.

Bitch. Her sole purpose in life is to bug the living hades out of me. She and her friends whisper and say weird things about me, and she has slept with nearly every guy in our grade. So like over thirty-five people. She is basically the bully in every movie mixed together into one big whore or slut, whatever you want to call her.

Two people suddenly walk in the gym and the girl points to me. They must be the demigods I sensed so I get up and jog over to them, feeling Brit's glare burning through my back the entire time... Only when I get close to them, do I recognize who they are.

"Percy! Annabeth!" I whisper scream and they grin at me.

"Hey Tara!" Percy says. "Nico is leading a quest, a favour for his father and he's bringing you and Will along. We've already talked to your mom and we're driving you to camp after school."

My eyes light up and I hug Percy, I do the same for Annabeth three seconds later. Yes! My second quest! I had done one two years ago, saving the hunter Phoebe from a hoard of Cyclopes. It was pretty small and only took three days but those things were nasty.

Now, as they explained to me, I would be joining Nico and his boyfriend on a quest to hunt down this pack of empousai. Apollo overheard them talking about hiding just outside of Camp Jupiter and that they would ambush and kill any exiting camper. Now Apollo got upset and told Thanatos who complained to Hades that it wasn't the right time for them to die yet. Hades told Nico to go kill them before they got to the roman camp just this morning. So now Nico, Will and I get to go slay some annoying vampire girls! Great!

It will be my pleasure, and I'm sure the other two won't mind either. After a few minutes of talking, I head back to my seat. To my utter disgust, Brit leans over my shoulder and whispers.

"That black haired hotty is going to be mine." I can practically feel her smirk as she leans back in her seat. I roll my eyes in annoyance. Not a chance!

"Tara! Come over hear!" Percy says and I nod, smiling.

"This is my good friend Tara!" He tells everyone. "Today we will be learning sword fighting, like a workshop! For now you get to practice with a partner, after I show you some exercises."

"Then, before you go, we will have a ah, special battle." Annabeth continues and she winks at me.

If she is suggesting what I'm thinking...

We practice for thirty minutes before Annabeth calls us all back. I didn't use the wooden practice swords, I just took my own short, imperial gold sword out of my boot.

"Tara here is a good sword fighter!" Annabeth says and Brit scoffs.

"Something you'd like to say?" Annabeth questions angrily.

"There is no way that Tara knows how to fight, and her being your friend? Lies." She says simple and my two friend's eyes flare.

"Then I guess you wouldn't have a problem fighting her!" Annabeth says with an annoyed expression.

Brit simply smiles like it is the easiest task in the world. "Fine." She says. "And if I win, Percy over there has to go on a date with me." She says, smirking.

We all agree and the battle commences. It only lasts twenty seconds though, thats how easy it is to beat her. She swings at me twice which I block at and then steps back to pant. Loser. I step forward and swing elegantly at her, which she blocks by clumsily sticking out her sword sideways. But before she can move it again, I quickly lock my sword under hers and thrust upwards. Her sword clatters to the ground and Brit looks panicked, ha.

Percy then high fives me, says "class dismissed" and the three of us run out of the school together.

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