•31• Rene

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Once again I'm sorry for the slow update. I hope this chapter will make up for it. Sorry, this is the Percy's mortal friends chapter. Cody's chapter will come up next!

Iv'e never been to Percy's house before, despite being one of his best friends. I have dirty blond, straight hair and bright emerald eyes. I'm not the prettiest girl in the school or the most popular but I'm friends with most people and I do have my fair share of admirers. But all I want is Percy. He has sexy windswept hair and these gorgeous eyes. Ronal, yes his name is Ronal, don't you dare insult him. It's pronounced like rO-nal not some cheap version of the name Ronald. He is also part of our "group" I guess you could say, he has brown hair and these beautiful deep blue-purple eyes. They're almost like a bit of a lighter shade of indigo! There is Lucy who has black hair and has a beige/tan eye colour, she is half Chinese because her dad is Chinese but her mom isn't which gives her an amazing hair/eye colour combo! She is incredibly pretty and is dating Matt. Matt, well first of all, his hair is bright green. He dyed it but it looks good on him, it doesn't give him an emo or goth look either which is good! He just looks like a really hot guy with blue eyes and green hair, nothing abnormal. Mark is lean and tall and plays hockey and is on the schools football team. He's the running back.
Finally there is Ed, he isn't the most attractive guy but he's still absolutely adorable! He has light brown hair and pastel/mossy green eyes that give him a peaceful air. Sometimes I feel like I like him but, I like Percy! Don't I?

Ronal knocks on the door and Percy opens it. He grins when he sees us and opens the door wider so we can all walk in. After a few minutes of talking and getting our supplies (aka paper, pencils and cookies) we start working. You see we're doing this project for English, our teacher gave us these really complicated issues or questions and we have to find a good way to solve them. We were allowed to choose a group of four or five so naturally we decided to work together. We have been discussing and jolting down ideas for about fifteen minutes until we hear sobbing. All five of our heads turn towards the hall way and Percy runs into one of the rooms. He comes out a minute later with a girl in his arms. She has curly, blond hair and grey eyes, but she looks like she's been crying.

"Whoa, dude? Who's she? And why is she crying?!" Mark asks and Percy finally sees the looks of confusion on our faces.

"Guys this is my girlfriend, Annabeth. She was taking a nap and she had a nightmare, that's why she's crying. We both have this disorder that gives us insanely bad and realistic nightmares... So uh." That really weird, but I can't help but feel bad for them, I wonder if there is a way to help prevent it...

Girlfriend? Percy would have told us if he had a girlfriend... I thought he might like me, ugh! I'm so stupid! I should've known, he's way to good for me! Of course he would have a girlfriend!

I stand up and everyone turns to look at me. "I-I have to go." I stammer and everyone looks at me, confused. But before they can say anything I rush out of the apartment and run home.

Ed's POV

What's wrong with Rene? I feel really bad, I mean I really care about her, but I don't know if she feels the same way though. Rene is in a lot of stress right now, I don't even the she knows.

After she left, Annabeth helped us with our project a bit, she's really smart! Like, incredibly smart! And thanks to her, we were able to almost completely finish the project! And we still have a few days until we have to present them to the class! One or two more work periods in class and we'll be ready to go! I still can't take my mind off of Rene though, I wonder why she left?

Rene's POV • The next day

I thought a lot about Percy and my feelings for him and Ed. And I realized something.

I do not love Percy Jackson.

Percy has a girlfriend, and they really care about each other! When I'm around Ed, it's not just a friendly feeling, I never realized what it was until now. People say that thinking about things in the morning after a good nights rest is easier, and they are so right. It's nine o'clock and I've made a decision. Ed makes me feel like I can do anything, and as cute and awesome as Percy is, he's just not Ed.
So I'm going to text Percy and clear things up with him, right now. And then I'm going to tell Ed how I really feel about him. I'm in love with my best friend.

P = Percy • R = Rene • E = Ed

R - Percy, I'm sorry I left yesterday. I've been really stressed in during the past few months but I'm fine now. I thought that I had feelings for you but I don't. Now I know that I want to be with Ed, so I'm sorry.

P - That's okay, Rene, really. It's good that you like Ed though, I think you'll make a great couple!

R - What if he doesn't like me back?

P - He does. Trust me, he talks about you non-stop. Go for it!

R - Okay, thanks! :) you and Amnabeth are really cute btw. See you at school! Bye.

P - Haha thanks! See you later, Rene. Good luck with Ed! :P

I smile. That went really well, that's what I love about having Percy as a friend, he is so understanding, and I can tell him anything. Now to talk to Ed... I shakily start typing letters to my hopefully, soon to be boyfriend.

R - Hey, can I talk to you?

E - Well we already are, aren't we?

R - Ed seriously, this is important!

E - Okay, sorry. What's up?

E - You ok?

R - Yah, definitely. But...

E - But what? What happened?

R - I think I like you

E - You think you like me?

R - No. I know I like you, well I think I love you to be honest.

E - For real?

R - Yes! Now please tell me how you feel and save me the embarrassment.

E - Okay well

E - I like, no, I love you too. Completely absolutely. So...

E - Are we going to try to go out? I mean

R - I'd really like that! Only if you want to.

E - Of course I do! We could go to the premiere of that movie you wanted to see? On Friday?

R - Sure... Thanks

R - uh

R - ...

E - Love you, Rene.

R - Love you too.

Some of you want me to make a fanfic out of the Weasley/Stoll chapter.

But what if I told you that it will be part of another fanfic that I already started, and that some of you have already read it...

What would you say then?

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