•46• Liam

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Okay I had a lot of fun writing this chapter! I am proud to say that I have fangirls and fanboys who read my stories. Almost all of the guys in my class are losers who don't read! 😂 this chappie goes to all of the fanboys out there!

Also I was looking through fanfic a and I found "The fandom games" by @Lilchip you must go read it it is so good. Warning there are a lot of feels but you must read the whole thing no matter how hard it is you will love the end trust me. Go read her stories okay?! Okay.

After throwing myself down on my bed after a long day of school, I pull out "The last Olympian" and begin reading. I have read the entire PJO and HOO series three times each, but there's no harm in reading it again, right?

My name is Liam, I am fifteen years old and I am a major fanboy. But don't worry, I don't squeal and have emotional breakdowns like the fangirls in my class do... Usually. Don't blame me! It's not my fault that authors have to make flawless couples!!!

No one (besides my family) knows I'm a huge bookworm. I also play on the city's best football and soccer teams. It's not that I'm embarrassed about reading, I just don't want my immature guy friends be jerks to me! One of the reasons I loved the Percy Jackson series so much is because I never knew my father. I had always tried to convince myself that I was a demigod, I even went as far as asking my mother who my after is. But she says that he divorced her when he found out she was pregnant with me. So it's impossible really. That's what I thought at least until four teens wearing camp half blood shirts showed up on my porch. I didn't think anything of them, I just assumed they were fans.

"Can I help you?" I asked confusedly.

"Actually yes." Said about with blond hair. "Does Denise Wayland live here?"

AN -That last name has no connection to TMI sorry!

How do they know my mom?
"Uh mom? There are people here to see you..." I call into the house. My mother comes out smiling but frowns when she sees the kids.

"Ambrosia?" She asks immediately and I look up at her. What the hell is ambrosia? How does she know these kids?

Wait! Do they mean ambrosia as in the food of the gods from the Percy Jackson series? I look at the four strangers as they stand awkwardly in the doorway. Blond hair and eyes that sparkle with electricity, choppy brown hair and tanned skin, stormy grey eyes, raven hair and sea green eyes?!

"What's your name?" I ask the raven haired boy.

"Percy. Why?" He asks and Annabeth hits his arm and scolds him for being rude. My mind begins to get dizzy as I point at each of the other three.

"Annabeth, Piper, Jason... Right?" I ask and they nod, shocked.

"How do you know our names?" Annabeth asks and I take a step back. "I've read this book series, call Percy Jackson and the Olympians, it's about you guys! I thought you were supposed to be made up characters!" I exclaim and they jump back. "That means someone has been spying on us." Growls Piper.

"Anyways, we just stopped here for a bit of ambrosia for Amnabeth's leg. Chiron said that your mother had some, because you're a demigod like us." Annabeth explains and my eyes widen.

"I can't be a demigod! My parents were divorced, my fathers name is Chris-" I begin but Annabeth interrupts me.

"Nope. Your mother was lying to protect you, very smart might I add." She says thoughtfully. When mom come back, they tell her that they are taking me to camp, which I obviously know all about, having read the books and all.

I'm stand just inside camp now, marvelling at it all. It is wayyyy better in person! I wasn't claimed as I stepped through the property line but I'll be claimed soon, I'm sure!

2 Days Later
I sigh as I walk into cabin three and throw myself down on the bed beside Percy's. Sword fighting is hard, I actually think I prefer a dagger or throwing knives. I'm not terrible at archery eight, like my brother Percy.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that. Poseidon claimed me as his son yesterday and let me tell you, Percy was completely ecstatic when he found out we were brothers. I can't make fun of him though, I was exactly the same!

We had decided to not mention the whole "person who is stalking and writing about us thing" after all. Both series are done and I know for a fact that there will be no more books about Percy Jackson. Which is fine by me, now I get to live his adventures with him and fight back to back! I am interrupted from my daydream by a knock in the door. I open it to see a beautiful girl, about my age with dark hair and big indigo coloured eyes.

"Is Percy there?" She asks and u shake my head.

"Oh that's fine, I'll give him this later, he's playing a prank on the Stolls and needed my help." She winks as she tells me this. "You are his new brother, Liam, right?" She asks and I nod with a stupid smile on my face. I can feel my cheeks heating up with every smile she sends my way.

"My name is Lou Ellen, I'm a daughter of Hecate." She says and my breath catches in my throat. I remember her, she is in Blood of Olympus, she helps disarm Octavian's cannon things with Nico, Will and Cecil! I'm so lost in my own mind that I blurt out the first thing I think without meaning too, I could help myself! She is so cool... And pretty and smart and cunning. I dint even need to read about her to figure those things out.

"Will you go out with me?" I blurt out and then slap a hand over my mouth, my cheeks burning hot. Lou Ellen just laughs and shakes her head.

"How a about we hang out, get to know each other first. Then we'll see." She suggests and I nod sheepishly, rubbing the back of my neck.
"Yeah that would probably be best."

She giggles and plants a kiss on my cheek, before running back to her cabin a food the centre field.

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