•22• Tony

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I l really like Total_Day_Dreamer's idea so I'm going to try it! Anyway guys, the first chapter of Nico Di Angelo and the Goblet of Fire is up! So go read it now! Go! Go! Go! Read this chapter first though!

"I am so sorry!" An unknown person exclaims and I feel myself being pulled up. Another man stands in front of me. He is much younger than me though. Just now do I remember that I had a Starbucks coffee in my hand and I look down to see it spilled all over the sidewalk. I sigh quietly but this other guy seems to notice. He looks even worse now that he realizes that he also spilled my coffee, it's not a very big deal. Now I feel bad because he feels bad! Ugh!

"I'm really sorry!" He says again and I'm about to tell him that it's fine but instead he asks. "Can I get you a new one?" Don't blame me for saying yes! It's not everyday a complete stranger offers you free coffee! We walk back the way I came, towards Starbucks and he pays for our drinks. As we are sitting down at a table I finally speak up.

"You don't know who I am, do you?" I sigh and he looks up, eyebrows raised.

"Sorry it's just that me and my buddies kind of saved the world once, I don't mind though!" I say hurriedly.

"Oh sorry. I was away for awhile, in Rome actually." He says and I nod my head, that definitely clears things up!

"Family vacation?" I guess and his face darkens. I can tell he doesn't mean for me to hear what he says next.
"More like fighting in war." He mumbles.

"What war?!" I blurt out and he looks at me weirdly. "You don't know about the giant war? How? I thought all demigods participated in that one!" He says with a confused tone of voice and I gasp.

"Wait... demigods. Are you saying that the gods are real?" I ask excitedly and he winces.

"Crap! You're a mortal." He grimaces and bangs his head on the table. Maybe he thought I was one of them, a demigod too. Oh I get it now."

I grab his arm and he looks up. "It's fine, I already know... Well, kind of. My friend Thor is a god, except he is from the Norse mythology stuff, and I guess you're talking about Roman, maybe Greek?" I say and he nods.

"Both, actually. Now I don't feel quite as worried, at least." He laugh half-heartedly. He probably threw himself into quite a panic there.

"Now that I think about it..." He says, I can tell he's trying to think. "My good friend Leo would probably get along very well with you. I do remember hearing about you, you're the guy with the crazy iron suit, correct?" He asks me and I say "uhun" he continues on.

"You guys could probably exchange notes." He says. "I bet it would be a great experience as he is a genius like you." Percy tells me. (We introduced ourselves while we were waiting for our drinks).

After talking a bit more and even discovering that I'm "clear sighted" we agree that I should come to his camp/home thingy. He says that Chiron will want to meet me knowing that I'm friends with a Norse god. So off we go, we walk back to my place and I grab my car after telling Pepper where I'm going. I can't wait 'till we get there! I honestly don't know what to expect...

There you have it! Don't worry guys the next chapter will be part 2 of this story. I wanted to do it in two separate parts, one where he meets Percy and the other meeting Leo. I am using you're guys' ideas for future chapters but I still need ideas for chapters 27,28,29,30 so four more of your ideas, my fantastic readers! Thanks, the next part of this will be posted tomorrow as soon as I can get it done!

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